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 Mar 2014 Unreality
Betty Ponder
Dear Alexander, this isn't another "Dear John" letter! : )
This is my letter to a very sweet guy who is my friend.
You are still my trusted confidant after all these years.
I share with you all the things I never share with most.

Each day I wake and begin my day with positive attitude.
Meditating under darkened skies before light kisses earth.
Feeling cleansed and well rested after meditation session.
Hoping that thing in my tree isn't the Devil from Jersey.

Yes, that large, dark, silent and winged figure visits still.
When I caught sight of him, I actually pinched myself.  
Closed my eyes and he was still there; maybe it's lonely.
Trying to find humor, this isn't covered by animal control.

Sealed with a big hug,

 Mar 2014 Unreality
Dear lost and found,

I was looking for a new heart today but came across a set of lungs that told me I couldn't breathe. The eyes I found belonged to a boy who couldn't see his beauty. There was a liver there but the drinker told me wanted just one more. I am not sure but the stomach dropped below the knees at the moment the boy with no eyes walked by.  I was looking for a heart today but i took home the eyes and told the boy to follow me.

Dear lost and found,

I found a mirror sitting outside and I gave up those pretty eyes I took. I took a deep breath in those new lungs I found. I saw the boy see himself in the mirror and he smiled.  He took out that heart I was looking for and we sat together; watching each other in the mirror listening to new hearts beat together.
No clue how this came about but I love the idea so I'm going to see where it goes.
 Feb 2014 Unreality
Betty Ponder
Originally posted 10-7-13 Deleted repost*

Forever standing by a princess trapped in the primative land called "Killer of Dreams".
In you "she" sees that light at the end of tunnel of darkness sent from heaven above.
To you "she" is the sun, the earth and all in the galaxy that's right in your world.
To "she" you are that one of a kind and rare being who is deserving of eternal love.

You sit by shore in palatial abode atop mountain but not part of valley's kingdom,
patient like no other since the creation of man brave descendant of Adam's Eve.
Against odds, "she" finds small rays of light in desolate land filled with raw hate.
Jailer dares only visit desolate place of hate briefly but keeps "she" captive resident.

Sharing life's continuing dance of when will she re-start and if he will stop loving?
Enchanted day(music's fading), "she" will at last finally select life's destined partner.
Burning question; Will it be you handsome brave knight who sits upon his charger?
Unknown! She loves you but "she's" the searcher and seeks what feels right to her.
 Jan 2014 Unreality
Betty Ponder
I admit it, I kinda sorta knew that since childhood,
what your title implies might be the gospel truth.
The day that thought made entry into my head,
was one warm rainy day in my a kindergarten class.

Very content was I playing games with the others,
many young men of age five and six did appear.
Shy were they mainly but some were quite bold.
Said one, "You're pretty Betty, we like your bow!"

The boys went not to far away and along came girls,
who wanted that bow because the boys liked it.
One girl went so far as to take it out of my hair,
my tidy ponytail was no more when it was removed.

Thankful for the boys who acted as gallant knights,
they came and took back bow, then off went the girls.
Later in day I told me my mother about the incident,
she said, "Jealous girls and the boys like you Betty!"

My father was informed, he smiled, kissing my forehead.
He said, "Never change who you are and always be you.
No matter what you gain in life somebody wont like you."
He hugged me then we went outside to look the clouds..

All went well with the producer
g2g, smiles to you and peace out!
 Jan 2014 Unreality
Dezi Marshall
I think I'm YY's 4 U
I know we R not meant 2 B.
U asked me,
"Y, Y, Y  U don't love me?"
I asked U,
"Y do U text & call 24/7?"
I need space.
I want 2 sit on the beach alone.
I want 2 walk alone.
I want 2 go dancing with other men.
I don't want U n my face 24/7.
Breaking up is hard 2 do 4 U.
Breaking up isn't hard 2 do 4 me.
Phone rings.
I.C. caller I.D.
No surprise! It's U!
I don't answer.
Changing digits?
EZ on both of us.
If U C me,
walk by like U don't know me.
U go 2 Europe
I stay home.
U meet a new love?
Good for you!
EZ 4 me 2 meet a new love
if U R happy with her.
I meet a new love?
very easy 4 me.
EZ 4 me & all like me
because we R women. : )
Aged to perfection.
if tongue were possessed,
the stories it would tell.
Fighting life's cruelties,
with elitist disregard.
Unjust paradigms,
swept under the rug.
Misleading confessions,
of love not truly overcome.
Damsels left in distress,
while prince charming clears his glass.
Like Alice through the rabbit hole,
living in a dream.
Drink up.
Shrink down.
Forget all.
 Dec 2013 Unreality
Deana Luna
-  weak -

9 pm terribly.
this lump in my throat.

2:30 pm.
this lump in my throat.
icicle grass cracked beneath my feet.
i wanted to take off my boots and feel the ice between my toes.

- weaker -

4 pm.
heavyheadedheavyeyed after work.
missed. wished i could call.
but my fingers were too cold to find my phone.
ran home so i could feel my heart pumping rough against my chest again.

- weakest -

9 am.
snowing nightmares outside.
i'll walk naked in the white streets.
feel each snowflake melt on my ice body.
lie in glass grass and laugh at my teary cheeks.
pink. flushed.

where did she go off to?
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