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the 14th of feb is a very special day
to tell you that i love you each and every way
your the one i love your everthing to me
in love with you forever i will always be

your my dream come true my wish from up above
sent down here to me to fill my heart with love
i will love you always as long as i may live
and my love to you i will always give
been 15 years today when you got your wings to fly
to heaven up above high up in the sky
where the angels stay to love and comfort you
to there home of love in the sky so blue

i miss you every day.  wishing you were here with me.
right here by my side like you used to be
when my time has come i will fly to you
to your home in heaven in the sky so blue

flying side by side in heaven up above
once again together we can share our love.
16 years of loving jane she gave to me
we could  have had lots more it  wasnt meant to be
cancer came a calling second time around
this time it was different no cure could be found

she  had to fight again just like she did before
did the best she could to fight the cancer war
but the cancer won took her away from me
from the pain she suffered now at last is free

i look out the window to the sky above
blow a great big kiss send her all my love
a very special person she will always be
for ever in my heart be a part of me
on the 19th of june i lost the one i love
the angels came and took her to heaven up above
now all the pain has gone no sorrow will there be
she is with the angels now  with a lifes thats free

looking down on loved ones each and every day
sending down her love from where the angels stay
now her life is happy no more pain to bare
in a world of love with angels everywhere

i cant wait for my turn when the angels come for me
to take me to my loved one where i long to be
once again together in heaven up above
side by side together with the one i love
i sit here in tears remembering this day
when you got your wings when you flew away
to heaven up above  to start your life a new
up there with the angels in the sky so blue

miss you everday wishing i was there with you
cant wait until the day when im an angel to
we can fly together in love again once more
side by side in heaven we can gently soar

we will meet again that i know is true
once again together there is me and you
happy once again with the love we knew
in heaven up above in the sky so blue
new year round the corner nearly twenty four
hope it will better than the one before
many hearts were broken of friends and family
of there loved ones lost such a tragedy

we can only hope for a new year change
heal the broken hearts and life rearrange
we will have the memories they will never leave
that we can look back on to help us as we grieve

try to start again take it day by day
till slowly bit by bit   till the sorrow fades away
see what lies ahead what life has in store
change your life around in 2024
i wrote this verse for you completely unrehearsed
today it is your birthday its your 21st
a very special day that belongs to you
one you will remember for your whole life through

celebrate in style dance the night way
the day belongs to you 21 today
22 is here time to make a change
and the year ahead you can rearrange
make a brand new start from the year before
a new year lies ahead with brand new door

do the things you dream of  always wanted to
a new year has arrived to give that chance to you
start again once more make your dreams come true
make all worth while in 1922
thirty years of truckin down each and every road
bodys getting old gone in to overload
all the years of driving  took its toll on me
i am not as young as i you used to be

driving through the day driving through the night
driving miles and miles till the morning light
from denver down to tuscon  gulf of mexico
bodies not the same as all those years ago

driving down the highway in the wind and snow
delivering my haul where it has to go
all the years of trucking took its toll  on me
bodies not the same as it used to be.

driving day to day every here and there
with my aching body driving everywhere
sixteen tons of steel with a heavy load
delivering my haul down each and every road

bodies not the same as it used to be
thirty years of trucking took its toll on me
driving miles and miles each and every day
time for me to stop put my truck away

driving through the day driving through the night
driving miles and miles till the morning light
from denver down to tuscon gulf of mexico
bodies not the same as all those years ago
children dying in a barron land
to young to know or understand
no food to eat in a land so dry
we sit and watch them as they die
filled with tears as they pass away
why does it have to be this way
is this the way it has to be
do they die to set them free
Can't believe it's been 5yrs since you went away
to your home in heaven where the angels stay
i miss you everyday wishing you were here me
two of us together like it used to be

i know you are safe now in heaven up above
each and everyday sending down your love
we will meet again when i get my wings to fly
together once again in heaven you and i

a poem for my best friends mum
i listened to the radio just the other day
music from the sixties they began to play.

they started with the beatles a song called loved me do
then they played another hit called  from me to you .

the song that followed next was by cilla black
then by dusty springfield it brought my memories back.

there were many others that were played away
and as I sat and listened it seemed like yesterday.
96 they died on the football ground
people all in panic running all around
as the stands were falling crushing fans inside
no one had control and 96 had died

police were running round they didnt have a clue
looking at each other not knowing what to do
25 years later we wont forget the day
the fans who lost there lives in a tragic way
little billy badger adventure bound was he

decided he would sail far across the sea

he packed up his things built himself a boat

now billy he was ready to set himself afloat.

he headed out to sea ready to explore

looking for adventure on some exotic shore

after quite sometime billy saw some land

a great big desert island full of golden sand.

