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love is a part of life for each and everyone
all around the world love goes on and on
no matter what the age what ever it maybe
love is there for all love is always free

a bond between two people that is there to share
in everybodies heart love is always there
it will last for ever if your love is true
there to last a lifetime for your whole life through

it will never fade or ever go away
love is there for ever in your heart will stay
we are all born angels oneday we all fly
where the angels stay high up in the sky
where at last were free to start our life a new
way up high above it the sky so blue

in a land of peace where there is only love
safe for evermore in heaven up above
surrounded by the angels for now and evermore
side by side in heaven.  you can gently soar.
life is like a ferris wheel it goes round and round
it can lift you up and it can bring you down
a never ending circle each and every day
in the circle of life we have to find our way

through the good and bad trouble and the strife
these thing we will find as we walk through life
like a ferris wheel going round and round
we just carry on till what we want is found
i love it in the spring when flowers start to  grow
popping through the soil as if to say hello
bluebells and the snowdrops reaching for the sun
there to let you know spring as now begun

robin on the fence sings his springtime song
happy and content as he bobs along
trees they get there leaves on there branches bare
now that spring is here new leaves they are there

such a lovely season one that we all know
mother natures wonders that give your heart a glow
there in all there beauty growing wild and free
putting on there show for all the world to see
its not a sin to cry its a natural thing to do
it releases your emotions there inside of you
dont hold back the tears let the teardrops flow
its nothing to be shamed of. let your feelings  show

its a part of life when ever things go wrong
tears relieve the the tension help you to be strong
theres are lots of reasons why everbody cries
wether its divorce or when a loved one dies

everyone is different but crying is the same
no matter who we are. no matter what your name.
words can say so much if want them to
what your words will say that is up to you
say them from the heart make your words all real
write them with emotion show the way you feel

make them all be true mean every word say
what you want to say is just a word away
then people will believe you and you have the proof
that every word you say is nothing but the truth
everyone gets lonely it  happens to us all
thats when we need a friend someone we can call
someone there for you to tells your troubles to
there to sit and listen there to comfort you

sitting all alone just wont help at all
it will make it worse  pick up the phone and call
friends are waiting there anytime of day
listen to your troubles what you have to say

get it of your chest dont let your troubles brew
dont let your depression take an hold on you
friends are there to help and listen to your plea
they are everthing that a friend should be
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