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love is always there even when your gone
in the hearts of loved ones there love for you goes on
not a day goes by when they dont think of you
in your home in heaven in the sky so blue

looking at the times they all shared with you
sharing all the memories things you used to do
always in there hearts you will always stay
the love they have for you will never fade away

someday you will see them when the angels come for you
take you to your loved one  in the sky so blue
united once again in heaven up above
once again together giving them your love
wouldnt it be nice  if all wars come to cease
no more senseless killing just a world of peace
people mad for power would no longer be
every country in the world would at last be free

children running round to play again once more
no longer have to hide face the site of war
just a world of happiness each and every place
no matter what the color no matter what the race

a world for everyone that is battle free
no more senseless killing would there ever be
it will never happen but only if it could
we could live in peace just the way we should
when you get depression its nice at all
its a place of a sadness where your mind will crawl
takes away the smile that you always wore
depression wants to play with its mind game war

takes away your happiness that you always knew
playing silly mind games there inside of you
time for you to fight dont let depression in
fight its mind game war fight it till you win

then you can smile again with a mind thats free
then you can raise your flag.  for depression victory.
tomorrow never comes so the saying goes
what tomorrow brings no one ever  knows
will it be a bad day break your heart in two
or will it be good day  in everything you do

what will be will be what ever comes your way
when tomorrow comes its just another day
take it as it is just go with the flow
what tomorrow brings you will get to know
from the day your born its time for you to live
time to search the world and what it has to give
what it holds for you as you begin to grow
what the future holds as on with life you go

the wonders of the world are waiting there for you
waiting to explore as you go walking through
lots of roads to travel with a twist at every turn
an adventure of a lifetime  about life you will learn
seems like only yesterday when you were here with me
it was wishful thinking wishing it could be
when i close my eyes i reach out for you
to hold you in my arms like i used to do

i know its been awhile since you past away
im always thinking of you every single day
we will meet again  my wish it will come true
united once again together me and you

safe for evermore in heaven up above
once again together once again in love
when a  loved one dies theres nothing we can do
the soul it flies away in the sky so blue
to its resting place waiting there for you
when your time as come your soul it flies there to

once again together united in the sky
side by side together you can gently fly
doing all the things that you did before
together reunited  side by side once more
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