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Just another one of those made-up facades
That I hid in the woods
For the milkman to find out
And parade it
For the people to believe
When destiny scorns the road you take
Walk straight ahead
Bless the heart of this weary soul
Walked for miles without reminiscing about home
Feet soiled with grey dust
Lips sealed, emotions gathering rust
I wonder if it's a problem
That it feels like people who don't know you
Love you more than those you can feel and touch...
White noise
White lies
A thin white cat
Rubbing against my thighs

Grey skys
Grey storms
The grey lane between
All that is right and wrong

Black hearts
Black eyes
A black crow
Feasts on rotting mice
This morning when I woke up
It was raining
Softly pouring from a gloomy grey sky
My cat came home soaking wet
She had had a bad time.
I closed my eyes hoping the sun would shine
Break through the curtain and bring a hint of warmth
But when I opened my eyes, my cat was gone
It was only me and the rain, the rain and I.
And thus I stopped wishing
I shall go to sleep, goodnight goodnight goodnight
Hope I wake up to some news
Or I think I'd rather die.
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