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Vishnuvardhan Feb 2020
We were so close
Yet I kept pushing you away from my mind
When I couldn't get back up
You laughed and gave me a hand
On the promise that if we ever fall we do it together
And if we ever shine we do it together
And even if we part our ways
Looking for better alternatives
We both end up in the same place we imagined

I just have this uncanny feeling
That this was all a dream
If it were so
Why would I cry
Why would I laugh
Life gave me you
I don't know if it were so for you
Which i picture in my wildest imaginations
Why is it so difficult to let you go
There is something about you that is more than just love
Yet I kept pushing you away from my heart

Why does it hurt so much for me without you
We just have this strange but beautiful connection
As we row the boat
Through the river of life
I would have jumped out of our boat and lost it
I would have swam it
But still you were there for me in my hardest times
Our hearts were connected
And we landed in the same place we pictured
But this time I did not push you away
Rather I kept you with me
With me close to my heart
Vishnuvardhan Oct 2015
It all starts with a cry
when your parents smile
And  grow and grow and grow
to become a big man of love and hope.
The flower garland for the bridegroom
And after the marriage they live happily.
Day after day
when he has enjoyed his life to the fullest
he takes one last look at nature
And he goes to bed forever.
This is life
so please enjoy it.
Vishnuvardhan Feb 2015
Want to know about me
just close your eyes and think of my name
Vishnuvardhan Feb 2015
from the
trees .From the
barks of these trees.
Stems of these trees which
grow outside my bungalow.
   And in the forests of many    
countries, cities towns and
in villages.This particular
tree grows outside my
house. It gives me
herbs and helps
with my
Vishnuvardhan Feb 2015
My goal is not to become a star
is to become a **winning star.
Vishnuvardhan Feb 2015
I thought of myself
  Feb 2015 Vishnuvardhan
   ed the others
   fall over several
sets•leaving you alone
shivering on a spindly twig
•the winds of autumn had whis-
pered their threats...•to sweep you
off your perch into the world so big
•the season had almost gone to make
way for another•answering the sum-
mons of winter's call•had anticipated
the coming of your departure•...i had  
sworn to myself to catch you as you'd  
fall•for a brief moment, i had turned  
away•to tend to commitments that  
came with dawn...•i returned to  
stay and wait another day...•  
but the wind had come  
while i was
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