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Dec 2009 · 1.4k
Meu Deus....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Deus meu me incitas,
Louvor de quem felicitas.
As plantas, o mar, a terra, o homem sempre só.
Sentimentos de amor. piedade e dó.

Deus terno me envolves,
Problemas tu resolves.
As constelações, o ressuscitar de novo,
Apagas o lume sem ver o fogo.

Deus nosso lunar,
Verbo conjugado ...amar!
As dunas com ou sem areia,
Sentir o amor pela sereia.

Deus homem, Deus menino!
A vida é como um hino...
Deus meu Deus da vida e dos amores,
Mares, terra e lindas flores.

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.0k
Amar ...e o mar
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Amar… e o mar

Molhar as mãos na água salgada,
Soslaio da onda esbranquiçada.
Beleza da lua iluminada,
Areia sem tua pegada.

O mar calmo e fluído,
Um cântico de harpa sentido.
Mar nem sempre conquistado,
Ruir do futuro, do passado.

A areia sem voz, nem cor,
A noite é singular.
Ondas de par em par,
Frio que parece calor,
Cheiro salgado do teu amor.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 2.9k
Saudade Solta ao Vento
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Saudade solta ao vento

Na saudade solta ao vento,
Tenho amor com encanto.
Caminhadas eternas com esplendor,
Santificam teu amor…

Na vida dos sonhos inacabados,
Fado dos meus fados.
Sorriso doce e transparente,
Ser lindo, impaciente.

Sonho sempre sonhado,
Amor meu amado.
Sentimento do sentido sem lamento,
Saudade solta ao vento…

Victor  Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.0k
Te amar sempre
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Te amar sempre…

A terra, o céu e o mar,
O teu terno olhar.
O teu calor sufocante,
Te amar hoje, sempre!

A ousadia de bem querer…
A tristeza de não te ter.
O horizonte nunca é pleno,
Não te tenho, mas te amo.

A água salgada chora por ti,
O douro Sonolento por mim.
Não sinto teu beijo, teu odor…
Amor, meu eterno …amor.

Victor   Marques
Dec 2009 · 741
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Today is a new day; I just want to be free,
Yesterday gone belong to history.
I can see the horizon; I can walk on the moon...
I have a feeling to meet you soon.

I must be happy and positive every day,
I just forgot the yesterday,
I just want to tell you a lot or a bit,
I will be your friend, we will meet.

The world could move, could change,
I'm just another friend,
You may not believe or pray,
Just feel another day…

I wish you a fantastic day!

Warmest regards.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.9k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
To my daughter Vitoria

When the love came in a windy day,
My soul was full anyway,
GOD put your mother for us i can say,
You are the true love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY...

The sun and the flowers are in the same ***,
Your great smile leaves a unique thought,
Your eyes, so clear like a transparent bay,
For you best wishes, happy birthday...!

Dreams and vision are a great asset,
You can fly on our earth, i just bet,
The sky is green and light blue,

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 987
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The wine is your love you dont need to say...

The grapes teach us one great way!

People and and wine is a great combination.,

Your heart feels care and passion...

To be alive is like the harvest time,

Sometimes we die when we are fine,,,

The colour and the fruity taste,

Dont let us wait...

A glass of clear red wine,

Is always a great sign!

Lets share a glass of positive energy,
Douro Valley, you and me!

Kindest regards from the best region for Port wine!
Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 511
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The universe loves you with great care...

We will meet one day anywhere...

The stars at night can show us the paradise...

We only have great things in our mind....

No borders, no oceans, only one sea...

The sky will be always blue...

The clouds will bring to us pure rain...

We fight for life, for nature not in vain...

The rivers and the mountains will be there,,,

Because we stay and care,,,

The birds will sing and the horses will say...

We come to our mother earth to stay...

Kindest regards.

Vic Alex
- From Me...
Dec 2009 · 1.0k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The universe is so good and great,
God is made of love and faith,
The stars will shine day and night,
See the flowers, see the light..

The water and the fresh air,
The wind that you can’t touch anywhere,
The sky so green or blue,
we care about you...

The true love of our dearest God,
Doesn’t go against anybody,
Please look at the waves in the sea,
Believe in you, God and me,,,,

Thank to the ones that can see the light... I don’t post so many things about God because I’m not and expert about God!
I just love God and every single creation made by God, the whole universe...

