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 1d MDK
Painting a scene
Light violet and purple flowers in spring
A hint of lavender mist
Light blue sky's, a touch of serene
Crisp white clouds
A tint of white
Each brushstroke a traquil peace
I was light for a moment
I was dark for longer
I was full sometimes
I was empty more often

I’ve been the sunrise
I am the sunset
I’ve been the sun
I am the moon

As much as I am
I’m also not
The ups seem more distant
When the downs getting deeper

But I’ll keep chasing the waves
Even when they pull back
Because the tide always rises
Even after it falls
 1d MDK
fleeting summer treat
melts faster than you could eat
racing to finish
I’m a star,
Aligned with others in the dark,
Millions and trillions of dreams—
Gravitation pulls their light in streams,
And they shine so bright,
Yet each has its own plight.
The hidden message haha

— The End —