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  Sep 2017 wichitarick
if you are schizophrenic a small voice will tell you what number to press
if you are co-dependent someone will press 2 for you
if you are paranoid we know where you are and know what you want and we will trace your call
if you are depressive it does not matter no one will answer you
if you have multiple personalizes press 3456
if you are dyslexic press 696969696969
if you have a nervous disorder fidget with # key until the beep, after the beep, please wait for the beep  
if you are obsessive compulsive press 1 repeatedly
if you are delusional press 7 and the mothership will answer you
author unknown
wichitarick Sep 2017

New dawn new day cup of joe to begin the day,starting in line helping to create more urban decay

Waiting out winters feeding the flock, spring warmth brings bringing ceaseless hours for that new crop

Daily mail brings new news while men in a truck pick up the muck,while another prepares to make repairs while caught up in the drudgery  

Clerks & cashiers line up with peers at home behind desks or registers ,more & more simply wanting to beat that clock

Many in uniform protecting the rest from the next storm ,defending all of us & themselves stubbornly

Famous factories forged many generations in fire ,painting a lifestyle for many to admire,building a nations foundation in solid rock

Times change ,full circle to a broad range ,equal rights brings new light ,hoping to help move many upwardly

Wheels of rubber or of steel always moving ready to help seal a deal ,someone at the helm across the nation or around the block

Many more labor with lumber like ants on erector sets,from floors to steeple ,finalizing with grass & shrubbery

Miles of coastline mean fisherman don't flounder,line or net they get what they get anything to feed the ever growing flock

Others eager to learn for new knowledge they do yearn ,teachers take on the task to guide the classrooms fortunately

So paid in  sweat equity or in blood for the brood,  many gather at the end of the day
but never forget to tip the barmaid or tender at your local brewery. R.C.
A little fun for labor day! Maybe could have went another way & thoughts for all those callouses and bulging discs or grief some of our bodies pay for that payday:) My best to people. Thanks for reading & your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Wrangling of words might become a tightrope  for the writer to *****

While the reader may feel the fervor that an author still hasn't discovered

Frequently fondling of familiar phrases may become dull,lost in a lull,hiding behind hope

Basking over prose a browser can feel close,bring themselves to find what the scribe may not have recovered

Lost in a webster's lottery laboriously lamenting in language, mindless and in a mope

Scholar wanting the lecturer to teach ,essayist out of reach,more reason for rhymes for which they hunger

Easy essays aren't eloquent,lingering thoughts quickly lost,locked in with no code

Simple students wishing for more a peek inside the penmans mind ,giving them even more reason to wonder

Almost lost like an old cowboy song,left to search in a field with little yield,memories too easily erode

Bookworms wringing hands await on the edge of a seat ,their fondness for dialog wanting to be pleased but the dramatist waiting to ponder

Wordsmiths wants sometimes leaving them empty,then like an open sky raining down phrases leaves them with a new day and new way to reload . R.C.
Sometimes lost in word play can be funny:)  Had the title as RATION OF PASSION but maybe lost that thought?   But also the thought of how many readers truly do await their favorite writers next pages. even the new crossword brings a higher heart rate until it is solved:) thanks for reading ,your comments are helpful Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Hindsight is no time to find out that you made yourself alone

Grasping at memories is dangerous when needing to build a strong future

As inner strengths are built from each other ,now in triplets,their calendars are unknown

Caring can lend itself to corrupting,fleeing in fear to find out the forgotten was yourself,going down easy is impossible,once it's you in the position of elder.

To much gained through pain,builds a rough exterior but delivery from the heart is rarely shown

Why must we bow preparing for some fatal vow,should we feel appeased and know our souls have shelter

Empty promises made and duly accepted,should guilt be for the giver or receiver,if nothing is gained have we grown

Self supporting can be seen as selfish,we must have our own power before becoming strong enough to support another

How are we left with nothing to ask , wondering if we completed the task, will the truth be shown

Optimistic, stuck on idle or reserved with integrity from our knowledge of being realistic,because nothing new will occur

Many roads traveled are open but leading to the same path, no matter what decisions are made, who really holds the key to the gate is unknown. R.C.
I thank you for  reading ,your input is appreciated.  Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Many awake not knowing their fate but still automatically muster a smile
Another never evolves past hells gate

Comfortable in brewing pots of care, extending themselves so others cups run over
Broken bloke receded to deep within

External,internal many blessed with something maternal ,solid not just for awhile
Lost in limbo ,faceless unknown role with no soul

High pressure parenting,tactfully tickling insuring the recipient will be no imposter
Mostly consumed with animosity

Babes born with a grin set to win,can't wait for the game to begin,someone to admire
Many on auto negative, burning,to late to grow

Not all is merry minstrels don't be a fool, ready to move forward seeing clear & sober  
Inner darkness blocking light,Closed doors leave no insight

Adjusting our way to enlighten our stay, a positive edge makes a bad day not so dire
Simmering in hate is the greatest weight,always outranked

Take a day to break away or the sour will overcome,find time for a chime as we grow older
When only hearing in black tones all that is felt is moans & groans

Spreading good cheer brings many others near, passing on the wealth is in good style
Negative vibes leave a soul closed

Often learned late or mellowed with age ,hearts enlightened for the owner
Fast pace can leave us out of the race

So make a moment to mimic a clown and don't be down ,learn to make ourselves as the model to inspire
Starting in negative or always on zero makes an easy to solve equation. R.C.
Not sure why it began? but negative seems to be a popular rumor in much of the instant news, has always been odd to me how some see themselves as bright positive influences BUT almost always respond in a negative manner about others? it helps keep myself in check so I still see the good in that:)
Wrote this differently,not sure if it has a name or style? but left a postive and a negative. I appreciate your reading. your input in helpful.thanks. Rick
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