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Diana Botelho Aug 2017
I feel so small
with all this responsibilities
I never wanted to embrace

society bruises my mind
leaving an open cut
anxiety like blood
dropping on the floor

and prejudice is all over the place
it's hard to believe it's real
it hurts me deeply
damages my soul
and I'm still privileged

all my feelings
amplified on the room
contained on the school
overwhelming when alone

I write I sing I play I act I read
and I study cause they make me
and I learn because I'm forced to
not because I like or want to

but all this responsibilities
they restrain me
don't allow me to be
the person I could be
If i just had time
to be me

all this *******
keeps me caged
hostage of this system
that cuts my wings
and beats my brain
Diana Botelho Aug 2017
my back hurts
it's the weight
of unreciprocated

my shoulder hurts
it's the weight
of society
on me

my head hurts
it's the weight
of unrequited

my stomach rages
it's the void
I carry
the burden
I became
to myself

my legs feel heavy
it's the height
of my never ending

and my mind
oh my mind
it kills it's host

and my heart
oh my poor heart
tries to save it all
without perceiving
it's own

but my eyes
they are open
my throat
it's closed
my hands
they create
so I'm pulsing
Diana Botelho Aug 2017
she opens the drawer
select all the clothes
she thinks she'll need more
she takes that sweater her mom made
but she leaves the dress she used when we met
she does it while calm
for she thought about this
a lot
she never does anything impulsively
that's how I know she's been planning on leaving
for weeks
and I wonder why she allowed me
to touch her
when she knew
it would haunt us
I resent her for letting me think
we were happy and fulfilled
she never gave me any warning
she just took my whole world
and left
knowing I would never stop her

— The End —