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16 years of loving jane she gave to me
we could  have had lots more it  wasnt meant to be
cancer came a calling second time around
this time it was different no cure could be found

she  had to fight again just like she did before
did the best she could to fight the cancer war
but the cancer won took her away from me
from the pain she suffered now at last is free

i look out the window to the sky above
blow a great big kiss send her all my love
a very special person she will always be
for ever in my heart be a part of me
on the 19th of june i lost the one i love
the angels came and took her to heaven up above
now all the pain has gone no sorrow will there be
she is with the angels now  with a lifes thats free

looking down on loved ones each and every day
sending down her love from where the angels stay
now her life is happy no more pain to bare
in a world of love with angels everywhere

i cant wait for my turn when the angels come for me
to take me to my loved one where i long to be
once again together in heaven up above
side by side together with the one i love
why do people lie why do they hide the truth
do they have to lie just to hide the proof
why dont they tell the truth.  from the very start
knowing that the lies will leave a broken heart

the truth is so much better and will always be
and the lies you tell will be just history
no one will get hurt if you just be bold
life is so much better when the truth is told
where ever there are children happiness is found
lots of little faces smiling all around
bringing back the days when we were children to
having lots of fun with things we used to do

holidays abroad spent with mum and dad
all the happy times that made you feel so glad
playing in the park on roundabout and swings
doing all the things that a childhood brings

when your all grown up with a family
it brings back the time of how it used to be
watching as they smile as they begin to play
bringing back your childhood days every single day
today it  is your birthday it belongs to you
time to celebrate with a drink or two.
you make me feel so proud in everyything you do
make me feel so happy to have a son like you
i was living in the lonliess in the shadows of my mind
world i used know seems so far behind
then you came along  changed it all around
the end to all my loneliness now at last i found

you were everything ive been looking for
to end my lonlieness. live again once more
once again be happy feel the love i knew
i found it all again the day that i met you

everything about  you i love and adore
you turn my life around  made me love once more
a reason to go on end the misery
the day that i met you  life came back to me
cancer has  no morals cancer it dont care
killing anyone when the cancers there
no matter what the age no matter what the race
cancer is a killer in each and every place

spreading round the body each and every cell
causing so much pain makes life a living hell
taking lives away is all it wants to do
from each and everyone every me and you

destroying peoples lives for every family
babies children to whose lives they never see
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