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Willow-Anne Feb 2013
I have spent too much time
Crying over what can not be
I have wasted my life away
just hoping you would see

Looking back over the years
Thinking of all that I've done
Yet still on this day...
Its as if we've just begun

I did everything that I could
to prove my worth to you.
And this is how you repay me?
This is what you do?!

I kept on thinking to myself
One day I'll get what I deserve
And yet, here we are...
You've really got some nerve...

You treat me like I'm trash
Then tell me to "get over it"
You fill me with disgust
Now I'm here to say "I quit..."

I'm so done being here
And as I move on I know
In the near future you'll regret it.
You'll wish you never let me go.
Willow-Anne Feb 2013
Blowing out candles
and wishing on a star
doesn't always help,
my wish is still so far

Sometimes there's no happy ending
Dreams don't always come true
Sometimes the prince kisses another girl
Instead of kissing you

Left alone in a deep sleep
Still poisoned by the queen
It's suddenly up to you
To find your own vaccine

Without the kiss of true love
You feel as if your through
And when you finally wake
You don't know what to do

You're afraid to stand on your own  
You feel helpless and unable
This is what will happen
When you think life will be a fable

Life isn't a fairytale
Sometimes dreams just die
Every day is difficult
Its a struggle to get by

Its time for me to stop wishing
'cause those things don't come true
It's time I focus on reality
And bid old dreams adieu
Willow-Anne Jan 2013
Today is the day
I abandoned my hope
Today I stopped climbing
This unbeaten *****

It was silly to think
that I might be successful
'Cuz this rigged competition
is nothing but stressful

All of my dreams
And all my desires
They've all been abandoned
Thrown into the fires

What point is there in fighting
When the war is already lost
While the other side is celebrating
And I'm left here in the frost

I lost my grip on the hill
And I quickly started to fall
I tried to cry out for help
But no one heard my call

Now I'm stuck at the bottom
Of some deep and dark well
Trying to tread water
At the icy mouth of hell

.                                          Deeper.
Willow-Anne Jan 2013
Everyone has a someone
That's like their other half
Someone they can be with
A person to make them laugh

Everyone has a someone
Who can make them feel good
When they've had bad days
Or felt misunderstood

Everyone has a person
With which, they share their life
For some its a best friend
For others its their wife

Whenever I look around
It is all that I can see
People with their someone
As happy as can be

But here I sit alone
Feeling lost at sea
Everyone has a someone
Everyone but me.
Willow-Anne Jan 2013
I am sick of this plague
That haunts my mind
I'm tired of this fear
Which keeps me confined

For as long as I can remember
My self esteem has been low
I've had this fear of failure
That I just couldn't let go

It held me back for so long
The constant doubts in my head
I hid inside myself forever
And I started to feel dead

So afraid that I would fail
I never even tried
With no hopes of success
I set my dreams aside

But tonight I am done
I'm saying "***** you fear"
I'm following my dreams
The hiding ends here

So what if I mess up
Ill never know till I try
Today I suspend my doubt
I spread my wings and fly.
Willow-Anne Dec 2012
You cant start the next chapter
If you keep on reading the last
So I'm finally turning the page
I'm letting go of the past

I'm forgetting all the arguments
And forgetting all the lies
I'm getting on with my life
And cutting the old ties

Even the good memories
I'll leave them all behind
Nothing can hold me back now
I've made up my mind

About everything that happened
I no longer care
I'm taking a step forward
Moving out of this despair

This is truly the end now
The end of us, and of pain
I've learned some life lessons
And how to dance in the rain.
Willow-Anne Dec 2012
In my eyes you're a candle,
You're my source of light
You fill me with warmth
With you things feel right

In her eyes you're like jewelry
There to make her look good
Why you chose her over me
I've never understood

She does nothing but use you
For her own selfish gain
Watching her do this to you
Fills me with pain

She takes up all your time now
So you've left me in the dust
Watching her get her way
Just fills me with disgust

As time goes by
She's suffocating your flame
Your light is almost out now
And she is to blame

I keep hoping one day
That you'll find your old spark
But until you do
My world will be dark.
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