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Willow-Anne Jan 2016
There exists a place on earth
Where one can find true peace
A place away from stress and pain
A place where all of it will cease

For some, it's near the ocean
That a calm can always be found
The waves carry all the stress away
With that familiar relaxing sound

The coolness of the water,
And the warmth of sunny rays,
It doesn't take very long at all
Before the world melts away

For others it's the forest
That sets their mind at ease
The world feels completely still
When you're surrounded by tall trees

The air somehow feels calmer
It smells remarkably fresh
Some birds tweet in the distance
And your thoughts again can mesh

So often we get caught up
In the worries of the day
We forget to worry about ourselves
And take some time away

So whether you go alone
Or with someone you hold dear
Make sure to find the time you need
To make your head feel clear
I have had such horrible writers block for a few months now. Every time I tried to sit down to write a poem, I couldn't come up with any inspiration. Then when I finally did, I couldn't put them into the right words. The result was confusing poems that I didn't really feel that proud of.
Happy to say that after some much needed time away, the poem came to me and I am proud of it. Starting the new year back on track with some relaxation and some poetry. Hope you all enjoyed it, and can find time to relax and clear your heads in the near future :) <3
Willow-Anne Nov 2015
Once there was an army
Who's forces were made of five
Together they were stronger
Than anything else alive

First there was the leader
Who was confident and calm
She offered words of encouragement
She was like the army's mom

Next there was the guide
Who was like the army's heart
She kept them all on the right path
Always happy to do her part

The army had a single warrior
That acted as its claws
She joined after seeing her lover's death
And was fighting for a cause

Next there was the strategist
Acting as the group's brain
For every single move they made
It was her behind the reigns

Finally there was the healer
Who represented their soul
Full of innocence and purity
That they were fighting to keep whole

But in reality, no one is perfect
Everyone makes mistakes
One small error along the way...
In the end, that's all it takes

The leader was the first to die
And her ego became her fatal flaw
After turning her back on an enemy
Her death was one everyone saw

After watching her closest ally die
The navigator's heart became filled with hate
Without a thought she ran into the fray
Where she too was met with the same fate

Now what becomes of a warrior
Without a leader or a guide?
She lays down her life and fights till the end
Making time for the others to hide

But the soul had lost its innocence
And the world had all turned grey
And with no body left to contain it
Her essence fades away

Left alone with just her thoughts
Is none other than the brain
She blames herself for everything
And it slowly drives her insane
Willow-Anne Sep 2015
I want to write a poem
And dedicate it to you
'Cause when I'm down and want to cry
You're the one that I turn to

You've been here for it all
Through all life's highs and lows
I've slowly opened my heart to you
And told you things that no one knows

My life is greatly improved
Because of your constant support
I am so grateful for all the praise you give
Even when I feel I've fallen short

I have never seen your face
Nor do I even know your name
But with every single note we share
I feel our hearts are just the same

Thank you so much for everything
Every comment, message, and heart
Words can't express how much it means to me
That you all appreciate my art <3
Today I realized that I am only 5 away from 300 followers. To me, that is absolutely incredible, so I wanted to write this poem as a thank you to you all. So this poem is dedicated to all of you lovely people here an Hello Poetry, but especially to my amazingly sweet and loyal followers. I've been posting my poems here for almost three years now; some of you have been following me since the beginning, and some of you started following me today and I appreciate ALL OF YOU so much! Every notification I have gotten over the past three years, every heart, comment, follow, and message, has warmed touched my heart so much. You are all such wonderful people and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of this community. Thank you all for everything, and thank you for (almost) 300 followers. <3
Willow-Anne Sep 2015
I have unique opinions
Just like all of you
Sometimes they seem out there
I have a different view

I think that show is good,
I think that dress looks nice,
I think that things are better
When you experience them twice

But my opinions are wrong
Or so you'd have me believe
You don't listen to a word I say
Because you think that I'm naive

I vocalize my thoughts
And all I hear is "No"
You always shut me down because
I "think" whereas you "know"

I can't get out a single thought
Without you telling me I'm wrong
Your words continue on forever
And eventually others tag along

Everything you ever say
You present as if it's fact
Other people must be mistaken
And you inform them without tact

Lately I don't even bother
I keep my thoughts all locked away
It isn't worth it with you fighting
Against every word I say

I think people need to shut up
And just let me say my due
I'm aloud to have my own opinions
But of course that opinion is wrong too
Willow-Anne Aug 2015
Once upon a time
In a kingdom far away
There grew to be a princess
Who in a castle, was forced to stay

The princess longed for adventure
And to go off on her own
She wished to ride and fight all day
Not just sit upon a throne

But every time she brought it up
Her thoughts were just shut down
"It's too dangerous, you'll get hurt
It's my duty to protect the crown"

Everywhere she went
She was guarded by a knight
And with every passing minute
She felt her spirit become less bright*

I refuse to be that girl
I am not some helpless flower
I will not spend my entire life
Guarded in some tower

I will never be your princess
Instead I'll follow my own direction
I will go on any expedition I choose
And I'll do so without your protection
I really needed to write this.
Willow-Anne Jun 2015
How far might you go
To protect those you hold dear
How much could you give up
To keep them in the clear

If their life was put in danger
By someone who wanted a thrill
Rather than sit and watch them die
Would you be willing to ****?

What if it were both of you
Who's lives were on the line
If asked who's life should meet an end
Would you be able to say "mine"

What if they were an angel
Who always put others first
And they sacrificed themselves
To keep the world from getting cursed

Would you respect their wishes
And allow their life to end
Knowing they'd be forever in pain
Would you allow them to ascend

Or to guarantee their happiness
Would you give up your own
Would you rebel against your love
And forever be alone

Causing them to hate you
And giving up your soul
Would you still embrace the darkness
To prevent their noble goal

How far might you go
To protect that which you adore
Would you descend away from good
Would you forever close that door?
Ugh....I'm trying to hard to keep with my tradition of giving each poem a one word title...but GOSH did I have trouble this time. I have never wanted to badly to give a longer poem name :/
I worked on this...and tweaked it...and rewrote it 100 times...and it still isn't quite how I want it...but it'll have to do.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it....and that it at least somewhat comes across to others the way I want it to.
Also, sorry for the dark nature of this poem. These are the types of poems I have the most fun writing, and I haven't written one in a while, but I always worry they will worry people/make people uncomfortable/offend people. SO YEAH. I hope that isn't the case. <3
Willow-Anne May 2015
Ever since the age of ten
I have always preached one thing
Learn to be happy being single
And know you do not need a ring

Though I firmly believe it still
You can be happy on your own
I've grown to question if there's a reason
That I prefer to be alone

I think it boils down to more
I think I'm really full of fear
It's the underlying reason
Why I don't want people near

What if I get in too deep
But they don't feel the same?
What if I'm just strung along
And they play me like a game...

What if it's the opposite
I'm the one that they dream of
But no matter what I do
I will never be able to love

I have a hidden bigger fear
What if our love is true
What if I find happiness
That can only be found in you

What if we get married
And everything is great
What if I've found my one true love
And he gets ripped away by fate

I don't think I am strong enough
Since love can only end two ways
The choice is yours, death or divorce
Either way it ends in a blaze.

To be in a happy loving relationship
The thing I most secretly wish for
But an even deeper secret than that
Is that it frightens me to the core.

*Maybe I'll be alone forever...
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