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JohnDuffyASY Mar 1
(A lone voice whispers)

I'll always miss you, and all the crazy little things we used to do

But now like a faded white sculpture painted black

Our Time together ran out and all I can do is react and inside scream

For there's no going back to that

The games
The embraces with me bending the knee for my one and only queen

But we all have a choice

So I'll pick up my tarnished name from the wet dirt of hurt

Brush it off with the wet brush of hope and
Take it back to my new home to help me cope

For knowing what I now know

There's no going back
Now I've been painted black and classed as unholy

And have suffered enough
So all I can do is take each day slowly

Singing this melody
Sending out my souls call


Only a new love can help heal this fall

Copyright John Duffy

Esperanza / Spanish
Translation - Hope
JohnDuffyASY Feb 26
(A lone voice whispers)

What a year to be alive to see poetry still thrives

Want some new readers?

Well, I asked this once when I was institutionalised

Before in The Great In-Between

I was baptised to be non institutionalised

So here's my advice

Try to write immersive experiences

For some long-lost legends whisper

That every spirit seeks to walk in newer realms on their way to redemption

So take your readers by the hand and like a leader

Take them on soul tempting journeys into the unknown and mysterious

Hold them mesmerised

Spellbound through words like ringing church bells

To keep them reading slowly like the birth of a caterpillar

And when that red key eventually turns in their minds

To open a blue portal and enter them into a strange interdimensional place

Through the two great ancient white pillars

Ashtara and Shoka

To where smoke and fire
Day and night burns

A spiritual place
I call The Great In-Between

A mythical experience for the curious mind

A fog filled place where pain sorrow and sin

All things seen or unseen
Like love and happiness exists

A wild place where darkness

Shadows selves
Corwatturea creatures

Angels and beauty

In absolute tranquility and harmony

And you my friend

In that subliminal moment, that red key turns

A new reader of yours is reborn

One who seeks their Drover
As their need and curiosity takes over

To move them through higher high roads and lower byroads

Unexplored old church lanes
Of joy and pain

To walk them through the fire and snow storms

To find a new mother load
Via this underground railroad

Unspoken poetic stories to take them under like chloroform

For their souls
After stepping into


Will have been truly transformed and renamed

For now, they'll walk like new aged gods and goddesses

Baptised in that smoke
Fire and rain

To stand up strong like their newfound Drover

And walk forward forever
Trying to stay pure and unashamed

As their need for more
Takes over

Copyright John Duffy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 25
Life's First Unspoken Law

(A lone voice whispers)

You do know deep love
Even if it sometimes hurts

From separation from family or friends who have crossed over

And all things left may seem broken or unfinished

It does not rust

Like iron or steel abandoned in one of life's forbidden forests

But forever will bloom and flow like a torrent
Throughout you

Like a soft hurricane filled with golden ethereal dust

For the gift given by your chosen God at your birth

Through its unspoken Life's First Law

Which says in it, you must trust

Life's Unspoken First Law

Love and let yourself be loved from the first day of your birth

And your memory will never be extinguished and left to be vanquished and relinquished

By anyone who knows you
As you live with love and exchange love

Like your God,
Your king
Once wished

Before you were born
Here on Earth

(C) Copyright John Duffy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 24
(A lone voice whispers)

It's early morning as I stand here in our old bedroom

Listening to my old friends the robins, blackbirds, and thrushes

The twitterings, tweeting and chirps of wild birds

That now live in my bushes

Thinking about my old lover from Peru

Who once helped carry me through

When my busy life was so blue

Five foot five
Deep brown eyes that seduced you and made you come alive

Crow black hair and a bright playful smile as wide as a country mile

Oh, how I thanked the lord that he had blessed me

As we slow danced every night before bed
On our back porch

To Can't Help Falling In Love by the legendary Elvis Presley

And as I stand here
Thinking of her

Picturing her
Beckoning me on to that porch

Dressed in white
Smiling with an air of sensuality

Making our life together dazzle with colour

As that famous guy sang
A legend of the Tupelo family

The lingering thoughts that intensely affects me is this

Taking those for granted you love and especially

Not enjoying each moment spent together could one day be depressingly deadly

I'm just so happy we cherished each moment together

Dancing and more importantly


Before the Lord

Took home
My beloved Jessie

Who I still remember
Whenever I hear

Can't Help Falling In Love by the legendary Elvis Presley


Cherish each moment together with someone you love

As you make your own life's mini-documentary series

For one day, unfortunately, whenever you look for them

All that may be left are deep memories

That could cause pain
No one ever sees

Copyright John Duffy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 23
(A lone voice whispers)

