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 Jan 2014 wafa
Easier Said...
 Jan 2014 wafa
complicated endeavor
a lifelong cycle
 Jan 2014 wafa
 Jan 2014 wafa
I can't remember the last time I touched your face
But I can feel your cheekbones digging into my mind like the feeling of taking a shovel
hollowing out my own grave to lie in
When was the last time I was able to run my fingers through your hair?
Untangling hair is easy, but I haven't yet found anything
to get out the knots in my stomach
If someone asked me what color your eyes were, I couldn't tell them
But I could explain just how it felt when they looked into mine
Like when you look into the sun and are blinded by its immense beauty, so blinded
you can't see the inevitable damage it inflicts upon every pore
Except I haven't yet found anything to protect myself from your stare
What if my skin burns before you can feel it again
And how will you feel if you're too bright that I can't look anymore?
You might begin to miss the fact that nobody can look at you the way I do
before you even realize I can
And I could tell them how you felt when mine looked into yours
despite the fact that you can't
Because you don't know what it's like to feel something other than your own fear
But I'm not afraid of you anymore, I have no fear
I have some hope you can have, it's been growing for quite some time
And I may have some more strength left, although dealing with you feels like
running to a destination that doesn't exist
I'm tired of being selfish and hogging all the feelings
And I think I'll share
with you
 Jan 2014 wafa
Juddin Peterson
I came into this life with no friends
so whats the purpose to make amends
if they had a purpose, they would of came in this world with me right?
****, friends at even with me every night.
where are they when it gets dark? cause thats when it usually peak
why aren't they in my mind, to help me find the light I seek
yea its great to have fun and sip on alcohol
but who does it hurt when I'm drunk and fall?
Why cant friends take away the pain I feel
do they know that I starve as a meal
they say friends come and go
but if you're going to go then don't come
cause you'll waiting on the street like a ***
a friend is just a fiend in disguise
drop the r and even you can see with your eyes
but our eyes are what made us see them in the first place
It's amazing what you can see with your eyes closed
Especially if you have a vision
Or how you could have everything
And still think about everything missing
Like I probably remember the times I missed out on
More than the ones I lived
I probably remember the haters that I did have
More than friends I did
Ya feel me?
 Jan 2014 wafa
frankie crognale
the last few days of that last year were the last i'd feel the way i did about you.  
this past year has been a struggle because of your wretched absence, however there are new opportunities for the both of us.  your life will go on, and so will mine.  i don't really know why this doesn't hurt, since i feel like it should.  maybe we really weren't meant for each other.  it's hard to tell now, and i'd rather not think about it.  i know it will make me miss you.
now looking at the emotional scars you left me i wonder why i ever let you get to me that much.  the spirit inside me would normally never let someone as beautiful and charming as you get to it.  however, now that you are "gone", so to speak, you truly are a thing of my past.  your pacific ocean eyes aren't as blue as i thought they were.  the pacific ocean isn't as crystal clear as i'd made it out to be.  the atlas of this journey you've taken me on is nothing but one long, twisted road.  difficult to maneuver through, and pretty ******* confusing.  the changing of the last digit of the year is going to bring changes in you, in me, in everything.  i loved you, or at least i thought i did.  you taught me a lot.  i  appreciate all you've done for me. metaphorically, you were the only light i thought i had, but now, i'm basking in the sunlight.
2013, thank you for everything you've taught me.  seeing you leave is bittersweet, but i'm prepared for all 2014 has in store.
"don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
 Jan 2014 wafa
 Jan 2014 wafa
the sun's a dying star
yet how bright its shine

I am your star
hope to shine on through the night
the silence speaks its words of direction
like a light on your back
you flywheel your steps into the dark

you take silence by the hand as it leads the way
the moonlight in night-time sky winks affection
and you catch the wave in time

and rolling that piece, the die is cast
this dice has your face on every side

you are a star
and you shine so bright
you are the star
to align the hidden light*

S T, 2 Jan 2014
yeah, happy new ear.. !


hmm.. start of a brand-new year..
well, may your aims be bold, your accomplishments quite grand and your ruins glorious :)

sub-entry: maximum support

grab hold of the very moments
which offer
that maximum support

ultra-revel in the backbone
of decisive heart

see the new age dawns
giving birth to endless possibility

get ready to catch it
when it comes!
 Dec 2013 wafa
Stanza 1
yada, yada, yada
...something clever

Stanza 2
blah, blah, blah
...something sincere

Stanza 3
la, la, la
...something profound

Stanza 4
yeah, yeah, yeah
...something vague

Stanza 5
etc, etc, etc
...something touching

Stanza 6
hmm, hmm, hmm
...something to ponder

Should I post this mess?
...deleted it the first time...shouldn't take myself too
 Dec 2013 wafa
Krusty Aranda
I dreamt that you came back, looking as gorgeous as ever, asking for my forgiveness.

I dreamt you followed me around, as I confusingly convinced myself I hated you.

I dreamt that you came back, hunting my weakened, fragile heart into falling for you again.

I dreamt that you caught me with your charm, and little by little I was your fool.

I dreamt I was trapped in your big blue eyes, your long blonde hair, your blood red lips.

I dreamt I traded my soul for a night of so called love and a morning of regret and self loathing.

I dreamt I ran away in circles, always coming back to the same spider web with the same black widow.

I dreamt I was awake, when in reality I had never even fallen asleep.

— The End —