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i like to watch the animals running in the wild
each and everone a mother natures child
theres weasels and the rabbits running wild and free
badgers and the squirrels who love to climb a tree

birds that love to sing in the early morn
with there morning song bringing it the dawn
there are many animals these are just a few
mother natures children there for you to view
everyone needs friends thats always there for you
when in times of trouble there to pull you through
someone who will listen someone who will care
when youi need someone they are always there

that very special person that you know so well
someone there for you and your troubles tell
it happens to us all every now and then
trouble comes to all  we just dont know when
wouldnt it be nice if there was no sad
just a world of happines and everybody glad
no tears would there be just a smile upon your face
the world that we live in would be a better place

no more worries anymore would there ever be
just world of happines that is trouble free
it will never happen but if only could
life would be a happy place just the way it should
pets they are for life not just for a day
they rely on you for a place to stay
a friend that they can trust give them lots of care
someone who will love them and always will be there

they will keep you company give there love to you
with a frienship for a lifetime and for ever true
pets have feelings to   just like humans do
they are there for you for there whole life through

when you have a pet you always have a friend
who will give there love to you till the very end
all they need is someone that will love them to
pets they all have feelings just the same a you
when your feeling down find your happy place
somewhere in your mind find that happy space
where you feel secure and you can smile once more
be happy once again like you were before

take away the frown take it from your face
find happiness you knew in your happy place
then you  can feel content  there inside you mind
and your happy place you will always find
HELP Ester **** help her with her cause
let her help the teens and the media wars
let brianna s death be a legacy
help her stop the things that should never be

people should support her with her  media fight
help her save the teens help her with her plight
let her stop things that should never be
let brianna stay forever.  in our memory

help Ester all we can with her media fight
help her with the teens so they have there right
do it for brianna and her mother to
let us fight together every me and you
theres a place  called maple cottage that is home to me
my little country cottage with lots of memory
it gave me lots of happy times with my husband chris
now sadly passed away all these times i miss

a lovely place to live as peaceful as can be
in the countryside with lots of scenery
a little peace of heaven  that make lifes seem so free
my little country cottage that is home to me

when the angels call  i know what i will do
i will fly to chris in the sky so blue.
united once again  like we used to be
with maple cottage there in our memory
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