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theres a place  called maple cottage that is home to me
my little country cottage with lots of memory
it gave me lots of happy times with my husband chris
now sadly passed away all these times i miss

a lovely place to live as peaceful as can be
in the countryside with lots of scenery
a little peace of heaven  that make lifes seem so free
my little country cottage that is home to me

when the angels call  i know what i will do
i will fly to chris in the sky so blue.
united once again  like we used to be
with maple cottage there in our memory
its nice to see the grand kids now that  they have grown
to there adult age with children of there own
thinking of the days when were just a kid
having lots of fun with different things we did

playing in the park on the slide and swings
all the memories of these special things
now there all grown up with a family
and i love them so there everything to me
kindness it cost nothing dosent cost a thing
happines to others this is what you bring
takes away there frown if only for awhile
turns it all around give them back there smile

its something that you have within the heart of you
that you can give to others when there feeling blue
it dosent cost a thing kindess  it is free
there inside us all  every you and me
there a special day to say will you be mine
for each and everyone they call it valentine
time to say i love you time to celebrate
time to be romantic on this special date

go out for a meal have a drink or two
on this special day that belongs to you
steal a little kiss beneath the moon above
celebrate together with the one you love
tears roll down you face  when emotions start
helping you control the feelings in your heart
rolling down your face they dont make sound
just a stream of tears falling all  around

helping you realease emotions that you feel
with your broken heart tears will help you deal
and as the time goes by and all the tears have gone
you can start again with life carry on
guide dogs they are special  guide dogs they are kind
spend there whole through caring for the blind
dedicate there time every single day
helping the blind guide them on there way

help them cross them road when the time is right
when a persons blind they become there sight
they are trained that way for the job they do
guiding the blind for there whole life through
brother i miss you every single day
now your safe in heaven where the angels stay
no more pain to bare now at last your free
in heaven up above watching over me

one day i will join you when the time is right
when i get my wings ready for my flight
i will fly to you to be with you once more
united once again like we were before

doing all the things just like siblings do
once again together  there is me and you

all my love GILLIAN ***
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