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Until one of us cuts the cord,
we will never be free.
So tonight, I am gonna do us both a favor,
and I am going to save me.
Did I tell you I would be someone that would offend?
Unapologetically stoic, not someone you can depend,
On that matter though, I would really like to say,
that though I'm an erupting volcano, ever eager to explode,
my heart transcends through time and space,
the only kind of love, I can and will ever be able to show.
How could another guy ever think,
that he, could take the heart that
I have entrusted to you, and you alone?

How could he have the audacity,
to call himself my knight in shining armor?
When you are the king to my throne.

You alone have planted the seeds of kisses,
that have planted themselves deep within me,
And you, hugged me till I got chills to the bone.

Even though you left, we never really said goodbye,
You keep a watchful eye, guarding your queen,
and I am but a plane that will always be flying in your zone.


"When I am away, I want you to take care of yourself. Please."
"Will you think of me when you're in there?"
"Of course I will."
"If you find someone new, I want you to tell me at once"

I was never good in Math,
never excelled in Science,
cheated on my Spelling test,
certainly never bothered trying my best.

I'm irresponsible and unapologetic,
I won't reply to your texts,
not because I'm busy,
but just because I'm that ******;

I'm very critical, with very angry thoughts.
Being in a cage has taken its toll,
From time to time,
I've let monsters and demons consume my soul.
Trying to get into the habit of writing every other day, if not everyday.
Split second friendly fire,
Shield yourself from false desire.
You wake up with eyes bruised from a sleepless night.
You think of him and your last fight.
The empty spaces in your bed dances to his shape,
close your eyes, cover your ears,
attempt a futile escape.


You wake up to a text message. You don't have to guess who it's from, the moment you read it is when positivity caves in. Suddenly it's as if the tornado from the night before was nothing but a mere gush of wind.

"Good morning I'm so sorry baby."

You expected him to say that. He always says that. An all too familiar cycle. You smile a bit and delay your reply, as if to make him think you don't care.

"I'm sorry too."
If you were to ask me how I was feeling,
I'd tell you there was a noose around my neck,
and I am standing on a chair.

A part of me says jump, and the other stays put.
Sometimes I find the latter losing,
because it's an easy escape.
But it becomes a permanent escape.

An escape to where exactly?
This is where she loses you see.
Because like everyone, I am afraid of what's not known.

So for now, i will just stay put,
until another noose decides to take over.
You cut off a part of me I'll never get back,
It happened so quickly, I couldn't react.
But in its place something else will grow,
the seeds you planted,
will eventually start to show.

I thought about picking the flowers you grew, but i decided against it.
Because even though it grew in the midst of internal chaos, it bloomed so wonderfully.

I will always remember.

— The End —