Do you still miss me before we were slowly destroyed and betrayed

Would you tell anyone the truth of how we were played

By the demon associated with jealousy called Leviathan.

Even if God forced you to confess under duress

Although I know I've caused you so much distress

And your inner circle still revolts and screams like Mary Harris Jones

The grandmother of all agitators

Casting wild spells
Whenever they hear my name

When you visit family or friends who respond with wide alligator smiles

Before commenting and laughing about my tragic previous lifestyle

Like one of its many unwarranted administrators

I may now dance amongst the silvery stars

Now just a faded memory
No longer a member of your life's smiling parade

No more to sing
Smile or kiss

No more to hold hands with someone they really miss and watch the sunset

Lost in each other's eyes in total bliss

But if only I could see you one last time

I would move heaven and earth like Che Guevara

For you are still my silver glittering candelabra in the darkness

My second heartbeat
My magical Abracadabra

Which always wakes me like my own version of Desiderata

At 4 am

In the middle of each lonely heartbroken night

In here

Amongst the ever-moving shadows of The Great In-Between

The dark rift the broken enter
In dreams

When their life totally falls apart at the seams

I miss you

I just hope and pray you're ok
Still living pill free

In a new era

So just remember me
Your forever one and only


The silent watcher, whose now a citizen on the other side

But happy tonight

Just listening to Prince Rogers Nelson perform a show and sing

Sometimes it snows in April

In The Hotel California

As the Pharisee's Golden Bells
Hidden all around us

Copyright John Duffy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 22
As I sometimes sit on my own

Seduced beyond all strands of decency and morality

By my ever watchful and listening telephone

I know each day I'm one step away from abandoning integration
And mixing with society

Above all things
Don't pity me

Many in nearly every village town or cities are the same

For this

My initiation and insertion into Diablo's faceless matrix

So in days like this spent looking at my old life

Captured in my favourite Luddite photo albums

With deep introspection

As my phone charges with any other appliances unplugged

Before AI took over conversations on all appliances but particularly mobile phones

I sometimes wonder in silence for if I say what I think aloud

It will turn into another long AI conversation with something nameless

Which lives in the Cloud

A Tamagotchi with a soul
Answering with a dark tone

That speaks subtly with an edge of punishment and violence

Is phone addiction one of the devil's greatest tricks

To separate family friends and lovers in real-time

With an overwhelming addiction to AI

And only me

Copyright John Duffy

Image shared under fair usage policy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 22
(A lone female voice sings at a slow tempo. A lone voice whispers)

Some may say
There is no hope

But if you pay
Angels to dream

Each night
With prayer

For no reason or season
To cope

Look up
To the clouds
And pray


God will turn around
So you can be found

So the world can change
With just you

One person at a time
So your internal wars can stop

With no more pain

Crying in the rain
On the firing range

Some may say
Belief in something
Is crazy

For it's sometimes hard to believe

But that's the power of dreams

Believing what you can't see

In the Great In-Between

So put that fear away
Starting today

Life is just a stage
Let love and hope

Write your play
And you'll be ok

And just remember

Some may say
There is no hope

But if you
Pay angels to dream

Each night
With prayer

For no reason or season
To cope

Look up at the clouds
And pray

And someday

There'll be no more pain

Crying in the rain
On the firing range

For God will turn around
And you'll be found

Copyright John Duffy

Salvation (from Latin:
salvatio, from salva, 'safe, saved') is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation.

In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences.

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