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3.9k · Jul 2018
White Widow Jul 2018
Tentacles grasping for nutrition
Soaking in everything around you.
Filled with visceral emotion overload
Angered by the world's injustices
You must then express yourself in ink

To empty.
3.2k · Oct 2018
White Widow Oct 2018
A Milestone
Should not be a millstone,
Weighting your Spirit.

Rather, a stepping stone
Buoyed in the water of life.

Used to keep you
Above water
As you bridge the gap.

Milestones should not
Be millstones.

Rather, paver stones
Used to mark your path.
Where you've been.  
Where you're going.
Forming a pleasing pattern
In the Earth to gaze upon.
To excitedly anticipate.

Milestones should not
Be millstones.
To grind you down
While you continue to grow.

Rather, gem stones
That glitter with the light
Marking the Blessings
Along your path.

Milestones are not millstones.

Unless you see them that way.
Special milestone for me tomorrow; I'm not where I had envisioned for myself, but I'm learning to enjoy the journey!
1.0k · Apr 2019
Measuring Up
White Widow Apr 2019
Your worth to me
Is Immeasurable.
I Love You...
There's nothing to live up to.
You surpass my expectations.
846 · Jun 2021
Truth (10 w)
White Widow Jun 2021
Are you

Brave enough

To be Yourself

for a change?
452 · Feb 2019
Squidgy Bug
White Widow Feb 2019
'E' is for the fact
         That you are my
'M' is for the fact
          That you are
'I' is for the fact
           That you ARE
                  The apple of
                         Your Daddy's.
'L' is for the fact
            That you are
'Y' is for the fact
             That you are uniquely
         Your name means
             And that's exactly
                           what you are.
My 'Junior',  my 'E.G.O.', My Beautiful Daughter... Happy Valentine's Day .
426 · May 2018
Waking Dead (10W)
White Widow May 2018
Emotional hibernation
               is never preferable.
                              It's just death...
                                       while breathing.
335 · Jul 2018
Show me the...
White Widow Jul 2018
Now amongst the
Newly employed.

Very long year...
I'm overjoyed!
Customer service is awash with fodder for poetry, lol!
323 · Aug 2018
Through Your Eyes (10w)
White Widow Aug 2018
I love
that you Love
What I Like
About Myself.
Two 5w poems inside a 10!
315 · Jul 2018
Tuning (10w×2)
White Widow Jul 2018
The only song in my head
Is the
Akashic Records

The song in my heart
Is the
One That Matters
One is Melody, one is Harmony
309 · Aug 2018
Unconditional (10w)
White Widow Aug 2018
You are worth
You (think)
you're putting me through.
276 · Feb 2018
To My Daughter
White Widow Feb 2018
This Valentine verse
is just for you
In case appreciation seems
(Like the Hannah Montana Movie from the Library...)...

My Daughter you are the
Light in my life.
You make me smile with Love
Thru all the strife.

When your voice calls, "Mom!"
I feel complete.
You curl up beside me
Our favorite seat.
Our time together
(tho we wish more)
Is greater than a gift
From ANY store!

I know you remember
The Family Way
I wanted to remind you
This Valentine's Day...
Thinking of you
273 · Feb 2019
White Widow Feb 2019
I'd give you
All that I have,
but without you...
I have Nothing.

So,  instead -
I will Love you
With All that I Am.
You know who You Are
263 · Aug 2018
Resources (10w)
White Widow Aug 2018
It's really about who halves,
And those who halve not.
261 · Jul 2023
Healthy Perspective
White Widow Jul 2023
Our grandparents are outside
We are inside
240 · Jun 2019
White Widow Jun 2019
Some Cupids ****
with Arrows.
Some Cupids ****
with Traps.
Much Ado About
234 · Aug 2019
White Widow Aug 2019
My Dearest Daughter,

This is in hopes that throughout these last loooong month...
you may find me here.

I am and will ALWAYS continue to fight.
As I KNOW the battle you are waging there.

My thoughts are NEVER far away from you.
Waiting for that final day in April.

You were born @ 4:18am. Expect my call
                                                      ­  Or sooner...
I will be at the end of the driveway
(if you want, @ 4:19am!)
Or when you leave for school.
BTW, U WILL call yourself in sick that
I told 'her' he could kiss my *** in a them. Heheheh
232 · Aug 2018
Unbeknownst Challenge
White Widow Aug 2018
I've seen it before.
Just not quite as beautiful
As yours.

You see, the fact that you feel AND express yourself? (& so very well!) It's eloquence (THAT'S class).
Not where or to whom you were born (that's genetics). Not where you live (that's status).
It's how you interact with what God has given you (or sometimes doesn't). Its how you treat others.

If I ever get the chance (in person) to witness
Your beautiful chaos
Please know in advance...
I would see
a more complete man.
Not just broken pieces.
I am REALLY good with a glue gun...
227 · Aug 2019
Had One (10w)
White Widow Aug 2019
Where are the nice boys...
with books in their hands??
White Widow Jul 2018
Self-Sabotage is what I am familiar...

I 'Hear' your words,
   But I've 'Read' them, too
(...Is that what you REALLY think
                               I'D do??)
SMH... Foster kids get ******* in the system. Won't give it up if u don't give up...
197 · Feb 2018
An Ode to Stanley
White Widow Feb 2018
A companion, true, knew just what to do.
A Warrior, a Lion with a mischievous view.
Played hard...and soft...and sometimes with others...
But knew one to be his favorite lover.
Loved toys (of all sorts,) to keep his attention.
(Some other sweet things I'd like to mention)
His 'street cred' was tops, loved by all the 'hood
Loved to to cuddle when he felt misunderstood.
Smart & sassy, empathic for sure
Sought me out, my emotions his lure.
My life was enriched for our time together.
He's a part of my heart, from now til forever.
Stanley, my beautiful 3y.o. orange tabby passed . Gone too soon. Will always be remembered with a smile.
172 · Jun 2020
White Widow Jun 2020
You were Peter Pan
To my Wendy.

A Lost Boy.

Who only wanted to know...
that His Voice

For it meant...
He was finally

And that meant ...
It was safe to mature.
I never let you down.
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