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Dec 2009 · 922
Network with Jesus
Victor Marques Dec 2009
When my heart cries for,
On my cross of despair.
I look at my door,
And Jesus is out there…

Easter is sharing Christ with pain
Quietly and soft words will remain,
Pilatus and the roman’s still complain,
His death was not in vain….

To believe is a shadow with lights,
Christ for us still fights.
Easter remember us for the second life,
You could be rich, poor or bright.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
Abundance and true love is your birth right,
you could be black, yellow or white...
God loves you with infinite care,
God bless you anywhere...

Abundance for the flowers, for the rivers, for the sky...
Just love, just give and dont ask why?
Life is natural like me and you my friend,
Your touch my heart, you touch my land.

Abundance for the ones that are in great need,
Just give, just give and plant one seed...
Life is a rainbow that you like to see;
you have the honey because God made the small bee...

Kindest Regards.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 548
My land...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
A rainbow will lend in my land,
You are clear like the palm of your hand,
The world sometimes is unkind,
Friends you always will find...!

Just carry on with candles in the night,
Traditional way of making light...
The stars and angles are true,
God loves you...!

When the roads are uncertain or vain,,
Don’t think about your pain,
Just love the same way that you do,
Flowers in the fields are for you...

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.3k
O Douro Fica Longe...
Victor Marques Dec 2009
O Douro fica longe, fica mais além.
Alegria do rio Tua que o Douro tem,
Socalcos do amor sem desdém,
Abraço do carinho feito de bem.

A generosidade dos seus trabalhadores,
O vinho feito com aromas das flores.
Colinas que se deitam no horizonte,
Arco-íris que bebe na fresca fonte.

Ai flor de giesta que o Douro adornais,
Encosta de Bizarra que amaste até demais,
Transcendeste a natureza dos meus pais,
Com hinos celestes me embebedais.

Terra linda que se enaltece,
Frescura de seus rios nos envaidece,
S. Lourenço tens lindo berço e doce fonte,
Recanto soalheiro, Hotel flor do monte.

Em terra suculenta
Erguendo o cálice divino
Do tinto e generoso vinho

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Dec 2009 · 1.4k
O teu amor....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
O teu amor.  
Nunca escondas meu amor.  
Te amo e te quero fazer sorrir
Te baloiçar ao vento sem tu pedires,  
Te amo seja onde for.  
Quando nascestes choravas,  
Teus pais davam gargalhadas de felicidade,  
Nem sabias então o quanto me amavas,  
O teu amor nunca teve idade.  
Terei a vida toda para sempre te amar.  
As estrelas do céu para olhar,  
As portas e janelas sempre abertas,  
Papoilas do campo e giestas.  
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Victor Marques Dec 2009
When things go wrong and you can't pay the bill,,
Lost everything even your true will,
Just look at the sky… blue sky.
Make your last try…

Life is a secret in every sense,
The moon and the sun are intense.
We plant seeds to grow..
Please make another blow.

Life is a constant fight,
You will see the light
sometimes you feel not so good, down,
Next day you have a golden Crown...

Life with clouds of doubt,
and you never know what comes about.
It may be near when you think that everything goes away,
You just discover peace and God in a true way.

Warmest regards.
Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....

— The End —