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1h · 15
spring flowers
its nice to see the flowers when its time for spring
popping through the soil oh what joy they bring
snowdrops with there flowers pure and so white
spreading all around bringing such delight

daffodils and crocus and the bluebells to
showing of there blooms there for you to view
you can see the blossom on the apple tree
bunched up altogether there for you to see

a lovely time of year one that we all know
a lovely piece of nature that gives the world aglow
4h · 41
caterpillar rock
there was a group of caterpillers they became a band
so they could rock n roll all across the land
they would make a record and sell it out of stock
then everyone would dance to the caterpillar rock.

they  could play for hours putting on a show
filling up the venue  where ever they would go
when ever they were playing.  they would bring a crowd
pleasing all the people made them very proud.

they just loved to rock and play the night away
rocking and a rolling in there caterpillar way
4h · 29
nudist camp
i went to a nudist camp to see what it was like
there i saw some people riding naked on a bike
i started to undress but told myself i couldnt
then i saw some parts that i know i shouldnt.

i was so embarrassed i was turning red
so i went behind a tree so i could hide my head
i decided to go home this place was not for me
i had just been somewhere where i shouldnt be.

next time i get naked i will start to  laugh
the only time will be **** is when im in the bath
4h · 32
spring beauty
i like it in the spring time when birds begin to sing.
when the flowers bloom oh what joy they bring.

you can here the cuckoo with his cute hello.
  you can see the sun as it  begins a glow.

you can see the daffodils with petals oh so bright'
with the tulips and the crocus bringing such delight.

its such a lovely season and such a wonderous thing
bringing lots of joy thats the beauty of the spring.
1d · 24
Trump disgrace
have you got a suit president zelensky he was  asked
he was there to stop a war  with this he was tasked
the treament he was given was well out of place
Trump and Jd vance were nothing but disgrace

ukraine they didnt start the war why do they have to pay
russia they invaded and took there land away
thousands have been killed now they rest in peace
fighting for there country for ever lasting peace

why can Mr Trump give ukraine there guarantee
help them stop the war be invasion free
to many lives are lost on both sides of the fence
why cant they do the right thing let the peace commence
1d · 273
robin in my garden
i was in the garden when a robin came along
sat upon my fence sang his robin song
his red chest it was gleaming underneath the sun
he just sat there singing having lots of fun

such a lovely tune with a lovely melody
sat there on my fence singing it to me
when his song was over in to the air he flew
his song will stay with me for my whole life through
theres positive and negative just which one are you
negative you dont need positive pulls you through
always lead your life with positivity
life will be much better just you wait and see

use your attitude let your mind decide
brush away the negatives push them all aside
always think ahead  with a clear mind
have a positive reaction leave negatives behind
2d · 57
march is here
march is here now february gone
another month is here time is moving on
flowers start to grow to give the spring a glow
showing of there blooms for there flower show

sun will shine again from many miles away
warming up the ground on a spring time day
a season of the year with beauty all around
everywhere you go theres beauty to be found
2d · 26
animal cruelty
cruelty to animals always makes me cry
why do people do this whats the reason why
animals should be loved no suffering or pain
beaten starved abused time and time again

it happens everywhere every here and there
cruety to animals  by people who dont care
it is such shame it has to be this way
you read it the papers nearly everday
3d · 47
love is like an ocean dark and very deep
love is like  a treasure something you must keep

love can be a moon up in the sky above
it can shine so brightly and and fill your heart with love

love can be a star and make your dreams come true
love with all your heart is all you have to do

love can be so many things if you want it to
love will last for ever if its really true
3d · 33
love song
love is like a song it can make you dance
it will make you sing and fill you with romance.

make your  heart beat faster than it did before
give your love the harmony like a music score.

fill you up with feelings like a melody
put a smile upon your face for all the world to see.

give you lots of rhythm as it plays along
keeps your love together keeps your love so strong
3d · 38
dog company
people they keep dogs for there company
for there faithfulness and there loyalty
so they dont feel alone that there dog is there
right there by there side to give there love and care

a very special love and a very special friend
with love thats true that will never end
every where you go your dog is there with you
with a love thats real and for ever true
its nice to see the sun again to brighten up the day
high up in the sky many miles away
brings a little joy makes you want smile
brings a happy feeling if only for while

just a little sun can take your blues away
feel a little happiness if only for a day
brightening the day as it comes shining through
high up in the air in the sky so blue
4d · 50
spring morn
i looked out  the window on a  spring time morn
flowers waking up as they see the dawn.