God bless you all.
Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 835
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The trees and the vines near the sun,
Your love for people, you are a great man!
Horizons made of gold and care,
Life is always fair!

No complains, smile is the light,
Your feelings are forever right,
You think with good heart and clever mind-set,
You will drink a bottle, i just bet!

The stars will today and ever shine,
I’m your wine friend, I hope you don’t mind,
The secret of everyone is to be true,
I am just like you...

Your Wine heart friend!
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.1k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The silence of the nature keeps me awake!
Doesn’t matter the color, nationality.
The dream of global friendship could
be always true!
Someone found positive feelings,
Near the water on Sunday!

Big heart and sincerely good friend!
He falls in love for his band...
Lots of love and care to give!
Carry on, carry on and in others believe!

Like a wave on the blue sky,
A good friend makes the world better!
You ask: tell me why?
It’s easy to be my friend.
Just call me and try..!
Transparent water is on my mind!
You are a friend that i want to find!

Kindest Regards!

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.1k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The River Douro still calm and there!
With lots of things to share...
Grapes and olives going away,
Lovely sunny days...

The rocks with colorful grey,
The vineyards and olive trees are great,
The light cork in pure state,
I don’t sleep I’m awake...

The great walls that you don’t find anywhere,
True people with love and sincere care!
Real wine and soft passion in mind,
Come to Douro, come to paradise...

Kindest Regards.

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.1k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The paradise is waiting for you

I am ready to die,
Jesus is the Heaven's door,
People looking for a great decor…
You say adios, you say goodbye.

A big list of sinners and liars that you knew,
Who never said anything nice?
They made so many mistakes twice,
They are in the heaven just wait for you

I always dream and have a thought.
Good and bad people in the same hell.
Clothes wait like and old lot…
Life is looking incredibly well.

I just love Jesus it is what I feel.
You will see people that rules they break,
On the heaven we will have a great meal.
God love us all and it is not a mistake.

Kindest regards.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 990
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The land of great love to share.
You are near me somewhere...
The silence is in our heart today and ever...
We are friends on this earth near the sky.

Stay passionate with your own cry...
You can’t ask why?
The Douro River is waiting for you and me.
The wind blows and you can’t see...

The universe has the positive energy...
The Valley is deep like the sea...
The forest has got so many trees to love and care,
Come on to Douro, I will be there....

Thanks for being a master of great feelings and wise thoughts!

Your friend!
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.5k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The fog is always there,
Its not difficult,
Saturday night you find me somewhere!
The Beatles in their famous places,
the flowers of your garden...
I enjoy the beer, the crowd in a could night!
The music, the bricks and the docks!
Life more close that you could thought!
Nobody cares about beautiful faces,
Everywhere on Saturday night!
You could find your mates!
I was looking at an ocean painted with marine blue!
I was looking for the docks, for you!
You have been waiting for someone clever and bright?
I found the docks, Liverpool Saturday night!

Warm Regards!

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 2.0k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The flowers of my garden are happy and free,

The silence of the night is in flame...

Be good, be humble don't complain,

The universe is generous for you and me...

The flame is the flame that you love to see.

The flower is a flower in the vase in a distant sea,

The boats come to the same port...

The flame is up the north.

In the golden stars of the flame of the night,

It is the same flame for the poor and the bright,

The lights that you and the mirror can love and see,

Are the flame of you and me...

Kindest regards from the best region for Port
Dec 2009 · 1.4k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Saturday an early night,
Comes without a fight,
You are not wrong , you are right!
You are great, you are bright.

The stars are there with a light,
The universe is my site,
People looking around for true love,
Im the only one above!

The silence of the night tell me the way,
The day is sleeping, you can say,
Life is everyday with a free smile under a tree,,
Saturday night for you and me....

Your heart friend.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 894
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Que grande a geração, a de Camões,
Saia de Belém, num pranto oral...
Dizia adeus a grandes multidões!
Olhava o horizonte pequeno Portugal

Traçado o rumo do futuro,
Passado o mar forte e indeciso,
Pegava no leme, firme e duro,
Sem dor, frio ou bramido.

As ninfas, rodeavam o leme,
O Sol, queimava a proa do navio,
O capitão nada teme
Naquele mar, escuro e bravio...

