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 Dec 2013 reyna
 Dec 2013 reyna
i am so
like a
fistful of
rice dropped
on the hard
wood floors
you could
never gather
all of me, even
find pieces next
(c) Brooke Otto 2013
Experience is important, but overindulgence is dangerous.
"I blame the Government!"
"I agree on principle!"
An exchange between my roomate and I before work tonight upon seeing two jets flying parallel with conspicuous, inconsistent, dissimilar trails behind them..
 Dec 2013 reyna
Daisy King
I really really love it when you look at someone
and happen to have a smile on your face and suddenly
they smile back at you, not because they know why
or because they want to communicate anything more
but because you are happy and that is enough
to make them happy too.
"No child left behind,"
yeah, if we leave them all behind, no one in particular gets left behind;
"If you weren't so smart, you wouldn't be called a nerd,"
yeah, but..
"Between the Judicial, Legislative and Executive branches
as well as the DMV , DOD, and our failing Public Schools,
it's a ******* wonder I abide by the Government at all."
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