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wichitarick Aug 2017

What if I simply to wanted to say nothing

Caught in limbo,not agile or limber ,nor stuck in the middle

No pile of lists  or testy jests ,drawing from an empty well,no thoughts running

Not producing even a wink or nod,no logical rhyme or reason or answer for the riddle

Devoid of a new view ,empty halls with blank walls ,neutral not worth discussing

Midland mind,nonsense aside ,absurdly adrift again ,but taking middle ground wanting no committal

But sometimes simply life provides pushing pressure we want freedom from it's rushing

Deciding to make an about face,just not enter the race, take a step back from the pace
simple is more civil

Somedays leaning left or bending right,bold red or bright white now simply beige bypassing loud or crushing

Lazy being low, crazy or hazy  when too high,today my hero is zero ,being neutral is not artificial

So today before things may go astray or pretending to be happy or gay  or being seen as corrosive simply seek to be impassive ,save tomorrow to let the emotions go back to running. R.C.
Sometimes it seems the world is put in our way ,rather than taking it in or going with the flow we just need to shut it ALL off! Not even the safe road but truly neutral,happy or sad take effort and energy. But a little fun . Thanks for reading. I appreciate your input. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Thoughts from our past often leave many aghast, something there always staying on the edge

Is it a sin to keep it buried deep within,will holding back effect how fast we grow

Often unwittingly laid aside ,mental block becomes your rock, but still left with a lifetime on a ledge

Building up passion over a lifetime, repairing a soul  became an endless role

Unable to cradle a fable can leave us all alone ,maybe find time to see,  finally make a pledge

Many factors make up fear, some hidden, others right here,but always gnawing like a hidden troll

Mellowed over time but a shadow covering what was behind,in my mind it has made an etch

Midnight trauma makes it's call,vivid flashbacks total recall,asking no ransom as it robs my soul

Awaking from twilight into a new daylight ,bright dawn breaking the yawn,past hours of torment have left me a wretch

Awaiting by the back gate, new freedom needs to play a part,gaining not feigning to be our new goal

Maintaining face while remaining in the race, we can gain new power from leaving parts of the past,find new control without regret. R.C.
Could have gave deeper thought,but am sure I have in other ramblings over time, thoughts feelings on living with past memories . is amazing at we can simply work out if we know we have freedom of all thing that enter our mind.  "Peace Takes Practice." thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Started with pennies gathering dandelions from here to the horizon
lincoln heads exchanged for licorice  and a bad case of sunburn......

Soon fall will be making it's call,gently landing, billowing and lining curbs and fence rows.
For a few counted as a blessing for the neighbors and friends that would rather pay a young man to do their raking .

Daily read is an addictive need ,getting out that fresh news is not just a muse ,so a lot of rolling held down with a rubberband ,new bike a new route , Once a month collections left me with a lot more clout.

Some farm boys born into it others just dropped at the gate,rows that grow and sunbleached blisters soon to be their fate. Bales to buck  or the need to ****  those crops that are used to feed. Piece work pay not much reason to stay.

Once only a happy thought for the new munchies that were bought ,soon those plates would be my new fate,hot wet & busy from the starting gate,regular pay & food of the day left many reasons to stay,kitchen camaraderie helping to nurture a future.

Boys and their shovels bonded like Lassie without getting sassie ,cooling air brings more flakes ,daily rituals measured & treasured unless they lay on a pathway or roof
piling high brings a sigh, met with manic pressure,pay increasing by the weight, gold awaits as you clear those gates.

Hurry up and wait but still stand straight,little sleep, lots to clean ,Haze grey and underway,mechanical monkeys maintain fast flyers,give it all,life or death play it out until your last breath.

Hard trails tell lots of tales ,mostly dollars marked by sweat, spent quick but  with little regret,Heavy metal ways marking days,calloused ,corroded smoothness eroded,
but clean , polish a few layers of paint makes for a quick sale.

Settling in, picket fence with no chagrin,time card stamped life revamped,to travail with no avail  ,endless hours all devoured ,no gain without pain gladly paying penance for our sliver of pie,Anchor & chain bring great weight, left with none when it is done.