Victor Marques e Atavio Nelson
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 860
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Quando Baco, generoso ofereceu em sua taça
O todo generoso vinho de enorme raça
O limbo nunca entendeu, que bebendo por sua graça
Pensasse que o aroma, do néctar que bebia era de graça

Não o era
Era de uma planura de horizontes sem fim
onde habitavam formigueiros em labor
que em clamor  transpiravam por mim
para que eu por aquela terra tivesse amor

E tinha
Possuía uma luminosidade de trevas da montanha
Que deuses do Olimpo imaginavam, sem o crer
Mas tu VICTOR, na tua pertinácia, abriste o inferno
E deste-lhes de beber

E eles beberam, bebem e beberão
E no Olimpo, Baco, Eolo e Júpiter
Estão presentes com sua taça na mão.

Octávio Nelson

Para o meu amigo VItor
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 2.9k
Victor Marques Dec 2009

The universe is fantastic we can say,,
We will act in a positive way...
The stars of the night still there..
The moon is always fair...

People with heart stay..
Living life day by day..
Sharing dreams always...
We think in a positive way...

The rivers without brothers,
The stars without mothers,
The night without the day..
We have a positive way...

Kindest regards from the best region for Port Wine...Douro Valley..
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 2.2k
wine lover
Victor Marques Dec 2009
You care and love the right wine,,,
You are great and always fine,,
Navigator of dreams, you love the fresh air...
Your smile is kind and fair...

Douro valley is a sacred place...
You will come, don’t wait...
The vineyards and the olive trees.
Are waiting for you and me.

The wine is in your imagination...
A kind of love and passion.
The universe cares with positive energy...
Red bottle is for you and me..

Kindest regards from the best region for Port wine, Douro Valley..
Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.6k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Paradise for men and God,
Treasures and peace for everybody,
Love and hope on my hand,
I will help without demand…

We discover a new world , new nation!
We think global with imagination.
Poor and rich living together,
Helping others today and ever…

Helping others with open heart,
To love people is a kind of art.,
We are perfect people for our race,
I love my land my place!

Kindest regards.

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.3k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Paradise for men and God...

Peace and light for everybody...

Heart with heart is our permanent desire...

Calm the windy don’t put fire...

Religion and culture is global for me and you,

To help others is a great feeling, its true...

Douro Valley is quiet and really great...

The sun shines until very late...

Kindest Regards...

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 3.3k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
The sky is light blue,
The river still there for you,
Horizon with candles waiting for the night,
Presents and tears without a fight.

Colored rainbow sleeps with the vines,
Port ruby, tawny, white can combines.
Lemon yellow or green is a good neighbor,
Drink a port with aroma and flavor…

A celebration and a very special moment at any time,
Drink a glass of port and you will be fine,
Don’t drink any other kind of wine,
Just ours because is divine…

Kindest regards from Douro Valley.
Victor  Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.3k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
O universo que te aquece

A vida do sentimento te aquece,
O universo te rejuvenesce
O pelourinho inerte enlouquece,
O bom pensamento agradece…

Gargalhadas ao acaso  embaladas,
Salgueiros que choram sem parar,
Caminhadas feitas ao luar,
Recordações guardadas.

O peito toca estranhas sensações,
Gotear pelas serenas ilusões.
Te amar ao toque do vento,
Penar com a pena do alento.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.3k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Nós e a universo

O futuro será o que a mente pensa,
Procuro resposta ao meu passado,
Do meu interior rebuscado,
Acção e boa esperança….

Fecham-se janelas, portas se abrem,
Com boas razões e motivos,
Estradas direitas e por vezes tortas,
Pensamentos sempre positivos.

O ser humano se fustiga e consome,
As estrelas, as montanhas e o mar,
Sentem o seu próprio nome,
Nós somos navegadores  sem navegar….

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 862
Feeling better I can say...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Networking is a great way..
Feeling better i can say...
No religion, no politics could be true..
Networking with my heart for you...

Abundance and positive way...
Paradise is near and you dont pay,,
Smile and live with gratitude everyday..
Real love doesnt go away..

Networking with the speed of trust and confidence..
The flowers and the birds sing and dance..
Life is always good with so many virtual friends...
We feel the power, we are God hands..

Kindest regards from the best region for Port wine,,,Douro Valley.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.2k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Networking in a sunny day,
Living along life in a very fresh way,
Up the hills with your brave heart,
You are made of love and fine art.