birds begin to sing to brighten up the day
telling us that spring is truly on the way.

daffodils are blooming standing so upright
with there golden flowers  bringing such delight.

the sun begins to shine sending down its ray
bringing lots of happiness on a spring time day
4d · 39
harbour lights
harbour lights are shining the sea is very calm
stars  they light the sky well away from harm.

the moon is shining brightly in the midnight sky
breeze is blowing gently as it passes by.

boats along the bay that gives me such a thrill
sitting there so proudly in the night so still.

its such a lovely sight as peaceful as can be
it seems like all the world just belongs to me
4d · 95
bluebell song
i saw a host of bluebells they began to ring
standing up so proudly in the early spring.

ringing out there tune a lovely melody
everyone in unison growing wild and free.

with there bright blue flowers gleaming in the sun
playing out there tune to tell us springs begun.

it made me feel so happy as they played along
ringing out for me there lovely springtime song
4d · 37
facebook chat
people talk on facebook of every this and that
passing on the hours with there little chat
many different subjects what evers on there mind
many coversions of each and every kind

you can see each other when the call is video
face to face together you can say a big hello
there are many friends that will join in to
you can chat away for the whole day through
4d · 31
guide dogs
guide dogs are miracle for those who are blind
a very special dog gentle and so kind
dedicate there lives with there love and care
take them out each day take them every where

stopping at the crossing till its safe to go
they are trained that way guide dogs always know
a very special dog in each every way
caring for the blind every single day
5d · 69
i had a funny dream of a place so far away
full of happiness every single day
people wearing smiles everywhere you go
such a lovely place it gave my heart aglow

never ever crying did i ever see
just a lot of people as happy as can be
but it was just a dream a sleeping fantasy
about a land of happiness that brought a smile to me

hope i will dream again of this lovely place
each and every day where a smile upon my face
5d · 157
dogs have it all
dogs have got it all love and loyalty
best friend in the world there will ever be
with a love thats real and forever free
always there with you to keep you company

they know when your sad where your feeling down
giving you there paw help take away your frown
they will never leave you or ever go astray
they will give there love to you till there dying day
5d · 47
somtimes there is happiness that can turn to sad
sometimes there is good that can turn to bad
we just never know  cant tell from day to day
what life will bring to you what will come your way

we just carry on  wether good or bad
life is there to live with happiness or sad
round and round it goes like a yo yo on a string
you just never know what your life will bring
5d · 55
doggy walk time
dogs they know its walk time they can here there chain
they can hear it rattle its there walking time again
getting all excited barking at the door
happy has can be walking time once more

like going to the beach so they can have a run
running on the sand having so much fun
like to chase a ball  bring it back to you
doing all things that the doggies do

then its time for home to rest there tired head
then fall fast as sleep  in there doggy bed
dreaming of tomorrow so they can walk once more
having lots of fun on sandy shore
sun is out again garden time once more
carry on my building from the day before
greenhouse frame is done ready for roof
then goes in the glass  to make water proof

it is all home made it gave me such a thrill
to build it all from sctratch with just a little skill
my plants they will be happy now they have a home
and a flower bed where they can freely roam
6d · 44
eveyone is different no two are the same
everyone has  blood each one has a name
every mind is different we think a different way
everyones opinion has different things  to say

its the way it is the way its meant to be
in each others mind different things we see
makes the world go round like its meant to do
we all have different ways  with different points of view.
6d · 28
blue skies
when the blue skies in your life suddenly turn to grey
the sunbeams that were there now so far away
heart is overcast theres thunder in your heart
waiting for the rain and lightning to start

hoping when it stops the sun will shine once more
blues skies will return to where they were before
your heart will clear up from its overcast
your sun will shine again now the dark clouds have all past
6d · 28
thank mum
we should thank our mums for giving us our birth
and the pain she suffered putting us on earth
raising us through life teach us right from wrong
always there when needed with her love strong

when in times of trouble she is always there
right there by your side to give her love and care
if wasnt for our mothers we would never be
and a life on earth we would never see
7d · 36
barbecue fun
today the sun is shining and the sky is blue
spend some garden time for an hour or two
assemble my new greenhouse that im about to build
when i get it finshed i truly will be thrilled

ready for the plants so that they can grow
when there big enough in the garden go
adding lots of colors with there flower show
there with all there beauty that gives your heart a glow

