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Jan 19 · 40
owls at dawn Jan 19
energy from the milky way central galaxy comes spiraling down into
my head, swirls around a bit, feeling right at home, barrels into
my throat, busting that dark tunnel open without care, and
shoots straight into my heart. it somersaults in a void of
infinite love for a short while, before smashing
into the column of my lower body, sending
tendrils of light off into more tunnels
and caves, some dark, some light
trying any way possible to
squeeze through the
traumas and pains
and fears, like
of stone
in a
it slips

at last
it enters the earth through my feet
continuing its journey through the underground
network of soils, organisms, rivers, fires and stone, until it
swoons lovingly into the crystalline heart of Gaia, distant lover of stars

oh man, it says, what a trip!
Jan 18 · 35
should've dated it
owls at dawn Jan 18
I came across an old notebook today
an old poem
beautiful, lyrical words of heartbreak and love
did I write this gem?
I still surprise myself

most surprising,
these passionate sentiments of longing...
I had no idea who they were about
#fickle #lover
Jan 17 · 46
owls at dawn Jan 17
we get ***** in life
energy *****
take an energy shower
under an energy waterfall
scrub good
inside and out
don't be
an energy dirt bag
#pigpen #haha
Jan 17 · 137
owls at dawn Jan 17
it's a never ending revelation
the secret to my happiness,
taking responsibility for myself

my self, my energy, my needs, my healing
my past, my future, my now... all my nows

process my pain and fear
over and over
and over again
till it's dusty feathers and I fly away

fly to a happy perch
become a new chick, a wise old bird
wild thing, ascetic
music maker, see-er, feel-er
bit by bit
I'm becoming
Jan 17 · 44
chance glance
owls at dawn Jan 17
I saw the perfect **** today
but I wasn't looking at butts, per se!
I raised my head from the work I was engaged
and there it was
in my face, as though staged

it was shaped like my heart
(which stopped a few seconds)
where upon I looked quickly away
before my feet they were beckoned

my mind and spirit were brightened
a few lumens
as I moved on, thinking, how beautiful
are humans
#lumens #haha
Jan 16 · 50
owls at dawn Jan 16
the panther met my gaze with large yellow orbs
he entreated me follow him into the dark forest
we came upon a crackling fire
as I watched the sparks snapping up into the night
he transformed into a man
a love in my heart from lifetimes ago
we danced around the fire traveling deeper into the below, until owl came
and bade me join her in the sky
she brought me to the desert where pyramids towered in the hot dry sun
go below, she said, into the ground
there you will be reborn

silence followed

I traveled back then
to the stream where I started
and rejoined the middle world
Jan 11 · 174
simple pleasures
owls at dawn Jan 11
I can think of plenty of reasons to love this life
but if I couldn't

sunsets would be enough
Jan 11 · 72
owls at dawn Jan 11
hey, you're kind of cute
and I like your style

but are you staying in this timeline?
cause I was thinking of switching
owls at dawn Jan 9
I couldn't be what she wanted
she never forgave me
I forgive myself though
she didn't need me
she needed her
Jan 9 · 134
owls at dawn Jan 9
what are they hiding from?
the monster lives in there
I stare at the little pyramid
wondering if Teddy is eating the crickets
hiding from him
in there
Jan 7 · 113
owls at dawn Jan 7
the wind terrified
howling vague forces slamming chaos
what would become of the world?
shaking, he braced himself against her
eyes alert, ready to attack
she stroked his head gently, cooing comfort
wrapped around him like a blanket
he calmed slightly, after a while
shakes subsiding into the pillows
tail uncurling from between his legs
still pressed hard against her
his emotional support human
Jan 6 · 216
human perspectives
owls at dawn Jan 6
one billion years from now
we will still be right in the
of infinity

I think about this when someone talks about how special we are
Jan 5 · 88
owls at dawn Jan 5
my poems are just bookmarks
a few words here or there
to mark the passing of a thought
RIP thought
this poem was your gravestone
Jan 4 · 179
owls at dawn Jan 4
the man in me
forgives the man in you

the girl
still struggles
Jan 4 · 99
accidental witch
owls at dawn Jan 4
she projected so accurately her heart's desire onto him
endlessly entranced by the perfection he represented

she wonders, now
shaken well and free of her glamour
what might he actually have been like
Jan 1 · 63
kundalini dreams
owls at dawn Jan 1
the enormous snake moved slowly and steadily across the landscape
metallic and smooth, a silver train
holding possibilities like passengers
unconcerned with it's destination
it had no beginning or end, like most mythical snakes
all is well, was the message to my mind
you are on track
owls at dawn Dec 2024
the only wishes that come true
are those ladled from the heart of God
Dec 2024 · 117
owls at dawn Dec 2024
there was a beautiful woman who loved him once
but he could not look her in the eye

after a long time staring at the ground
he got up the nerve to say

Dec 2024 · 551
owls at dawn Dec 2024
most of my steps forward
feel like steps back

fate won't let you cast away your burdens until you bathe in them fully

— The End —