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wichitarick Aug 2017

Morning bells calling ,jolted to rise but our mind and eyelids still falling

Rise from the sack kicked out of the rack ,awakening to find what new price we must pay

Leftover humming from the night is still quite bright ,that unknown sonnet is calling

Wonderful note we now wished was wrote, so that beautiful sound would not go away

Was it a chorus or a lone soul harmonizing ,left grasping, wishing to catch it before it goes missing

Is it a crime to miss a chime ,true longing for that lost rhyme ,it's going away but we want it to stay

Searching for the sonnet,missing a beat ,not quite on it ,in the distance almost hearing but then new notes keep replacing

Was it some old tune or a new poesy to make us more rosey,still calling we stand back but still wishing for the outcry

On the way about the day the sound still resonates yet we must wait ,will the next be wrong when it comes to the gate or again leave us wincing

Constant consonance in the air we just sit and stare,tapping and whistling we will still try

Simply a shanty but it's grip quite uncanny ,all thought we devote for that note  but will that next serenade have us reminiscing . R.C.
Probably had the first thought about how many sounds we rely on or even are truly annoying ,but also what of those sounds we enjoy but can't get out of out head ,but also having that song in your head but not quite sure what is was?  maybe why some people write songs tired of trying recall others and simply write a new one:) I appreciate your reading . Rick
  Aug 2017 wichitarick
some believe in the deity
others in the sanctity of self
I think poetry is a religion
a soul unto itself
not a god
but close
and I seek her his its
calming words
to get on my knees
and worship
every night
in my sanctuary
like any
true believer
wichitarick Aug 2017

When does it's presence take the stage, what is the beginning to set the gauge

Where does the needle find it's direction,will magnetism or a magnet bring the unseen guidance

Finding the way or a guiding light, day after day to make our plight,writing a book page by page

More than a map or general guide ,when called upon from within it will enlighten

is it irony of the needle pointing north & so many looking up ,is there a gain in it's weight as we age

Trusting children showing elders what they may have lost,we're caught looking down for our days to brighten

Playing a game of comparisons, but some may find nothing or no one  to relate

Simply an instrument a device to measure, whether to take the high or low ground
it may take the shock of reality to truly frighten

Is there haste when we make chaste or is it taken from lessons learned as we debate

Trust sounds easy but a rare find given & received by the scrupulous and over time it will heighten

Many may never notice which direction their own needle points or how it will all equate

So we spin the dial hope it comes back to true north as we go forth ,our best hope we will hold it all in it's circumference. R.C.
Had the title so the thought was present,but also seems to be a popular topic for some,it seems even more prevalent with so many providing their own quick thoughts on a wide range of topics.
But what rule book do we use use to judge?  I came by honesty backwards ,not much bad surprises me but am always truly humbled at people with true honesty or even further truly humble,unlike what many may perceive of the world ,I find a lot of people who don't even comprehend how to lie ,cheat or steal .   I appreciate your reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

If you drink away the pain who is to gain except for the man that owns the liquor store

Never a planned event ,would you living your own life differently been a step to prevent

Inward feelings festered ,drawn into a stoic cluster,hidden but outwardly you seek more

Saving face is now standard fare ,you seeing yourself as right no matter how the discussion went

Not planning for a future or stopping to nurture ,grasping reality quickly becoming a bore

Others looking inward while you are busy blocking ,never realizing the energy you've spent

What will it take for an inward soul to awake,simple expressions are waiting for you to explore

Inward accusations, self examinations make dangerous bedfellows,slow torture in waiting to repent

We rarely read our own message,not seeing the good while focused on bad, the deficits are easiest to underscore

Time is the true tester not leaving old wounds to fester,truly needing to solve  from which branch those feeling originally stemmed

Starting with need ,knowing it's not greed to reach out or ask for help upon which we can feed ,no shame in simply wanting an overhaul