billy went ashore to see what he could see

for any signs of life that there just might be

suddenly he heard a parrot in a tree

he began to talk a friendly chap was he.

now billy had a friend now had company

in this far of land far across the sea

the strolled along together ready to explore

to see what they could find on this foriegn shore.

they searched along the island to see what they could find

maybe buried treasure that was left behind

they found a little cross marked out on the sand

billy started digging parrot gave an hand

suddenly they found a hidden treasure chest

then they got it open and took a little rest

it was full of gold. goblets coins and rings

jewelery galore and lots of other things.

billy he was happy so was parrot too

his dreams of finding treasure really had come true

he settled on the island decided he would stay

with his friend the parrot in a land so far away
there was little badger he was very dull
his parents had been killed in a badger cull
now he was an orphan with no one there to care
his parents they had gone now no longer there

he was all alone no home or family
badger started crying very sad was he
then his friend the rabbit. heard the badger cry
hopping through the fields as he hopping by.

rabbit said dont worry you can live with me
took him to his home. inside a big oak tree
there was lots of room so badger he could stay
inside the rabbits home he could hide away.

now badger he had someone once more there to care
and a home again with rabbit he could share
some where safe and sound inside the big oak tree
his very special friend to keep him company.

badger he was happy began to smile once more
happy and content like he was before
badger fell asleep and curled up in the tree
with his friend the rabbit safe once more was he.
there was little badger he was very dull
his parents had been killed in a badger cull
now he was an orphan with no one there to care
his parents they had gone now no longer there

he was all alone no home or family
badger started crying very sad was he
then his friend the rabbit. heard the badger cry
hopping through the fields as he hopping by.

rabbit said dont worry you can live with me
took him to his home. inside a big oak tree
there was lots of room so badger he could stay
inside the rabbits home he could hide away.

now badger had a friend. someone there to care
and a home again with rabbit he could share
some where safe and sound inside the big oak tree
his very special friend to keep him company.

badger he was happy began to smile once more
happy and content like he was before
badger fell asleep and curled up in the tree
with his friend the rabbit safe once more was he.
i saw a little dog he was very thin
his ribs were sticking out his face had fallen in
he looked so neglected i began to cry
who could do this to a dog what was the reason why
he look so abandoned i took home with me
give him lots of care to  end his misery
i gave him lots food fed him bit by bit
brought him back to health now the dog was fit
looking very different to what he was before
he had a friend in me and home once more
i saw a little dog he was very thin
his ribs were sticking out his face had fallen in
he looked so neglected i began to cry
who could do this to a dog what was the reason why.

he look so abandoned i took home with me
give him lots of care to  end his misery
i gave him lots food fed him bit by bit
brought him back to health now the dog was fit.

looking very different to what he was before
he had a friend in me and home a once more
the world would be a better place if violence it would cease

just a world of love filled with perfect peace

a place where we could live. a place we could be free.

living all as one in perfect harmony.

all around the world  in each and every race

just a world of love in each and every place

it may never happen but we can live in hope

until the day it does we just have to cope
the world would be a better place if violence it would cease

just a world of love filled with perfect peace

a place where we could live. a place we could be free.

living all as one in perfect harmony.

all around the world  in each and every race

just a world of love in each and every place

it may never happen but we can live in hope

until the day it does we just have to cope
today it is your birthday the day belongs to you
i wish you happiness for the whole day through
time to celebrate another birthday has begun
fill your day with  joy filled with lots of fun  

you will always be my best friend and my chum
so happy birthday daughter from your loving mum
i listened to a bluebird sing a song to me
such lovely song as lovely as can be
high up on the cliffs way up high above
singing just for me his lovely song of love

with his bright blue feathers that glistened in the sun
as he sang away having so much fun
then he flew away into the sky above
i can still remember the bluebirds song of love
a i listened to a bluebird sing a song to me
such lovely song as lovely as can be
high up on the cliffs way up high above
singing just for me his lovely song of love

with his bright blue feathers that glistened in the sun
as he sang away having so much fun
then he flew away into the sky above
i can still remember the bluebirds song of love
where do we go when we die
do we get wings and learn to fly
up to heaven where the angels stay
high in the sky so far away

do we go to the devils hole
so he steal away your soul
lock you up inside a cell
to be slave in his devils hell

we wont know until we go
up above or down below
if heaven is above and hell is down below
are we in the middle which way will we go
will we go upstairs to heaven up above
filled with lots of angels to a world of love

will we go below in the devils hole
waiting there for you so he can steal your soul
with his burning fires burning all a glow
which way do we go we dont really know

maybe we will stay locked in purgatory
stuck here in the middle for eternity
which ever way we go it is one of three
the one up in the stars is where i wanna be
some people they love animals treat them with respect
to others there abuse something they should reject
treat them with there cruelty.  suffering everyday
in agony and pain there just locked away

using them for breeding till they cant breed no more
left without there food chained behind a door
make them fight each other in a fighting ring
till there ripped to pieces  such a cruel thing

it happens everyday each and everywhere
cruelty to animals they really just dont care
to them its just an  animal that dosent have use
something there for them to give out there abuse
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare.

badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly.

people down below watched this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true.
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare
badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly
people down below watch this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true
there was a little badger he just love to dive
it gave him so much fun and made him feel alive
he went to  Acapulco to join the divers there
diving of the rocks making people scare.

badger loved the thrill so he had a go
with somersaults and flips putting on a show
diving from the cliffs that were very high
badger took a leap and he began to fly.

people down below watched this little chap
doing all his tricks they began to clap
badger he was happy so were the people too
to dive in Acapulco had made his dreams come true.
there was a little cat just a stray was he

roaming round the country roaming wild and free

he just love to travel visit everywhere

just a life of freedom life without a care.

one day on his travels along the countryside

he found a great big hole that was very wide

the little cat he stopped and took a look inside

down into the hole he began to slide

then he heard a noise making such a din

there he saw a hedgehog he had fallen in

hedgehog he was stuck poor little soul

trapped there down below there inside the hole.

dont worry said the cat just hang on to me

i will climb the hole then you will be free

hedgehog he held on so he wouldnt drop

cat he started climbing till he reached the top.

now hedgehog he was happy free again once more

to roam around the fields just like he did before

cat he waved goodbye went along his way

thinks about the hedgehog to this very day
tabby was a cat he was just a stray
didnt have a home or a place to stay
digging through the bins for a bite to eat
anything at all for a tasty treat

sleeping in all weathers in the rain and snow
just a homeless cat nowhere he could go
he was very sad he began to cry
an old lady she had heard him. as she was passing bye

she picked up the cat took him home with her
held him very gently as she stroked his fur
the little cat was happy he had a place to stay
someone who would love him. no longer have to stray

there is a video to this poem here is link
take a look
i saw a little kitten climbing up a tree
shaking like a leaf very scared was he
made it to the top couldnt turn around
couldnt find his way back down  to the ground

now the cat was meowing  it was really loud
people down below began to form a crowd
i climbed up my ladder took him to the floor
now the little kitten was safe again once more
there was a little cat just a stray was he

roaming round the country roaming wild and free

he just love to travel visit everywhere

just a life of freedom life without a care.

one day on his travels along the countryside

he found a great big hole that was very wide

the little cat he stopped and took a look inside

down into the hole he began to slide

then he heard a noise making such a din

there he saw a hedgehog he had fallen in

hedgehog he was stuck poor little soul

trapped there down below there inside the hole.

dont worry said the cat just hang on to me

i will climb the hole then you will be free

hedgehog he held on so he wouldnt drop

cat he started climbing till he reached the top.

now hedgehog he was happy free again once more

to roam around the fields just like he did before

cat he waved goodbye went along his way

thinks about the hedgehog to this very day
wrote a note to santa heres what i had to say
please dont forget my presents put them on your sleigh
promise to be good like mamma told me to
and as i go to sleep i will dream of you

i will leave your mince pie beneath the christmas tree
just a little something so you can think of me
so thank you mr santa  merry christmas too
hope the note i sent as reached it way to you

i will think of you as i begin to play
with presents the you left me
to play with christmas day
promise to be good like mamma told to

merry christmas santa and your reindeers to
i knew a little boy many years ago
when christmas came around it gave his heart a glow
he would build a snowman big as big can be
loved to watch the lights on the christmas tree

he loved it the morning on a christmas day
surrounded by his presents that came from santas sliegh
with a great big smile as happy as can be
filled with lots of joy and lots of christmas glee.

i wont forget that boy from many years ago
when christmas came around it gave his heart a glow
building great big snowmen that filled his heart with glee
the little boy i know so well. that little boy was me.
jill she was  a cleaner she just love to clean
until she got a job on which she wasnt keen
it was really bad just not clean at all
grease was on the cooker spiders on the wall

you had to wipe your feet just go outside
the grease upon her feet made jill want to slide
it didnt put her of she had a job to do
so she got really busy cleaned the whole house through

it took lots of time two hours may be more
washing all the walls cleaning all the floor
got it nice and tidy very clean and neat
didnt have to go outside just to wipe your feet
there was once a crocodile  lived in a swamp beneath

he was very sad crocodile   had no teeth

one day in the swamp a frog was passing by

then he saw the crocodile who began to cry

frog had magic powers and a magic leaf

frog he cast a spell and brought him back his teeth

now he was like the others with teeth so big and white

he could hunt once more now that he could bite.

