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 Mar 2018 Joellei
 Mar 2018 Joellei
This black jacket
will fade as I do

and these old shoes
will age with me.
 Mar 2018 Joellei
I'm wrapped in corner winds
of morbid misunderstanding

where monsters will emerge
and turn to dust in an instant

here you endure the anxiety
of an uncontrollable silence.
 Mar 2018 Joellei
Daisy May
 Mar 2018 Joellei
There's a place for you
in the stars, in the sky

there's a home for two
under night

I've a hole for a heart
and I'm falling apart

but Daisy May,
you can stay,
if it's alright.
A song.
 Feb 2018 Joellei
I take the cold walk to my car
Even when a friend offers a ride
I decline,
I need the walk
I need to think...

My breathing quick
My lungs stressed,
Head hung low with falling tears
So they won't freeze on my face.
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