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Willow-Anne Aug 2013
Everyone has choices in life
And make them every day
Small decisions like what to eat
And big ones like go or stay

Each and every decision
Presents a different path
With tons of decisions every day
Well, you can do the math

Who knows what would change
If we could redo what's already passed
"...If that one thing had been different?"
A question we've all asked

If you were given the opportunity
Would you change an event so small
Would you really take that chance
When that little thing could change it all

Sometimes when life gets bad
We want to take it all back
We wish that things were different
And want to try a different track

After doing lots of thinking
I think we are where we're meant to be
On the road to greater things
We just have to be patient and see
Willow-Anne Jul 2013
Once there was a little bird
As happy as could be
It soared up in the sky all day
Joyful and carefree

The little bird loved to fly
Till someone broke its wing
It was okay living on the ground
But the thought caused quite a sting

That bird had beautiful feathers too
Till someone plucked them out
With nothing to protect itself
The bird was full of doubt

So the bird built itself a nest
Till someone else made it their own
With no room left for the little bird
It went off all alone

The little bird used to love to sing
But somehow it lost its song
It knew it still had a voice inside
But everything felt wrong

Once there was a little bird
With nothing left at all
All alone, stuck on the ground
The bird just small
Willow-Anne Jul 2013
Every time you say I can't
I believe it a little more
I used to have big hopes and dreams
But now you've shut that door

Your words are like a poison
and they've sunken in so deep
They echo in my head all night
and make it hard to sleep

"You'll never amount to anything,
You shouldn't even try"
The words you've drilled into my head
They're the words I now live by

I just want to prove you wrong
But I don't think that I can
I don't know what to do anymore
Cuz I'm back where I began

Why bother trying anything
If all you ever do is fail
Is there any point to fighting hard
If you never will prevail?
Willow-Anne Jun 2013
Whenever I look in the mirror
I'm not sure what I'll see
Because the person staring back
Isn't really me

The person in the mirror
Is nothing but a lie
Doing what people want
And mimicking those near by

The makeup that she wears
The fact that she's lost weight
All just makes her look like them
The people she used to hate

The way she acts and talks
The things she'll do and say
It's absolutely horrible
She's truly gone astray

Then the smile on her face
It's the biggest lie of all
Because I know deep inside
She feels like she will fall

So I ask you this question
And please, think it through
Is your reflection staring back
Still the real you?
Willow-Anne Jun 2013
Do you ever get that feeling
Like someone's watching you
I used to be a nobody
So this feeling is kind of new

I'm used to being alone
No one wanting me near
Doing whatever I want
Without ever having to fear

Now I'm in the limelight
And I'm not really sure why
But anywhere I go
There's always a lurking spy

Now no matter what I do
Everyone wants to know
I can't have any privacy
My life's become a show

I feel as if I'm famous
But not in a good way
Everybody talks about me
I feel like I'm on display

People voice their opinions
On all my private affairs
Someone just make them all shut up...
*Someone stop their stares...
Willow-Anne May 2013
I want to be appreciated
I want to be adored
I want to know that when I speak
My words are not ignored

I'm sick of how I'm treated
I'm sick of being put down
I'm sick of working hard all day
For nothing but a frown

I need to feel important
Maybe just this once
I need to know in someone's head
I'm more than just a dunce.

I know that I deserve more
I know I'm treated wrong
But I know no matter what they do
I'll continue to play along

I wish I could be better
I wish that they could see
All the things that I have worked for
And earned the right to be

Why can't it ever be enough
Why can't I just win
Why can't I feel like just this once
It was worth it to begin

Maybe things will never change
Maybe you just are what you are
It might just be my fate to know
That I will never be a star.
Willow-Anne Feb 2013
My year's been like a rainy day
Full of sadness and gloom
Just dragging on forever
With a hope that flowers will bloom

This month has been a storm
Full of anger, aggression, and hate
With thundering people all around me
That make me feel second-rate

I vaguely remember a time though
When the sun was always out
A time when I could do anything
My head wasn't filled with this doubt

Last week my life was a tornado
Pushing me every-which-way
Spinning, rising, and falling
Quickly leading me astray

Yesterday I could almost see the sun
And the weather was almost warm
Light was peaking from behind some clouds
A calm before another storm....

Today my life was a blizzard
And it chilled me to the bone
Leaving me feeling numb
So numb and so alone...

I miss those summer days...
Before life became so gray
I'm sick of feeling cold and numb
*Just wishing for a warm sunny day
I wrote this earlier, still haven't really decided if I like it, but I figured I'd share it anyways..
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