I’m 22, still drifting,
Not lost, but searching,
I don’t want hands to hold right now,
I want to grasp the sky.
Why can’t I just be me?
They say love is the answer,
But I have no questions for it.
Not now, not today.
I want freedom that tastes like gold,
Not promises I can’t breathe in.
Someday, maybe,
I’ll find someone,
When the sun isn’t setting too soon,
When my heart is calm, not craving.
But not today.
Today, I want the world to see me,
Unfiltered, unclaimed, untethered.
I have time, but I don’t feel it,
I have dreams, but they stay just out of reach.
I want a life I can’t yet touch,
A life not built on someone else’s heartbeat,
But the sound of my own,
Running wild.
Someday, maybe,
But not today.
Today, I choose to be enough,
For myself, for my dreams, for the world.
I’ll find someone,
But first, I need to find me.