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 Dec 2013 reyna
 Dec 2013 reyna
It's almost two in the morning
and I miss you
like a lot
and I'm not sure exactly
how even to express it
because lately it's been weird
but I haven't been very inspired.
And for you,
it's almost six in the evening
and I hope you miss me
but not too much.
But I've learned a little bit
that being even father apart
from your smile
isn't all that difficult,
until I'm falling asleep
as you're starting the afternoon
and you're falling asleep
as I wake up.
And so it's just a bit harder
to tell you I love you
as often as I want to,
but as it's two in the morning
while it's six in the evening,
I hope that you know
how much you really mean to me
and how much I hate missing you
but I absolutely can't help it
at two in the morning
when I think of you laughing
and try to recreate
feeling your hand in mine
with my own fingers,
hoping that at six in the evening
you're thinking of my teasing
and wanting our kisses
just as much as I do.
Since we won't be together
tomorrow at midnight,
I guess I'll be sending
my New Year's kiss
over a text message,
relying on
my slow wifi
and your bad reception.
Think of it as a placeholder, I guess,
at least until the next time I see you.
Cause even at my two in the morning
or even at your six in the evening
it's the very best thing

I can think of to be doing.
It's okay for Children to bear witness
to brutal death, verbal assault and dismemberment
but to have them see a nice pair of **** or genuine human affection
is a total ******* catastrophe in this backwards world
that demands mechanical Zenophobia and Amorophobia
before it encourages general Love for your fellow Human.
I am taking a few weeks' hiatus from the Internet. Partially to see if I can, and partially to focus on some other things in my life. Thank you all for reading my work so frequently, and thank those of you who comment as well. I will check in from time to time to read the things my fellow Pens have to write, but I shan't be active like I usually am.

Until next;
 Dec 2013 reyna
Aviendha Goodrich
if you're going to call me easy
for giving all i have to give
then perhaps you don't deserve my pleasantries
i'm not quite sure where to begin.

formidable in your fleeting ways
i come crawling from beneath the sheets
of the earth's gentle waves
my lips trailing down
from your head
to your feet

and maybe this love is dead,
but that's no reason to say what you have said.
my thighs and taciturn wrists
my heart goes racing after
the taste of your lips

letting go ain't so easy
for this star crossed lover
for you, it seems as simple as breathing
while i lie under covers
in your bed
in your home
on your street
on my knees
i'm running red
now, why don't you pick up the phone

it appears i've caught a cold
in those winter winds
it appears my antics have grown old
after all, i'm just a kid

what are you, where are you,
my lovely young wanderer?
i didn't mean to smother you
possessive is just part of my nature.

where you tread
alive or dead
i will follow you.
 Dec 2013 reyna
have you ever felt trapped? caged? stuck? like everyone around you is moving and you're frozen and can't move? maybe it's the depression. maybe it's fear. i don't know what it is - all that i know is this feeling is completely paralyzing. sometimes it feels like i'll never leave this town. i'm so afraid of going nowhere yet i'm terrified of going out and living my life. i wish i could just crawl out of my skin. maybe that's why i tear it open almost every night. i wish i could escape myself. being stuck in this body is worse than being stuck in this town. it feels like my feet are glued to this very spot and no matter how much i try to undo it, it's continuing to stick. people always told me i'd go far in life but i'm not quite sure if i believe that. for i am immobilized by the paralyzing fear of being unsuccessful. maybe it's just the anxiety. maybe i'm insane.
 Dec 2013 reyna
Your mind's eye is turned inward
Looking at a distorted image of yourself
Droplets of imagination
Falling into your pool of thought
Static brain ripples
Traveling outward
Crashing against the sides
Of your mental boundaries
Those self created boundaries of
Exposing your ignorance
And I
Standing outside the walls of your mind
I see the real you
Through nothing more than a peep hole
Looking deeply into your exposed soul
All the while you stare judgmentally
At your minds eye image of yourself
I can see your light
The part of you that is diamond like in clarity
And until you awake
With full realization
And understanding
I am alone
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