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a poppy is flower for rememberance day
for the brave that died that gave there lives away
with a heart of courage and there bravery
fighting in a war to set there country free

fighting for us all for each and everyone
so we could be safe and with life go on
fighting day and night on the battle ground
wounded and the dead dropping all around

they still carried on they had a job to do
saving all the lives of every me and you
now we must remember on remeberence day
the bravery of the soldiers.  that gave there lives away.
dont forget your poppy on rememberance day
remember all the soldiers who gave there lives away
using all there courage on the battle ground
in the heat of a war raging all around

fighting in the trenches in the wind and rain
risking  life and limb to set us free again
many soldiers fought so we could live once more
set our country free and put an end to war

remember all the brave on remeberance day
how they went war and gave there lives away
salute them all with pride. wear your poppy to.
how they give there life to give a life to you
christmas will be lonely when it comes this year
i wont have my loved one the one i love so dear
there will be no presents beneath the christmas tree
espescially the ones that she bought for me

i will hang the mistletoe send a kiss and love
first class angel post to heaven up above
play your favourite song that you sang to me
that i will hold for ever in my memory

wishing you were here like it used to be
opening the presents underneath the tree
especially the ones that i looked forward to
the very special ones that i got from you

christmas will be lonely when it comes this year
i wont have my loved one the one i love so dear
there will be no presents beneath the christmas tree
espescially the ones that she bought for me
lets say goodbye to bobby a football star was he
a very gentle man as gentle as can be
legend of a player and football history
with super football skill for the world to see

played for man united got to them to the top
trophy after trophy the  just didnt stop
known around the world to each and every one
gone but not forgotten his name goes marching on

a legend of a man he will always stay
what he did for football will never go away
lets say goodbye to bobby send him all our love
on the football field in heaven up above

tribute to a legend and gentlemen
when you lose your happiness life seems to fade away
sunny skies you knew now have turned to grey
makes you feel so empty broken up inside
happiness you had now has been denied

you feel so alone empty and so bare
happy times you had no no longer there
you can turn it round if you want it to
think about the good times that you always knew

keep them in your mind when your feeling blue
happiness you had will return to you
you can smile once more with a smile up on your face
your mind it will return to your happy place
when the sun is shining it makes you want to smile
brings a little happiness if only for awhile
shining all around warming up the ground
sending down its rays spreading all around

then when the weather changes and begins to grey
clouds there overcast rain its on its way
takes away the sunshine that made you want smile
that made you feel so happy if only for awhile
theres a man called millyard always on tv  
a genuis and  clever intelligent is he
he loves motorcycles builds  them by the score
brings  them back to life makes the run once more

i watch him all the time doing different things
very entertaining lots of joy he brings
i watch him with his friends  henry and skid to
find it fix it flog it and the things they do

such a clever man a genuis is he
that i love to watch when he is on tv

tribute to Alan millyard
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