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Willow-Anne Oct 2014
For all the time I've know you
You've worn a mask upon your face
It appeared beautiful, perfect, and friendly
But now I realize that wasn't the case

For hiding underneath that mask
Was a soldier bent on destruction
Posing as a comrade fighting for good
But following the other side's instruction

You wormed your way into our ranks
And we accepted you as one of our own
But all of us were unaware
Your true intentions had not yet been shown

When an opportunity presented itself
You struck without any hesitation
Our troops started dropping left and right
Without any sign of infiltration

You knew you only had so long though
Before your actions got you caught
So you moved to abolish your final target
A tougher task than you had thought

That night, when you attacked me
You allowed your mask to fall
And as you fled, I caught a glance
Of the real person beneath it all

Well, "What doesn't **** you makes you stronger"
And you make me tougher every day
Which is why no matter what you do
I refuse to let you stand in my way

I learned some valuable lessons
About how you fight this war
And now those same old boring tactics
Won't work here any more

So thank you for the knife
That you embedded in my back
For you just gave me the tool I need
To defend against any future attack.
Willow-Anne Sep 2014
I'm surrounded by a sea of people
As far as the eye can see
All flowing in the same direction
And just floating along, is me

I've been wading in this water
Letting it carry me any way
Not caring about which direction
And never having any say

After wading all this time though
My legs started growing tired
So finally it was time to choose
Which direction I desired

But the problem with floating along
Was that I never became aware
I wasn't really a part of the waves
I was just sort of...there

What I wanted didn't matter
The waves still moved as one
Whether I moved with or against them
Didn't matter in the long run

Then I thought I better get out
And give myself some time to think
But I couldn't see the shore anymore
And with that, I started to sink

Now I'm surrounded by a sea of people
As far as the eye can see
All still flowing in the same direction
But drowning in it, is me
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone." Robin Williams <3
Wow, I am so honored that this was chosen for daily poem and that I have received so many friendly comments.
Thank you all for your friendly words and messages, and for your love and support. You have no idea how much it means to me. <3
Willow-Anne Aug 2014
"Every single day's the same
And in the end I'm all alone..."
"It doesn't matter what you say...
I feel pain you've never known"

This is how you view your life
As something worth throwing away
And all I wish for is to show you
How to view it a different way

You view the world in black and white
Without any specks of grey
You chose to focus on only the bad
Which causes your own dismay

The real world is full of color
It's a giant work of art
And though it has some shadows
That is just one little part

So when all you see is darkness
And you feel life's become too glum
Just remember that it won't last
And there are brighter things to come

There is beauty all around you
And every day is a new surprise
Full of joy, and people who care
You just have to *open your eyes
Willow-Anne Jul 2014
How would it affect your life
If someone said to you
You aren't good enough to succeed
At the thing you most want to do

Would you not let it get to you
And push forward to your goal
Not letting them have the satisfaction
Of having any form of control

Would it fuel you like a flame
And give you the drive to succeed
Working harder to prove them wrong
And having extra reason to proceed

Or would their words be like a dagger
And cut you to your core
And cause your mind to feel
Like its in the middle of a war

'Cause that's what your words did
They caused a battle in my brain
Continue to work towards nothing?
Or quickly abandon that train?

Part of me felt like six years of work
Should just be thrown away
I no longer had the confidence
To move forward in any way

But I knew I wouldn't be happy
If I chased any other dream
So I felt like I couldn't win
Life was a constant battle upstream

A year is how long it took
To repair what you destroyed
To put back pieces of myself
And remember what I once enjoyed

But now I'm ready to move on
And pursue the things I love
As for all your hurtful words...
I'm ready to rise above
This is the first poem in a while that I have actually been really proud of. (minus the title...I'm kinda hoping something better comes to me later :P)
I've tried to write a poem about this a couple of times and none of them have come out right. So I feel like I finally got it right hahaha. Hope you all like it :)
Willow-Anne Jul 2014
I've always had a problem
With telling others how I feel
I try finding ways to express my thoughts
But instead I find more ways to conceal

I can never find the words to say
"Hey you're starting to drive me nuts"
Instead I keep it bottled up inside
Till I start to hate their guts

I yearn to admit my feelings for others
To say: "I am interested in something more"
To be able to open my heart to them
And say they are someone I adore.

I also wish I could call on others
When all I want to do is cry
But whenever people try to help
All I can ever do is deny

I want to be able to let people in
And to say what's on my mind
To answer all of their questions
And not keep my emotions confined

I wish I could do all these things
But instead it always goes wrong
I push everyone I love away
And they all feel strung along

So when I feel like I am alone
And like no one really cares
I know that it is my own fault
'Cause I'm "the one that never shares"
I feel like I have a serious case of writers block lately.
I have a lot of things I want to write about.. but my poems are coming out as serious word salads....oh well... Hope you all enjoy this one anyways :P
On that note, I would just like to thank all of you amazing people here on HelloPoetry for being so supportive and sweet as I post these poems. Even when I have trouble expressing myself or saying what is on my mind, you guys are always so kind and quick to tell me the opposite. Thank you for giving me a place/comunity where I can really be myself and express myself to the fullest without fear of judgement, mean comments, or hate. Seriously thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making me feel so welcomed and able to express myself. You all rock.
Willow-Anne Jun 2014
Once there was a little bird
With nothing left at all
All alone stuck on the ground
The bird just small

So the bird began to walk
Till the old nest was out of sight
It didn't have the strength anymore
To stand up for itself and fight

After walking for forever
It found another nest
But decided to keep walking
It didn't want to be a pest

But there was someone in the nest
That kindly invited the bird to stay
And though the bird was cynical
It thought "well maybe just today"

The day turned into a week
That week turned into two
And before the bird realized it
All its problems slowly withdrew

Its feathers gradually grew back
And its wing slowly began to heal
The more time it spent in this new nest
The more living here seamed ideal.

The bird got its confidence back
And once again it could soar
It flew around with its new friends
And sang louder than before

Once there was a little bird
As happy as could be
It soared up in the sky all day
Home at last...and free
This morning....almost an entire year later, I came up with a sort of happy alternate ending/continuation of my poem "Flightless" and just kinda had to write it down.
I still love flightless as a stand alone poem exactly the way it is....but I feel like this alternative ending/part two also ties it up nicely and like sends a good message and whatnot, so I felt the need to write it and share it. Anyways, hope you all like this similar stand alone poem/continuation/Alternate ending? lol
Willow-Anne May 2014
Not a single day goes by
That I don't reminisce
On the good times that we had
And all the things I miss

My head is full of memories
Of all the days we shared
Driving all over the city
And doing anything we dared

We used to talk all night long
About the future and the past
We dreamed of seeing the world
We thought the time we had would last

But the funny thing about time
Is that it really doesn't care
If it ruins all your plans
Or if it makes life seem unfair.

Our dreams did not come true
Because time just slipped away
Our lives were suddenly torn apart
And the future turned dark and gray

I have missed you every day since
And I will miss you till the end of time
Some people believe that you only get one...
And I think you might have been mine

So I'm making sure to tell everyone
"Make time for what matters to you"
Because we think that we have forever
But that really isn't true...
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