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hate it has four letters hurts when it is said
when you lose your temper it comes for your head
you dont really mean its said without intent
even though when said its not really meant

a word that said in anger in order to abuse
normally a word you really wouldnt use
it happens to us all that word is always there
no matter who we are each and everywhere
nature is a wonder with lots of things to see
it is everywhere growing wild and free
lots of different flowers with colors by the score
reds and blues and greens and a whole lot more

all the little creatures butterflies and bees
flying all around in the summer breeze
rabbits and the hedgehogs  and the badger to
mother natures children there for you to view

lots of different birds of many different kind
chaffinch and blackbirds lots of birds you find
these are things of nature that we can view for free
there in all its glory with lots of things to see
how long does it take to heal a broken heart
where do you begin where do you make a start
how do you  face the loneliness of being left alone
when being with a loved one is all youve ever known

they say that time will heal as it goes passing bye
in order to move on you must really try
its not an easy thing it its hard to do
how much time you need that is up to you

then your heart will mend gradually repair
in your heart again love it will be there
you must use the time there in front of you
then your heart will tell you what you have to do
when your heart has love you have everything
happiness to you this your heart will bring
you will feel loves power each day as it grows
such a lovely feeling on and on it goes

getting even stronger each and every day
when your heart has love it takes your breath away
there to last forever there for you to share
for eternity love is always there
winds are getting stronger acting rather strange
flooding everywhere due to global change
icebergs they are melting underneath the sun
the changing of the planets now of all begun

forest fires burning each and everywhere
the planet it needs help no one seems to care
nature is in turmoil changing day to day
we must save the planet before it fades away
as we begin to age hair begins to grey
eyesight not the same begins to fade away
things we use do now are quite a chore
body has no energy  that it had before

we  look back on memories of our younger days
fun we always had in our younger phase
all the times we shared with friends and family
in those special years when we were young and free

even though we age we stay young at heart
memories of our younger days will never ever part
we just carry on thats what we have to do
life it still goes on for every me and you
hope that you get well
get well asap
you are my best friend
and mean a lot to me

take it nice and easy
get well again once more
doing all the things that you did before

get well asap Jim ***
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