Rather than seeing others or the world at fault it has become time for us to lay it on the line ,that our own heart is now the strongest thing in which we can depend. R.C.
Although i have lived this,not sure where this came from ,maybe from thoughts stirred from a poem about addiction I read yesterday. Not necessarily applicable to just that ,the freedom that honesty with myself has given me has been strenght ,if I can pass that on or share it seems a double bonus. also maybe from thinking of my teenage daughters naivete & just simply my own survival has taught me in hindsight.
Maybe just to bad some life lessons are only learned with pain. I appreciate your reading and any thoughts are appreciated. "Peaces Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

Super sun bringing all assortment of energy,creating life

Cowering under it while also bowing to it ,taking the strength provided

Blessed by the warmth then cursed by heat, following while falling in strife

How strong our need blessed by it's speed ,with it our patterns are guided

Without it's mass the day is less giving .earth left in her berth like  man with no wife

So much dependence, making all around us more splendid  and  many more excited

In control of dusk & dawn ,forming the basics for common man from the sky

Growing from it's glow a warm friendship it does bestow, forming a foundation for the climate

Closest star  many more afar, don't dare stare into the glare, so far away yet the strength is nearby

All that we see started with that light, bringing endless energy, grand aurora showing the finest

Rolling on the axis  divided by the light, mother earth finds solstice  making do comfortably

Reflection on the moon in the night, from crescent or full helping to keep our sight
a great orb that will always remain a giant . R.C.
Seemed fitting for the hot summer heat. but the same sun will be welcome in Jan. so we keep it in perspective when we have seasons at least. I appreciate your thoughts & your reading. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

If I were to write a lullaby ,really take the time to find that line, would  others be inclined to feel inspired

Take the fledgling feelings & let them grow in verse,simply maiden feelings letting them go showing others how they might flow

Many write of love,finding,wanting,saving even the deepest craving,then broken, leaving their hearts rewired

Other thoughts may come forward ,learning of ourselves as we write of others, laying it all out is allowing us to grow

Humming along yet another song, using the same old words sometimes feels so wrong
at times it seems a new poet needs to be hired

Words in a stack can truly have our back ,digging deep ,really letting it show

Many flinch but we will sing along showing both sides ,right or wrong,not yet knowing from whom we should hide or which is to be admired

More of life caught in verse, letting it out unrehearsed ,harmonizing it all to let it glow

Be it a ballad telling a life's tale, possibly a hearts blues rising into a wail,telling from the soul as it transpired

Other folk find a bit of the country to croon, same as a city feeling just with a better view

So setting it up for a sing along can't be wrong,some more words to hum to help break a doldrum ,making us feel better or helping another to be inspired . R.C.
Was simple,but had the title and listening to music just tried to let keep it on track  or flow. thank you for reading & I do appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

Not so long ago some folks came to a new place and decided to stay

In fairly short order maybe wide open spaces left them wanting to break away from the current rulers braces

Protection for the people came second after a vow to King or Queen,for the people was a new way to play

Simpler to remain quiet & let larger matters pass,new questions with their new land & how much control they should have in their new places

Not a question of righting a past wrong ,but of how a  future can become living a truly different way

In the beginning many preferred to stay,being revolutionary was evolutionary  cutting all ties leaving no traces

Was this "Common Sense" really a major Paine ,sweet Virginia calling, a meeting meant for all in a great Hall,that first draft writing a plan to break away

How continental of the early congress to finally sign ,although they argued about when the proper day,two agreeing so strongly they met their demise on that day

Thirteen as a lucky number ,but their decisions would allow no slumber that new freedom came with a high price to pay

Oh what a declaration Thomas did exclaim for those that agree and those that remain
we will have great day to honor this new found way

So like a new birth they said I do declare and began adopting and publicly reading of their declaration of Independence & proclaiming new faces

So we break out the banner ,band together to b.b.q. in every manner ,red white and blue for me and for you and a chance to show that patriotism has not gone astray. R.C.
A day late ,but thoughts for U.S. Independence day, just a little simple fun , didn't exactly proof read so I hope the founding Dads would approve:) Thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Oh and Happy Independence Day. Rick
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