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Let us set sail
On our humble raft
To no country a d to no end

Adrift in this shoreless expanse
We shall sing to our heart's content
And feed off each other's love

Hurry now
For who knows when the raft shall break it's shackles
And set sail without us?
Bruises deep inside my ribcage

None on the surface

Thus no one sees

Until they turn me

Inside out.
The notes of an old song
Float to me from the east

I gaze upon the emptiness of my heart
And forget my love for you for a while

I rest in the musical silence
Free from love's sad woes

           And then, my friend
                          I open the door to my heart
                                          And once again I fall in love
We weren't strangers behind the screen

You were aware
Of how my hair became oily in the afternoon

And I knew
How I could play tic-tac-toe on your dry arms even in summer

But that was one year ago
One fine day we stopped talking
Don't know why....did we fight?

You were my best friend
I loved you more than any lover and yet
We don't talk anymore

And I know that I should forget and move on
That variety is the spice of life
I can no longer call a person my home
I was twelve
Twelve when I saw my parents fall out of love
Twelve when I was told that my face looked better from afar
Twelve when I was taught that being a feminist was silly
Twelve when I heard that I wasn't meant to cry aloud
Twelve when I felt that it was time I died
Twelve when I decided to cut open my wrist

And then I started to write
It is now on pages that I bleed
The tree in our backyard had spilt into two
Two jagged columns of lifeless wood
Forced apart by lightning

I had to get it removed
For it might have fallen onto some young shoulders
And robbed me of my laughter once again

I remember the time
When you and I would climb this tree
And dream of faraway lands...foolish lands

That was a long time back
And today with this tree
I shall uproot the last vestige of us

And maybe then
I could tailor my memories
And suit them to my own liking
I'm sorry
But I couldn't get myself
To love your empty words
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