ready for the barbecue filled with lots of fun
lots of barbie food and burgers in a bun
having lots of laughs and a drink or two
having lots of fun like your supposed to do
7d · 49
lifes distress
life can be distressing it can be a pest
it can twist your mind and wont let you rest
it can make you sad it can make you blue
leave  you so confused and wonder what to do

it  can make you cry it can make you weep
leave a broken heart and it wont let you sleep
life can be a burden and and it can make you mad
it can take away. all the joy you ever had
Feb 23 · 43
bad love
when the love you had is now dead and gone
time to walk away time that you moved on
if your feeling hurt theres people there for you
to give you love and care.  but  you must help them to

then your heart will heal you can start a new
find a proper love that is real and true
someone  who wants you not someone to be used
someone who will love you  not there to be abused
Feb 23 · 58
amazon beauty
the beauty of the amazon is a sight to see
there are many creatures running wild and free
crocodile  and pirahna snakes and monkeys too
it has many more mother natures zoo

lots different plants. trees so very high
standing oh so tall reaching for the sky
lots of colored birds like a rainbow in the sun
chirping to each other having lots of fun.

the beauty of the amazon is a sight to see
fills your heart with joy and makes you feel so free
Feb 23 · 34
i like to watch the butterflies as they flutter by
all around my garden underneath the sky
just like a little rainbows colors by the score
just to watch the butterflies is something i adore/

flying round the flowers with colors all on show
these lovely little creatures give my heart a glow
flying all together flying wild and free
just to watch the butterflies means so much to me
Feb 22 · 49
starling melody
i saw a little starling as happy as can be
he flew up on my wall sang a song to me
a lovely lullaby with a lovely tune
took my breath away when he began to croon

it was soft and gentle with a lovely melody
such a lovely song touched the heart in me
when his song was finished in to the air he flew
high up in the air in the sky so blue
Feb 22 · 42
violent world
what happened to a free world its not free no more
shootings and stabbings right outside your door
it is getting worse doesent want to cease
the world it just wants violence.  doesent want the peace

people fighting wars russia and ukraine
every where you go violence there again
freedoms just word that we used to say
now we live with violence every single day
Feb 22 · 256
its nice to have a friend always there for you
someone to rely on tell your troubles to
there to comfort you.   give there  love and care
anytime at all they are always there

they will listen to you and what you have to say
right there by your side they will always stay
a friend to last a lifetime for your whole life through
when in times of trouble always there for you
Feb 21 · 38
broken heart
when a heart is broken it takes time to heal
time can help you mend. change the way you feel
all the tears will dry disappear fom view
your heart will love again like it used to do

take it day by day easy as you go
as the time goes bye your love again will grow
bring back all the happiness that you always knew
love it will return there in the heart of you
Feb 21 · 47
dog friendship
a dog will never leave you or never ever stray
right there buy your side they will always stay
giving you there love every day for free
faithful till the end they will always be

they will comfort you when you lose your smile
bring it back again if only for a while
there love will be there never fade away
right till the end till there dying day
Feb 21 · 46
barley field walk
i walked the barley field standing oh so bold
blowing in the breeze with its leaves of gold
sun was beating down as i walked along my way
through the fields of barley on a summers day

it was very peaceful it made me feel so whole
such a tranquil feeling it reached in to my soul
such a lovely feeling it made me feel so free
walking through the barley brought all this to me
Feb 21 · 36
pets for life
pets they are for life not just for a day
they rely on you for a place to stay
a friend that they can trust give them lots of care
someone who will love them and always will be there

they will keep you company give there love to you
with a frienship for a lifetime and for ever true
pets have feelings to   just like humans do
they are there for you for there whole life through

when you have a pet you always have a friend
who will give there love. till the very end
all they need is someone that will love them to
pets they all have feelings just the same a you
Feb 18 · 41
i would wish for this
if the world was full of wishes i would wish for this
a happy world for everyone with nothing else but bliss
there would be no fear or people getting killed
no shooting or no stabbings no more blood is spilled

just a world of love as peaceful as can be
we could live together in a world thats free
if we all wished together one just might come true
the world would be a better place for every me and you
Feb 18 · 44
spring beauty
i love it when it spring it warms the heart in me
lots of spring time flowers there for us to see
crocus and the daffodil and the snowdrops to
showing of there blooms in the morning dew