Started a race already ahead several steps ahead of the pace,taking it all in anything to produce a grin,rising never to find a prize,suddenly crash & burn at every turn,burning bridges missing mates, finally awakened to an open gate honesty with myself lifted all the weight.

Due date time to wait,no choice for pink or blue, advice in the air now even strangers seem to care,instant true love ,positive protection will be their recollection,daily reaching for the teaching to make that simple glow grow.

So as we roll on all we can ask is a new dawn ,learning to live with what we gave, Hopefully blessed with lessons learned in hindsight ,may the light shine on us even at night bringing bounty to all stages of life.
Maybe a slice of life ,labor and callouses ,was harder to condense or not ramble to much:)  But tried to present something in a different style . Many thoughts here.  I appreciate your reading. your thoughts are helpful. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Awakened to a shimmering light bring us out of the darkest night

Easily showing it keeps growing ,can such a broad spectrum be covered by grey

Lumber from our slumber,slim wishes for the day ,what will be found to make the afternoon bright

Hidden deeply behind daily shadows will make bringing a band of color closer even harder to stay

Maintaining mundane mindsets, becoming locked into the lowdown, needing that crack in the glass to let in some light

Gradual gradation slowly shows it's beauty ,brightening the darkest corners is it's way

Bland can be burdensome with no outlets for pressures ,then simple specters delight

Clouds can form many formulas ,brewing,billowing into blackness but as the sun shines through relaxing into a true versicolor display

Globally roaming in a battle of adversity,sometimes brightly beaming  or closing darkening bring about fright

Displayed across a valley marbled mosaics showing the prisms before the darkness  won't let it play

Blinded by blackness most remain sedated while others accept iridescence,
with it's colored arc we remain pacified .R.C.
Had the visual idea ,could have tried harder with thoughts of our minds or actions and comings and goings of fast moving weather. Thanks you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Songs about the rain seem to be a popular way for many to pass on the pain

Maybe just hearing water falling from skies and knowing it is simply to hide their own tears

While plenty of others regail of desert nights or the beauty of the Mountains ,upper waters washing creating the most disdain

Cowering under thunder ,clenching  from the mighty jolt of that lightening bolt ,opening up our fears

Before the thoughts of flowers or green grasses must come the wetness of the rain

Fade to grey or turning to black blocking the suns beauty & warmth is less revealing than when clear

After a bad dry spell and clouds are caught rolling in, expect many to yell as water now runs into the well

Plenty to say of puddles, barefoot kids or baby ducks ,playing it up as it will soon disappear

Some say go away until another day, while others pray for it to stay for crops to rise where it fell

Country thunder crooning or mellow Mozart's musings ,maybe pop of a raindrop
& stormy rockers rolling,  each singing their outpour for a downpour in a way they feel clear. R.C.
Something fun,always a reason for many to write,  all types of weather remains a popular one.  I appreciate your reading and your thoughts or words are useful. a good day to you. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Bringing up some inner need ,following along taking exact steps of an unwritten creed

Many start early ,yet so many ways to play will there be a hidden cost or who will have to pay

For some, that ever present grin balanced above their chin,was it to hide something  to easily give the others a lead

Remaining quiet in the corner as an obscure foreigner ,not attracting attention is their greatest relief for the day

Stuck in the middle but not trying hard to solve a riddle, some are more apt to worry for others or to help those in need

Back to the beginning who or what are we trying to truly gratify, is it a game of predator and prey

Early days we easily play then rules help set patterns that we must obey,lay low or get caught up in the stampede

Conforming or self absorbing who are we really helping to make happy when we play

With what actions will we receive the best reactions ,who are we trying to please when we succeed

So as we play the game who will we really please, loving ourselves or living to appease
either way there will always be someone to repay .R.C.
Not sure why this came about ,but how do we balance pleasure? or why are we happy? for our own benefit? or to make another happy too? a lot of ways to think on this? spend so much time trying to please another never even realizing you can be happy just for yourself,often learned in hindsight for some or for some finding a way out of depression knowing they can be happy with just a simple thing for no reason at all?   Maybe lost track a bit but the thought was there.  Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful . Rick
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