Smile on your face,
No colours, one race,
Instant and kind care,
Passionated and fair...

With you the world is a better place,
The flowers are positive and free,
The horizon look at you and me,
Happy sky, happy nature...

Kindest regards from the best region for Port wine,,,Douro Valley.
Your wine heart friend.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.9k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Nature is like a light..
Woman like a  song
Nature is usually always right..
Woman is beauty
Nature is moody
Woman is smart
Nature always has the greater part
Woman yellow or  blue
Nature is green
Woman is every color possibly seen
Nature is true
Woman is beaming
Nature is dreaming
Woman is in every place
Nature is always with grace
Woman love  is true
Nature is you
A Man like me,
For women will be always free…

Big hug to all the women and nature too..

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.4k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
My Friend I come to you
I think you are bright,
you are near my site
I know that you are  right.
You may lose or gain,
You are clear like the rain,

The universe is a big heart,
you belong to it as a  part.
You are just great, don’t ask why?
The sun shines in Portugal and Dubai
I pray for you every night.
It's like you're candle, my light.
My dear friend, I miss you
you know that is true…
I know that you are always with me somewhere,
Look at the sky and we will care.
Our friendship my dear friend,
Started and doesn’t have an end.

Your wine heart friend.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 613
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Mo  Bay…

Just enjoy the fresh air,
Life is always there,
The moon doesn’t go anywhere,
Light your day with care…

The rain is free for everyone,
The snow cold as money,
The star will shine every night,
You could be black or white…?

Friends are near my heart,
The world is another part,
Nature with free love to give,
Mo Bay, you need to believe…

Victor  Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 722
Christmas for me
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Miracles have a way of making news.
Even skeptics love the seas.
Religious or not--Christians, Muslims, Jews--
Christmas put them to their knees!

The mysteries that come our way
May say much than profound.
Christmas is like a new sound…
Just be happy every day…

Christmas is in your say,
Just believe and pray.
The sky is covered with lights,
Trees, presents with laces,
Father Christmas hired,
Put calm, don’t fired.
Christmas life embraces…

Fantastic Christmas.

Big hug

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 566
Yesterday gone...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Life starts again and again,
the yesterday gone ,
We dont have the same days any more,
Even in winter or summer..

only with love will have dreams,
it will be more beautiful than before,
i will see you with another eyes,
and think how important you are..

I Will love better and better,
My love for people will be stronger and stronger,,
Every day is a new age,
I will always love from the heart...

Your heart friend.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Life is like a trip on an old train,
Being alive enjoying the sun, the rain..
Glimpses of sun every day,
Love for the universe , I can say...

The heart that everything complete,
Green hill, always epic,
Rainbow with colored lights, up the sky,
Never give up, make another try...!

Friends are a rare and precious gift,
I will be your friend, we will meet,
The river still there, the hill side too,
Lets have a glass me and you....

Thank you so much for being my friend.
Kindest regards.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 858
Farming not hunting
Victor Marques Dec 2009

Paradise for men and God,
Treasures and peace for everybody,
Love and hope on my hand,
I will help without demand…

We discover a new world, new nation!
We think global with imagination.
Poor and rich living together,
Helping others today and ever…

Helping others with open heart,
To love people is a kind of art.,
We are perfect people for our race,
I love my land my place!

Kindest Regards
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 877
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Life is a stone that you give away,
Jewels and gold in the same bay,
Heart and only one race,
Victor is your soul mate,

Horizons of light and green blue,
Douro Valley, Loves you.
Marques family is a name and a legacy,
In paradise angels we will see.

The road is uncertain and sometimes fair,
You are my heart friend that I care,
God bless you and great abundance,
The flowers have smell and dance.

With my great respect for all the ones that are Friends of Andrew William JR.

A big heart hug from a friend for LIFE.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.1k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Life is a gift
The rainbow on paradise they will see,
Lets fight about cancer with love and energy,
The candles and the flame during the night,
Peace and flowers on their site…

My heart and my soul will be always fair,
To fight for the ones that died and still there,
Bunch of flowers, hearts, hands together,
For them I will come today and ever!

A man doesn’t understand another cry,
The birds sing and fly,
Life is a gift for the human kind,
Peace and love for them we will find...

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 613
Victor Marques Dec 2009
In the silence of the night,
You are great and right..
The paradise for you is up the sky..
Your smile is  your cry...

