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im the get well man watching over you
hope you get well soon.  doing things you like to do.
sitting in the yard on a sunny day
with  frank and jane and jim passing time away

chatting there for hours with a laugh or two
underneath the sun like we always do
so hurry up get better summers on its way
lets sit in the yard again laugh away the day
why does life have problems why do they have to be
troubles; strife ; and worries and the tragadies
why cant it just be peaceful each an every day
everybody happy with troubles far away

it would be so nice if it. could only be
we could live together in perfect harmony
just a world of peace for each and everyone
troubles strife and tragedy would be forever gone
we all make mistakes me ive made a few
its a part of life thats what people do
no matter who we are mistakes are always there
it happens to us all each and every where

the best thing we can do is let the past by
put right your mistakes give it one more try
start again a new with a different frame of mind
then mistakes you made will be left behind
they say that when we die to heaven we will go
is it really there do we really know
are they really angels flying every where
is it just a myth or are they really there

one day we will know if and when we die
with our angel wings to heaven we can fly
then we will know for sure the myth is really true
that angels do exist so does heaven to
spring is nearly here not to long to go
that special time of year when plants begin to grow
daffodil and crocus  bluebells snow drops to
pushing through the soil there for you to view

birds begin to sing in the morning dew
there lovely morning song singing just for you
roses start to bud as they begin grow
that special time of year that gives your heart a glow

mother natures wonder with lots of things to see
for each and everyone every you and me
i heard a robin sing in my apple tree
sing loud and clear singing just for me
with his big red breast gleaming in the sun
happy as can be having lots of fun

a lovely little song he began to croon
a lovely melody with such a lovely tune
every note in tune every one  in key
singing loud and clear singing just for me

when he finished singing into the air in he flew
way up high above in the sky so blue
hope he will return to my apple tree
sing again once more his robin song for me
kindness it cost it is there to share
that you give for free to people every where
it comes from the heart there inside of you
and theres always someone you can give it to

its something that is free something you can give
it makes the world go round helps the world to live
all it takes kindness to show someone you care
its there inside of you and is always there
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