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Willow-Anne Jul 2017
"Always put you're own needs first"
That's what you've always said
For if you attempt to help everyone
Too thin, you'll soon be spread

But I chose not to listen
Which is really nothing new
I wore my heart upon my sleeve
And into danger, I flew

Building other people up
Was always worth it in the end
No matter how many times they fell
My hand would always extend

But I started to feel that weight
Pulling me every-which-way
And with my own world crumbling around me
I soon fell into dismay.

I guess in some ways you were right
I should have made sure to care for me
So I tried to make that change in life
And listen to my own heart's plea

I took a little time alone
And focused on my own needs
But when I spoke of that choice to you
You disapproved of all those deeds.

You said my choices were selfish
And that my actions had all turned rude
Since I no longer blindly followed the plan
You and I began to feud

I was left completely baffled
For I had done just as you said
I took the time I needed
And did things to clear my head

And that is when I realized
What those words had really meant
It wasn't so much a piece of advice
But ideals you followed a hundred percent

"Always put your own needs first"
That is exactly what you did.
I wish I'd listened a little closer
To the truth you never hid

Because when it comes down to it
That's really what you believe
And now that I have finally seen the truth
I fear, I've no choice..but to leave
"But that's the problem with putting others first. You've taught them that you come second.
Willow-Anne Mar 2017
She’s more fun when she is drunk
At least…until she’s not
Because she’s puking in the toilet
And regretting her last shot

She’s more confident when she’s drunk
Gorgeous and ready to score
Until she looks in a mirror
And feels even uglier than before

She likes herself more when she is drunk
Until that feeling goes away
When she is so far beyond gone
That her self-hatred comes out to play

She’s happier when she’s drunk
All her issues leave her brain
But they all come crashing back at once
And cause her so much pain

She likes the world more when drunk
It’s filled with so much good
Until one little thing sets her off
And she hates it all more than she should

She likes life more when she’s drunk
Her mind for once feels still
Terrified of losing that feeling
She soon wants to end things with a pill

But she can stop any time she wants
Or so she’d have you believe
Because alcohol makes her seem so happy
That is, until all her friends leave
Edit: (3/10/17) Oh my goodness! I haven't logged on in a couple of days and boy did I miss a lot!
I am doing my best to respond to all your messages and comments now! Sorry for the wait!
Thank you all so much for such an overwhelming amount of love and support <3 You guys are amazing
For those of you who struggle with addiction of any kind, hang in there, and I hope you all find the help and support you need <3
Best wishes to you all. And thank you again <3

Edit: (3/11/17)
Alrighty, so I just got a very long message that without going too into details accused me of poking fun at alcoholism with this poem. I would just like to be very clear that this poem was in no way inteaded to make fun of the illness that is alcoholism, and if it came off that way to anyone else, I am truely truely sorry. Words can not express that enough for I very much wished the opposite intent. Alcoholism (and addiction in general) is a very serious illness that I take very seriously. I sinceraly hope that anyone who is struggling with it gets the help they need and those of you who are in recovery, I am proud of you. Stay strong and continue to work towards it <3
Once again, my sincere apologies again to anyone who was offended.
Love to you all <3 - Willow-Anne
Willow-Anne Dec 2016
In times of crisis or trouble
I’m the one that keeps it together
When the world's crashing around me
I remain everybody’s tether

“Hey are you alright?”

I offer words of comfort
I tell them: ‘all will be okay’
No matter what the problem is
I have something positive to say

“You know…. its okay to be upset”

‘I’m fine’, I tell them all
When things happen in my life
Everyone around me is impressed
That I’ve overcome another strife

“Just keep hanging in there”

The truth is no one knows
That this is how I cope
I hide behind the happy mask
So I can give others hope

“You’re taking this…really well”

But somewhere along the way
I lost track of how I feel
I even tricked myself into thinking
That my happiness was real

“Are….are you sure you’re okay?”