Just think that you are loved by me and her
you are near me somewhere...
The heart and the gratitude with confidence..
You can be happy, you can dance..

Africa is a great place,,
For you and any race..
In your fantastic birthday..
Thank you , paradise is you bay...

Your heart friend ..
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.5k
No identity CARDS
Victor Marques Dec 2009
I’m thinking about my real identity!
I’m looking at the sky..
Without frontiers and any plan,
I’m sailing and I don’t know why…!
With peace in mind!

We can have English, Dutch friends!
Why not alien friends?
We should stop religious fight..
Old candles in European Light!

No identity cards, no passports!
We want to be free...
We want to live in a full democracy!
Connect with us in Ecademy...

Warm Regards!
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 855
Jesus Cristo e o Vinho
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Jesus Cristo e o vinho

No meu pensamento perene e altivo,

O amor é sempre motivo…

As escadarias se cansam de ser pisadas,

As uvas pelos santos são idolatradas.

Jesus Cristo, amor do nosso Deus,

Da videira que perdura…

Socalcos do Douro com ternura.

O vinho, fruto da eterna videira,

Olhar pendular sobre a cabeceira.

Renascimento duma eterna dor,

Vinificado com eterno amor,

Jesus Cristo santificou o vinho, o labor.
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.6k
Victor Marques Dec 2009

A tua devoção eterna à Virgem dos Céus,
Aclamam-te anjos com brancos véus.
Nasceste tu Lúcia com Coração doce nesta terra,
Pediste a Nossa Senhora para nos livrar da Guerra.

A santidade te pertence, pois foste escolhida,
Amaste Deus toda a vida.
Com um amor sem igual,
Nasceste no nosso Portugal.

Amas com amor e eterna verdade,
Cheia de carinho e simplicidade.
Viveste sempre no mundo da espiritualidade,
Te recordamos sempre com saudade.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
I have to win my true love,
I have the sky above,
I don’t have pain, I don’t feel,
I’m made of God will.

I just believe that God never die,
I can’t tell you why.
The horizon and the breeze love of GODS CREATION,
One race, one GOD, one nation…

With God I can’t pretend,
I lost my best friend.
The world is perfect with millions of dunes,
Sing with me, with God the best tunes.

God bless you all.

Victor Marques
- From Me...
Dec 2009 · 2.4k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Que grande a geração, a de Camões,
Saia de Belém, num pranto oral...
Dizia adeus a grandes multidões!
Olhava o horizonte pequeno Portugal

Traçado o rumo do futuro,
Passado o mar forte e indeciso,
Pegava no leme, firme e duro,
Sem dor, frio ou bramido.

As ninfas, rodeavam o leme,
O Sol, queimava a proa do navio,
O capitão nada teme
Naquele mar, escuro e bravio...

Victor Marques e Atavio Nelson

Chegamos a outros pontos,
Do globo esférico, sem saber!
Que hoje são contos,
Que ainda temos de ler.

Desde Ourique, Calado e Cala trava
Com turbantes brancos reluzentes
Os portugueses lutaram com palavra
Com alegria mostravam seus dentes.

Correram os desertos, tão estéreis
Na defesa de um Santo Universal
Pela cruz combateram infiéis
Dentro e fora de Portugal.

Oh.Isabel que suaves eram tuas flores!
Que rosas encarnadas pueris
Que as músicas sejam cantadas para seus amores
Prendes-te por milagre o teu Diniz.

OH Coimbra.que tiranas do fadário
Oh Sé velha, cheia de segredos
Que encantos lá havia do Hilário
Ainda hoje escritos nos penedos...

Santa Clara, no alto...que te vê clarissa
Jovem, esbelta coimbrã!
Foste, cedo freira e noviça.
Salva-me deste fado, minha irmã!

Olá Marquez, és do Pombal
Traidor, usurpador, ladrão.
NO ódio foste genial.
E TUDO, tudo metia no gibão.
Malandro, enganas-te o teu Rei
Iludiste-o, meu falso...e mandas-te
O Távora, inocente para o cadafalso

Maldito sejas!
Isso não foi Portugal...mas foi
No norte, que uma mulher
Forte, com seios apertados
E espada no dentes bem cerrados
Em serpente e com sua gente
Em zip filas genial
Deu a vida mas
Acabou com o Cabral

Sim ali, no monte
Naquele lugar Maria da Fonte

Só com gente destemida, como eu !
Tal como o Lusitano no Gerez
Esta pátria com um plebeu
Concebeu o Tavares com um grande

Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 1.8k
Victor Marques Dec 2009
From my heart to all of you
May every wish of yours come true
Keep up right and tow the line
Enjoy life, friends and good wine

Deep sea , deep sea,, deep sea,
Care and love for you and me,
Slovenia sings a great song,
Come on , come on , come on!