he thanked the magic frog for getting back his teeth

and the spell he cast from his magic leaf

he waved goodbye to frog as he swam away

and thinks about his friend to this very day
there was a german dog a little geman shep
he like lots off action a proper johnny depp
he would guard his home patrol all round the ground
ears they went up at any little sound

one night on patrol he heard a funny sound
ready for some action he took a look around
then he saw a burgler trying to break in
he never saw the dog he never noticed him

the dog he started barking he began to run'
now it was the time for some action fun
the little dog was brave he began his chase
running very fast with his guard dog pace

jumping over hedges sniffing out his trail
picking up the scent as he wagged his tail
the little dog he caught him he had saved the day
a little action hero with action all the way
the world began with adam and eve
from adams rib we believe.
but was this story proven wrong
when darwins theory came a long.

he said we came from monkeys.  who developed at a pace.
who grew in to man and became the human race.
so do we really know which one of these is true
which one you believe is entirely up to you.
take a little happiness  this will make you smile
it will make you see that  life really is worthwhile
when your feeling sad give a little grin
what ever gets you down take it on the chin
then you can smile again just like you did before
add again the happiness and lifes wothwhile once more
take a little love add a lot of heart
put them both together.  then your love will start.
add a lot of feeling and emotion to
put all this together to find a love thats true

give your heart and soul  to help your love to live
to find a love thats true all this you must give
hold it there for ever never let it part
give your love sincerely from the bottom of your heart
just a little romance can mean so very much

give the love you have that extra little touch

dining out together for a lovely meal.

candle lighted table to add the perfect feel.

then a little stroll holding hand in hand

on a moonlit beach as you walk along the sand

underneath the stars you steal a little kiss

for a night of romance filled with so much bliss
some people they take drugs with life they cant cope

giving up reality giving up on hope

living in despair of the dark inside

like a darkened cave they runaway and hide.

addiction getting stronger every single day

reality of living begins to slip away

if they could find the help and will to carry on

life would be so different once the drugs have gone
I switch on my computer im on it all day long
i try to switch it off again but my addictions far to strong
i click my little mouse then i begin to play then i find it hard to put my mouse away
sitting there for hours from daylight to the dark
till my eyes get tired then my mouse i park
waiting for the morning to gently come along
then do it all again with my addiction thats so strong
addiction is a bad thing can take your life away
wether drink or drugs it is there each day
it will take your faith take away your hope
feeling your addiction is the only way to cope

feel the worlds against. you that there is no room
all it holds for you is just a  life of gloom
you think your addiction is the only way
all the help you need to get you through the day

you can give it up if you wanted to
get the help you need theres people there for you
change it all around before it far to late
dont let your addiction decide to be your fate
some people they take take drugs with life they cant cope

giving up reality giving upon hope

living in despair of the dark inside

like a darkened cave they runaway and hide.

addiction getting stronger every single day

reality of living begins to slip away

if they could find the help and will to carry on

life would be so different once the drugs have gone
some people they take take drugs with life they cant cope

giving up reality giving up on hope

living in despair of the dark inside

like a darkened cave they runaway and hide.

addiction getting stronger every single day

reality of living begins to slip away

if they could find the help and will to carry on

life would be so different once the drugs have gone
some people they take drugs with life they cant cope

giving up reality giving up on hope

living in despair of the dark inside

like a darkened cave they runaway and hide.

addiction getting stronger every single day

reality of living begins to slip away

if they could find the help and will to carry on

life would be so different once the drugs have gone
a dog can be your friend with a love thats true
each and everyday will give its love to you
he will comfort you when you feel despair
when you need a friend he is always there

right there by side he will always be
with a love thats real that he gives for free
when your feeling low and you begin to cry
he will stay with you till the tears all dry

he will give his love for his whole life through
each and everyday always there for you
best friend in the world that gives his love for free
always there for you he will always be
there was a little dog his life was rather rough
neglected by his owner  he had. had enough
the little dog decided he would runaway
wander of alone and become a stray.

roam around the country where he could be free
no more hurt are harm safe again was he
oneday on travels along the countryside
he saw a little cottage its door was open wide.
the little dog was hungry and took a look inside.

there he saw a lady sitting in a chair
she had heard the dog and knew that he was there.
she knew the dog was hungry fed him with some meat
and some doggy biscuits a proper doggy treat.

she lived on her own and needed company
she was very lonely just the same as he
the little dog was happy and with the lady stayed
now they had each other there company was made.

there both still togther to this very day
dog has settled down and no longer wants to stray.
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