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lonlieness is bad its not good at all
all your time is spent looking at a wall
no one there to talk to only people on tv
there the only people that you ever see

then when bedtime comes making matters worse
you dont sleep at all for the lonely curse
nothing you can do nobody there insight
all you face is sadness and another lonely night
children make a family give your life a glow
fill you full of happiness as they begin to grow
they will love you always forever and a day
with a bond so strong that will never break away

when your feeling down they are the for you
with there love so strong and forever true
hold you in there arms when you begin to cry
there to comfort you till the teardrops dry

its a part of living has a family
forever in there hearts there love will always be
when you  feeling down think of a memory
visit a  happy place where you  used to be
think of days at school all the things you did
things that you enjoyed when you were just a kid

think of all the good times all the fun you had
times you spent with friends that made you feel so glad
then your sadness it will go  you can smile again once more
be happy once again like you were before
Love can leave you lonely when it all goes wrong

One thing you have to do.  stand up and be strong

Visulise the future what it holds for you

Excitement once again as you start anew
when your moving on the way is hard to find
your thinking of the things that you leave behind
mind is in a whirl going round and round
the thought of moving on to a newer ground

moving to new pastures to start again to new
hoping what you want is waiting there for you
start again once more in different place
then the world once more is there for you to face
happy birthday Millie you are one today
the day when you were born is now a year away
time for your first party cake and candle too
on this special day that belongs to you

open up your presents time for  you to play
time for lots of fun on this your special day
happy birthday Millie on birthday number one
its so hard to believe how fast the year has gone

cancer is a killer it really dosent care
its all around the world  each and everywhere
no matter what age no matter what the race
it just loves to **** in each and every place

you just never know just what it will do
you just hope and pray it dosent come to you
it has no remorse just killing on its  mind
it dosent give a dam   of those left behind

we just have to wait for a cure  to be found
stop this cancer killer spreading all around
do the best we can give what we can give
then people who have cancer will have a chance to live
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