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 May 2013 Vivian Summers
call me autumn
i'll be the giant pile of crunchy red-brown leaves for you to jump in
i'll be the ugly sweater you love so much that you pull out on the first cold day
i'll be the pumpkin that you dredge out the insides of and carve a jack-o-lantern face on

call me winter
i'll be the christmas morning that greets you with a heap of presents under a twinkling tree
i'll be the warm cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows after you come in from the snow
i'll be the groundhog that assures you there will be an early spring to end your wintertime blues

call me spring
i'll be the umbrella you dig out of your trunk that keeps you dry in the unexpected storm
i'll be the large cup of coffee that stays up with you through all-nighters before finals
i'll be the first flower you see in bloom after a long and cold winter

call me summer
i'll be the rays of sunshine that tan your flawless skin
i'll be the cold shower you take cause that ****** air conditioner is broken again
i'll be the hammock that you lay on as you stargaze and think about all the galaxies that stream above
 May 2013 Vivian Summers
 May 2013 Vivian Summers
Every time I hear your name my heart jumps
Into my throat. And when I think of you
my heart cracks a little more and I
can’t help but remember the agony
of losing you, has it really been eight  
Years? It feels like yesterday you were here
But now I find myself searching for your
face in everything. You would be nineteen,
Off at college ready to start your life.
Instead I struggle each day to bring up
My memories of you. Was it me or

You who told that joke? I can’t remember now
The feeling of staying up laughing
our heads off till three AM will never
leave me. I sometimes pray that by the morning I
will have forgotten everything and the
pain will have melted away, but how could
anyone wish to forget you? There are
no answers for why you are gone, some things
must stay as questions. now days blur into
weeks, months, years and I’m still here and your not
and every time I forget and try to
call you, it will be the same terrible
realization like every time, that
no one will answer and I’ll be back where I started,
trying to remember, to put the pieces
together and once again pick myself
up, thank you for your friendship, I will hold
you in my heart forever because that’s
how special you became to me. So, this
is my farewell to you,
                                    Goodbye my friend
It's 4:43 in the AM -
Not in the afternoon where it's supposed to be
But dark instead -
Smoking a cigarette outside -
In the humid purple night -
Where lightning bugs are flying
Under sharp soft bursts of wind -
Pleasant in this misty heat -
You are nocturnal -
More comfortable in the dark -
Where thoughts flow more freely
With the freedom of shadows -
Hiding in the darkness -
Arousing passions -
Seducing lusts -
Running much faster from death's final dust -
Where flaming elixirs flow like silken rain
Under galaxies of stars and various planets -
Perfumes of the dark matter erupt in your mind -
Laying in tall grass, outstretched arms -
Legs curled up -
In awe of such massive wonder and chaos
That indulges my speck of existence -
This is when you understand the notion of 'Gods' -
And how truly privileged it is to live a life -
Where dreams will come, asleep or awake -
A nocturnal life is the life I live.
I am waiting for a twenty two.
Two eleven's have past but they will not do
from Piccadilly to Putney
home in time for ham,cheese and chutney
and here it comes.

Humming along brum brum brum
get on the bus
swipe the card
not too hard
taking a seat take the weight of my feet
and in the air from up the stairs the smell of food
someone is chewing on chicken
******* on bones
the women in front are gabbling in phones
and the child behind cries
I've dropped my fries
then an old lady slips on these crispy fried chips
and the bus comes to a halt.
The driver jumps up
screaming this isn't my fault.

Not my day at all
just wanted to get home with no smell of chicken
no phones in my face
but now I'm stuck in the bus
face to face
with the realisation that Putney and ham with cheese and Chutney
is slipping away.
not my day at all.
You are not the breath I breathe
the water that touches my lips.
You are not my wake up call
my goodnight kiss.

You are the heart in my chest
the beats beneath my skin.
You are what gives me life
a new place to begin.
Sail, I sail on a flowing river
Where this will take me, I wonder
Folks think I am naive and young
Like spring blossoms not yet sprung

Sail, I sail on running streams
Trying to fulfill my dreams:
Of living somewhere I belong,
And be the one who is wise and strong

Sail, I sail and see two waterways
Shall I go through this one which might take days?
This side of water rushes real fast
With those rocks, making it harder to be passed

Sail, I sail and see the river divides
One of them has those calm tides
Besides its tranquil surface
There is also no need to race

Sail, I sail with adventurous mind to the first
As I know this cannot be reversed
Call me ignorant, foolish, young
With high hopes, I shall soon be sprung!
Dedicated to Class of 2012, English major, Thammasat University, Thailand.

— The End —