trees begin to bud to grow there leaves once more
now theres leaves again like there was  before
the robin on the fence sings morning song
bringing in the dawn as he bobs along

a lovely time of year with so much to view
mother natures beauty for every me and you
Feb 18 · 36
phone a friend
when your feeling down you can phone a friend
they are there for you an ear they will lend
tell them how your feeling what its all about
they will sit and listen try to help you out

just pick up the  phone is all you have to do
someone at the other end is waiting there for you
they will  try to help you make your troubles go
is easier tell someone when its someone that you know
Feb 17 · 43
hedgehog pilot
there was a little  hedgehog of the pilot sort
to fly an helicopter was his only thought
flying in the sky all along the sea
an helicopter pilot he just long to be.

he booked some flying lessons at an airport near by
so he could get his wings once he learnt to fly.
hedgehog past his test now he could fly alone
in an helcopter flying on his own

now hedgehog he was ready and headed for the sky
high above the clouds he began to fly
suddenly he saw what looked like a flare
flying past his window gave him quite a scare.

hedgehog circled round to see what it could be
there he saw dinghy floating in the sea.
it was his friend the badger he was in distress
badger was in trouble and in such a mess
hedgehog he got closer he was very brave
and his friend the badger hedghog he would save.

he dropped down a line to his little friend
badger  he grabbed hold and hung on to the end
hedgehog pulled him up and pulled his friend inside
then in his helicopter hedgehog began to glide.

he had saved the badger he was safe once more
flew him back to land to the safety of the shore
hedghog waved goodbye then he flew away
and his still a pilot to this very day
Feb 17 · 37
swan memories
i have a friend called ann was landlady of the swan
many years ago but now the pub has gone
i did karaoke there every now and then
waiting for a booking so i could go again

customers they loved it they would have ago
sing there favourite songs putting on there show
passed the night away as happy as can be
always very friendly and a friend to me

now the pub as gone just a memory
that i can look back on how it used to be
all the cosy nights and friends i got to know
in the comfort of the swan all those years ago

so i say thankyou for the memory
of the  days gone by how it used to be
to anne and all the customers
who were friends to me
Feb 17 · 38
childhood days
children make the world go round each and every day
happy and content as they play away
bringing back the memories of all the things i did
all those years ago when i to was a kid

having lots fun doing different things
childhood memories and all that childhood brings
days on holiday with my mum and dad
playing on the beach oh what fun we had

now when i see the children it reminds me of me
when i was just a kid how it used to be
they make the world go round make life carry on
remind us of our selves when childhood days are gone
Feb 16 · 30
love is every where
love has been around since the time began
its in everybody woman or a man
something that you share body heart and soul
a bonding of two hearts that make two people whole

no matter who you are no matter what the race
in the hearts of everyone love it has a place
its a special thing that two people share
all around the world love is everywhere
Feb 16 · 46
hedgehog buddy
i saw my little friend sticking out is head
he lives in my garden underneath my shed
my little hedgehog buddy waking  from his sleep
time for him to waken and round my garden creep

looking for a snack for his springtime treat
tasty worms and insects that he likes to eat
waken up for spring around the garden roam
then when winter comes.  beneath my shed to home
Feb 16 · 32
find love once more
when your feeling lonely in need love of once more
find a bit of happiness like you had before
someone there to comfort you keep you company
put love back in your heart that there used to be

take away the lonlieness bring back love to you
replace the love gone by start again a new
your love it will return the lonlieness will go
then your heart will find the love that it used to know
Feb 16 · 49
spring verse
i love to watch the flowers in the morning dew
a lovely piece of nature thats so nice to view
snow drops and the bluebells and so many more
showing of there blooms with colors by the score

birds up in the trees singing in the morn
there springtime melody bringing in the dawn
sun begins to shine to brighten up the day
all these things you see when spring is on the way
Feb 15 · 56
bobby is my friend everything to me
he is everything that a friend should be
he his very loving gives his love and care
anytime at all  his love is always there

tho he is just a dog he is my best  friend
with the kind of love that will never end
always very loyal and loving as can be
and i love him so he belongs to me
Feb 15 · 54
pick up the phone
when you sit there cry sitting in despair
feeling so alone no one there to care
wishing there was someone to keep you company
someone who would listen help you with your plea

there are places you can go  to tell your troubles to
people you can phone  waiting there fo you
if you sit alone thats no good at all
just pick up the phone give someone a call
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