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The both of us together
Me and you
You and I
We keep waiting for our friend to come
To bid him a final goodbye

We've been waiting for a while now
This friend is yet to arrive
And I sometimes think I've forgotten
How he sounded and looked like.

Forgotten if he ever asked of us
To wait for him in silence
But why then do we keep waiting
On life's little bylane?
Stretching my voice
Until the very corners of the town
Ring with sonority
Up from the cliff
I shout to the unspeakable

And back to me
They send their silent answers
On invisible breezes
That carry the cries of the unheard

Then from the cliff
I sing their woes
For everyone to listen to
And for the masked leaders to heed
Let us all sing together
Take one more chance at loving
And let your heart touch the sky
You'll see that you're welcome.
If I see emotions wafting by
I'd lean onto their warm, wide back

And let them take me to their wonderlands

Whether they be empty
Whether they be bursting with colours

I'll learn

How to feel better
And look love in the eye

For that's the only truth we can be sure of
Loved your touch too much to forego it

But your warm caress

Could not soothe my aching heart

And so I left

For my heart did not agree with this love of mine
They will fork out my eyes...they said

Peel off my speckled skin

And tear out my lashes

With their freshly cut fingernails

But still I stared

And no one came for me
Forgotten or forgiven?
A stone in my throat

I gasp for breath as I drown gradually

Into a quagmire of useless rules

That no-one cares for, but is afraid to break

We know now why the caged bird sings

But that's all it seems

We know everything, but understand nothing

And unfortunately that seems to suffice
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