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MacW Feb 27
At what cost was this lie?
This lie of love
This lie of care
Was it all a show?
Was there truly never love there?
I know it takes time and time ticks by slow
But for what did you cause us both pain?
Were you really just shy
Or was that too a lie?
My heart is shattered
Our love has scattered
My love was true
All my love
Reserved for you
At what cost was this lie?
Did you know it would go this way?
Did you know you were leading me astray?
Was I truly the first?
Would that make me your worst?
This lie of love
This lie of care
I lay in bed wondering "o where?"
"Where shall my heart rest?"
My heart is dying in this disheartened chest
This chest you once used for rest
This mind which was once one to follow yours
Now scattered
Along this hard cold floor
The floor of the home i dreamt for us together
The home in which we could live our forever
This dark purple door
Your favorite color
My favorite?
The sea of blue and brown in your eyes
For what cost were your lies?
My heart
My pain
Your heart
Your name
Your name I could have had
Your hand in my hand
Side by side
My head on your shoulder
The place i would never have cried
Sitting in that blue and green chair
My fingers running through your hair
I thought you loved me
Now I can finally see
It was a coax
I’m sorry
I'm sorry i believed
I'm sorry i was so naive
Im sorry my prince
I was once your beauty
Now i'm the beast
It was all your hoax
For what cost were your lies?
Tears still flood these broken eyes
I wrote this about a relationship I was in and the time following was (and still is) the darkest time of my life.
MacW Feb 27
You looked my way today
For the very first time
A cold shiver rode down my spine
My knees went weak
It was only a glance
With one look you changed my steady stance
I know you saw me
I know you hate me
My eyes are drowning again
My heart is not yet free
Your face said it all
As you left I was about to fall
My heart you buried
And to think I thought we would get married
On that last day I almost knew
I almost knew we were through
You pushed me away from your side
With that you stole my pride
You barely held my hand that day
The same day I begged you’d stay
The same day it was hours I cried
That day I got my first scar
My heart was broken
The pieces thrown far
Why did you stare in such a way?
A way I didnt know if i wished you'd go away
Or stay
I know now though
I wish you didn’t go
I wish you didn't leave me here
Hiding in fear
I never knew this was truly a place
A place I live in your disgrace
Our whole life we could have had to share
Now I crumble in your hurtful stare
There is a town of broken hearts
You dropped me off there
O where did you go
I loved my life with you
But away with my heart you throw
Goodbye my love
My teary eyes
Filled with cries
Cries of hope you will return
My heart is one victim of the heartless burn
I know you won’t
I know you hope I don't
So why did you stare at me today?
You have caused my heart yet another affray
And you left me here
Like a broken stray
Here I stay
You watched me stumble and fall
You watched as I tried to crawl
Back home
To you
To where and when my heart was true

— The End —