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 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Toni Seychelle
You linger in the rafters of my mind
and in the eaves of my heart
Like the cobwebs there,
you just are.

A sort of sigh, I breathe
when I think of you
some, of relief
most, of desire

The way I felt
I couldn't
I couldn't

I was filled
with hope
and fire.

I act on sure
blind emotion.
every thing.

**** consequences.

And yet, there you linger
a tack in my heart
that draws
the heaviest snot.
There, you linger
an oasis
in my desert mind.

I escape to there


You are now a spectre
Your image prospers
You exist as you are
You are non-existent
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Toni Seychelle
Your tongue left an impression
so did your thumb, on the inside of my thigh
Fumbling in the dark for your heart
I'll let you touch me only because I need it
I need something that takes me back
We are who we are
and we've been here before
I fight my primeval desires to no avail
I am an animal, you are a beast
we are both wild, we both have needs
We feed on each other, licking and biting
Sleep won't stop the fighting
Morning light can't stop the trying
I like your style
and want your wild
 Mar 2014 Vagabond
Toni Seychelle
After a long night away from you
I'm leaving you behind again

You're quite alright with my going out
you're not the jealous type
and I'm certainly fortunate for you
you're always there for me..

But this morning, I looked at you once
as I walked through the door..
Blankets covering you
yet you're still naked and cold..
There I stood, feeling pretty guilty

I just wanted to curl into you..
I know if I did, though, I'd never leave
I'd stay with you all day
and never regret it, I never have
"I'll be back tonight, I promise,
just you and me
and my cat."
An ode to my bed.
 Feb 2014 Vagabond
Harry J Baxter
Do not fade into the anonymity of everyday life
Find the avenue in which your voice echoes
Cling to the thresholds of any success
And never let go
 Feb 2014 Vagabond
paradise lost
 Feb 2014 Vagabond
I always knew that I couldn't
spend the rest of my life with you
but I knew this when we met:
I was prepared, it would be fine.
then love happened --
the kind of great poetry
and esoteric novels,
the transcendental kind
that people write songs about.
it was the kind of love that made me think
the excrutiating goodbye would be
worth it -- that every kiss would compensate
a sleepless night thinking about you.
I was wrong.
they say it's better to have loved and lost,
but I have watched heaven burn down
and it was heartwrenching and terrible.
I knew I wouldn't spend my life with you;
had I know I'd spend it
missing you
I might have reconsidered.
 Feb 2014 Vagabond
Poetry by MAN
I have become this Spiritual creature
I didn't realize I came with this feature
Emptiness and stress without rest
Never maximizing potential becoming the best
Human being from my soul I sing
Eyes of a machine
Staring at a TV screen
Seldom do we feel the rays of the sun
UV protection from ten to one
Under the moon Half, Quarter or Full
Remains in the sky while we rot in our tomb
Namaste is what we say
Meditate in our own way
Discovering enlightened paths
Solving sacred geometry math
Psychedelics in my mind
Develop sight to see the signs
Fortune I hold in my hand
Activates my pineal gland
Third eye soul the teacher
Has evolved me into this Spiritual Creature.....
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