I don't write poetry for myself. Nor do I write it for a special someone. I only write because I believe I need to be great at everything, so don't expect my poems to be truthful. 43 followers / 355 words
Connect the dots 1-2-3 Point to Point LA to DC Life to Death 4-5-6 Sweet Pleasures to Heartwrenching Pain Superficial Dates to Long-term Relationships Rollercoaster Life to Unforeseen Death 7-8-9 Hot chai latte to Healthy vegetarian salad Chic urban lifestyle to Family-orientated suburban neighbourhood Optimistic rollercoaster life to Cynical unforeseen death 10-11-12 Fluffy thin fleece blankets to Mature-looking king-sized silver comforters Young rash impulsive mistakes to Wise mindful informed decisions Regretful optimistic rollercoaster life to Peaceful cynical unforeseen death ... The dots are endless The unknown picture yet not completed nor predicted
Like a camel, we persist and endure Underneath the blazing desert sun Seeking our oasis in the distance A noteworthy medicine Finer than caffeine and alcohol The purest form of life