But I can feel my façade cracking
Emotions are breaking through
I don’t have any distractions
And I don’t know what to do

“But..if you’re really okay…”

I force my smile even bigger
And laugh without knowing why
I’ll do whatever I have to do
To maintain this beautiful lie

*“…then why are you crying?”
Willow-Anne Jul 2016
I have always been a skeptic
On things concerning love
The very idea of love at first sight
Was something I'd grown sick of

How could anyone fall in love
With someone they didn't know
Surely such a thing could not exist
In anything other than a show

But 'love' simply isn't the right word
For the feeling that takes place
It's like the world slows down around you
And your heart picks up the pace

You see, I knew that you were special
From the moment I looked into your eyes
I felt something for you in an instant
But I had yet to realize

Fascinated by your splendor
And the way you were full of light
Some part of me needed to know you
And just introduce myself outright

I grew close to you so quickly
And looking back I should have known
All I wanted was for you to be happy
Because my feelings for you had grown

So even if you're with someone else
And you travel far away
I will continue to be there for you
And by your side I will always stay

So I'm forced to hide my feelings
From absolutely everyone
Not a soul will ever know
That you're my forbidden one
"La douleur exquise"
Willow-Anne May 2016
Do you believe in destiny?
That you were born for a certain need  
A certain path you are told to follow
Which you've no choice but to heed

I was born to be a hero
To protect those who are weak  
I'm the one that will come running  
When others begin to shriek

I jump in the way of battles
And protect the young from pain
Seeing the people that I love be happy
Is what I hope to attain

Sometimes it gets lonely
Standing out amongst the pack
Sometimes it gets scary
Having a target on your back

When people see great power
They want to make it their own
The fact that one day I might lose
Is something I've always known

But knowing I've done some good
And that I might've saved a friend
Every single sacrifice I've made
Was worth it in the end

So it's with a smile on my face
And with a kiss, I say goodbye
Don't you shed a tear my love
'Cause sometimes heroes die
I think I spent more time trying to think of a one word title that I was happy with than I actually did writing this poem....
But hey, its been a while,but I finally wrote something.
Willow-Anne Apr 2016
They say that you've gone crazy
And that your mind is in the slum
When you repeat your actions
But you expect a new outcome

I never thought I was insane
Until the day that we first met
You fought me on every little thing
To the point where I got upset

I told you to leave me alone
But you fought me on that too
You said you were only joking around
And that you understood my view

I forgave but didn't forget
Until the next time it came up
We were at each other's throats again
And I wanted to just break up

"But love doesn't quit" you said to me
"You can't just walk away"
Suddenly I felt it was all my fault
And by your side I decided to stay

The fights grew closer and closer
And slowly got more intense
It got so bad that out in public
Strangers came to my defense

They say that you've gone crazy
And that your mind is in the slum
When you repeat your actions
But you expect a new outcome

They say that I've gone crazy
And I guess what they say is true
'Cuz no one seems to understand
Why I keep forgiving you
Hey there everyone, because of the subject of this poem I just wanna take a couple minutes to address abusive relationships and say it is okay to end a relationship that has become toxic and that you do not need to feel guilty about it. Never let the other person guilt trip you into staying with them if you don't feel safe/loved/etc. It is important to take your own needs and health into account. If your significant other is manipulating you/abusing you physically or mentally, or making you feel unsafe then please get out of the relationship and seek help if you need it. You do not deserve that, and I promise you the person is not worth the pain they are putting you through. It may seem hard, but I promise there is a world full of opportunities and people who want the best for you. Things get easier when you are out of toxic, abusive relationships.
Stay healthy and stay safe <3
Willow-Anne Mar 2016
Sometimes I feel like a puzzle piece
Looking for the perfect spot
But actually finding a connection
Is harder than I would have thought

Sometimes I find a section
That looks exactly like my hue
But our edges just won't match up
And I have to begin my search anew

I recently thought I found my place
Where everything seemed to fit
Together we'd be a work of art
I thought this was finally it

But once we started to get closer
I noticed that something was wrong
Our pieces wouldn't fit together
And I once again would not belong

I didn't want to search anymore
After the years of frustration
So I came to the conclusion
It was time for an alteration

There were pieces of myself
I thought I could afford to lose
So I began hacking at my edges
And changing some of my views

Even with the changes though
We could never be a match
I couldn't become the proper shape
For us to be able to attach

But as I turned to leave
It occurred to me what I'd done
I'd altered myself forever
And might not ever fit anyone

My once perfectly smooth edges
Were now ugly and uneven
And so I left it all behind
Thinking I had nothing to believe in  

While I wandered around the world
Feeling helpless and alone
I soon discovered a brand new place
Called the crooked puzzle zone

It was a city full of misfits
Who thought they'd never find their place
They were all so friendly and welcoming
Of my broken, tattered face

Together we still make beautiful art
It's just a little more abstract
And though we don't have our "perfect pairs"
We can still happily interact.

So whenever you're feeling down
And life has made you weary
Remember the world is full of puzzles
And every piece is necessary
Ever sit down with an idea in your head, start writing, and end up with a totally different result than what you originally set out to write?
That was this poem.
Oh well..I guess I'll have to come back to the other idea some other time lol
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