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christmas will be lonely your not here with me
just a broken heart is all that there will be
its so had to believe  im here all alone
a life we had together is all ive ever known

now theres only me and memories of you
and the love you gave me that i always knew
cant put my arms around for a christmas kiss
all these little things this year i  will miss

i cant wait until the day when im an angel to
with my big white wings i will fly to you
united once again  together you and me
sharing christmas once again like it used to be
theres a robin in my garden comes every christmas day
sings his christmas song that melts my heart away
every note in tune in perfect harmony
i sit there and listen as he sings his song to me

sitting on the fence in the christmas snow
singing out his song with its christmas glow
singing loud and clear as happy as can be
such a christmas feeling the robin brings to me
not to long to go till the sliegh bells ring
time for peace on earth that is what they bring
when the world unites in each and every place
no matter who we are each and every race

time for happiness for the whole world through
a season to be jolly for every me and you
lots of happy children with presents by the score
excited as can be christmas time once more

a special time or year for the whole all mankind
forget about the past leave it all behind
another year gone bye a new one on the way
time to start again  on new years day
theres a man i know a miser man is he
supposed to be a landlord that he will never be
he dont do repairs   takes for ever and a day.
anything to do with money  he dosent like to pay

then he gets his cowboys sends them round to you
dont not what there doing any bodge will do
500 pound a month  daylight robbery
he was born a miser no pride or dignity

dont like  to part with money  wont pay for repair
still takes his rent of me. each month he is there
collecting at the door   making it tax free
something not quite right seems like fraud to me

a proper landlord rougue  and a fraudster to
that gets his satisfaction when he is robbing you
oneday he will pay for his robbing crime
when he goes to jail and have to serve his time
christmas it brings memories of a love one lost
feelings and the memories are all together tossed
thinking of the the things that you used to do
all the special times  that you always knew

when you stole a kiss beneath the mistletoe
playing with kids in the christmas snow
all these little things that you love the best
before the angels took you to your place of rest

when your time has come for your home up in the sky
with your angel wings to heaven you can fly
united with your loved one.  in love again once more
and through the clouds of heaven together you can soar
congratulations you done well
knew you would pass i could tell
now the roads are there for you
go anywhere that you want to

so  now enjoy yourself  no L plates anymore
now you passed your test something you longed for
time for lots of fun and a driving holiday
travel here and there on   on your days away

two month old today. now time is moving on
only seems a moment 2 months been and gone
growins really fast growing every day
so hard to believe two months flown away

it makes me feel so proud when he looks at me
my lovely little boy he will always be
cant wait until the day when he begins to walk
listen to his first words as he begins to talk

these are all the things i cant wait to see
watch him as he grows there in front of me

love you jackson ***
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