Flowers and fields are happy and free,
Networking with the eyes, i will agree!
People, networking is a great passion,
My wines, you and me a great combination.

Slovenia has got charm and care,
People are educated and fair,
I’m a dreamer under Slovenian sky,
I’m you friend don’t ask me why...

Kindest Regards.
Victor Marques
Dec 2009 · 635
Fleelings and thoughts...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Feelings and thoughts with the confidence...

The flowers can walk, can dance...

The river and Rabelo Boat still calm and there...

Until you don’t come, it doesn’t go anywhere...

The vines are made of love and care....

The olives trees kind and fair....

The river Tua and Douro are great....

You are my fantastic mate....

We will raise glasses full of love and passion...

We will make friends and be always in fashion...

We will cross the borders of our imagination...

We will stay near the water with sand...

We will be always friends...!

Kindest regards from the best region for Port! Tua and Douro Valley!

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 792
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Every day is a new day…

It doesn’t matter what you had in the past,
The millions that for you can last,
Your heart was broken in a different way.
Our God just  says” stay and pray…”

The old time doesn’t come back again with pain,
Plant the seeds that you can in the same lain,
Without seeds flowers you can’t see,
Be alive with care and cosmic energy.

Mere words can’t talk or describe,
What you have  inside,
Close your eyes and tell me what you see?
A great smile always for free…

Kindest regards.
Victor Marques

Guimarães 13 de Março de 2009
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 935
Cidade de Guimarães
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Cidade de Guimarães

Guimarães linda de morrer,
Portugal nasceu e te viu crescer,
Honra a nossos fundadores,
Vasos repletos de flores.

Pomposa, ai tua pureza que emana,
Sorris como a pequena açucena,
Senhora da Penha com emoção,
Guimarães tem nobre tradição.

A história te cantará sempre com excelsa gratidão,
És feita do amor e de nobre geração.
Deus te escolheu, Deus te santifica,
Guimarães terra santa, bendita.

Os olhares serenos se enlaçam em mim,
Horizontes sem nunca ter fim.
Guimarães cidade que nunca cede,
Afonso Henriques, Batalha de S. Mamede.

Guimarães, 20 de Março de 2009

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 791
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Children… children …children

The smile is free,
For you and me,
The eyes look without despair.
Children everywhere…

They just want to be children and feel ok,
During the night, during the day,
The world is for them always fair,
Children without love and care.

Kristian belong to his father,
But he stays with her mother,
He will understand or not why people treat him this way,
Lets him be happy and have a father to Play

With all my respect for all the children all over the world.

Kindest regards.

Victor Marques..
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 882
Caminhos sentidos...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Caminhos sentidos de vivência,
Olhar meigo de criança,
Sentir só o presente, o sol que aquece,
Dia novo que sempre se esquece.

Rosto da vida, do amor, do momento.
Planície que se estende no horizonte,
Penedo se ergue no cimo do monte,
Legado do ser, do pensamento.

Sentir o calor com os lábios semi-abertos,
Procura de carinhos e afectos,
Ternura tua com eterna leveza,
Arco-íris cobre-me com tua pureza.

27 De Novembro de 2008

Grande abraço.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 938
As videiras
Victor Marques Dec 2009
As videiras são uma força viva,
Desgarrada e despedida.
Bagos eternos sempre da mesma uva,
Folhas com pedaços de chuva...

As videiras são uma religião menor,
Peregrinos se embebedam em seu redor,
Ai... bagos brancos de sentida pureza,
Cepas tortas com estranha beleza.

As videiras estão comprometidas,
Vides entrelaçadas, deitadas.
Bago meu, teu bafo de calor,
Videira fiel ao seu progenitor.

As uvas de uma ou várias colheitas,
Sentimento adoçado que com Deus se deita,
Bagos tintos espremidos com pudor,
Videira da vida, do teu amor!

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
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