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 Sep 2013 Willson
Jade Ellen
As you hang out of your sticker filled window at 12am, lighting a tobacco cigarette
I question your motives
I patiently watch the ash detach itself from the end of the cancer causing glow
Through the wind it flies, amongst the whistling gaps of dying grey trees
It's winter now and things are cold, yet the glinting cigarette is diffusing heat into your large palms
I silently demand a reason why someone so beautiful would commit such a ***** crime to their lungs
But I can see the look in your autumn filled brown eyes, I can see the loneliness
And the more I inquisite, the more I know that our love is the careless cigarette

You are the ash drifting away from me
I am the ash hopelessly falling for you
You are the tobacco holding a great taste for adventure
I am the tobacco to fill your missing void
You are the nicotine that creates my addiction
I am the nicotine that shows persistence and annoyance
You are the glow that shows the spark in my eyes
I am the glow that is slowly wasting away
You are the tar that is clogging my heart the way lungs are filled
I am the tar that slowly kills one

The chances of smoking killing you are fairly high, yet some luckily dodge the illnesses accustomed to it

I am dying of a broken heart, but you


are the lucky one
 Sep 2013 Willson
Jade Ellen
You gave me a Friday feeling continuously
Yet I was your Monday morning blues

I incorporated a substantial amount of effort to reveal my love
You thought I was persistent

I arrived on time after anxiously waiting around all morning
You turned up carelessly late to minimise time

We laid upon your bed huddling like innocent penguins to keep warm
I was oblivious to what the upcoming week would bring

I lost the love note which held only a lie
I threw away your lighter as the spark had vanished, just like ours did
Your comforting clothes and plush toy are now doubtlessly collecting dust and cigarette fumes from inside of your closet
You furiously broke the bracelet which I gave to you in pride
You deleted our memories held in pictures
You replaced me in less than 24 hours, so I thought

The truth is, so the fault in our stars quote, I fell in love the way you fall asleep, slowly; and then all at once

I had thought previously that you no longer required my unconditional attention
However I fail to believe this when you are knocking at my door at 3am whilst you're calling out to me in my dreams
I fail to believe this when you start conversations late at night, when thoughts are deep and emotions are raring

Whether we were once magnets facing the attracting way, or you were just a lost soul in need for company I shall never know
But what I do know of, is that today is the day I am fine and content, and one day you will be hurting just like I once was
 Sep 2013 Willson
 Sep 2013 Willson
"Life is hard. Life only brightens when we look on the brighter side."
This is a quote that came to me last night
and it came back to my head this morning
so I thought I would share it here!! :)
Enjoy!! :) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Willson
She holds living animals in her arms,
And when winter comes she keeps them warm,
She is Nature's Woman, a woman beautiful and lovely;
She is such a blessing to me.
She is kind to all living things,
And has such a beautiful heart that sings,
Her heart is a tapestry of love;
And she is sent down from God above.
She always is kind and sweet,
Her beauty I always greet,
I thank God for creating such a lovely lady;
On and on her beauty shines in the forest shady.
She plays upon a piano that sings,
And all throughout the forest her melody rings,
She is the sweetest lady ever;
And I will love her forever.

This is dedicated to my Mom with love!! :) <3
I hope she enjoys this!! ;) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Willson
I see a sunset of orangish-gold painted in the sky,
Tall majestic palm trees stand so high,
The sun is sinking in the west;
And all the world is going to sleep and rest.
The palm trees are standing on the rocky coast,
I love this place the most,
I can see for miles and miles;
And in my heart I will treasure this place as Evening Skies.

May lengthen when I have the time...don't know yet!!!
May you enjoy it, my HP friends!! :) ~~<33
 Sep 2013 Willson
Two lovers are standing on the shore,
Beautiful this place shall be evermore,
There is a beautiful sunset painted in the sky;
Beautiful palm trees stand so high.
There is a rocky island in the west,
And all the birds have flown to rest,
The beautiful waves are in motion;
The sunset is reflected in the ocean.
This place I hold dear to my heart,
God created such a beautiful work of art,
The sun is sinking behind the sky;
This place is so beautiful I could cry.
The ocean breezes create a symphony,
Beauty is woven in the air so sweetly,
This place in my heart is kept;
I love this beautiful Romantic Sunset.

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