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241 · Aug 29
The Restless Heart
She glances at her beloved from afar, 
Careful not to lock eyes with him, 
Fearing that if she meets his gaze, she might lose herself forever. 
O wandering soul, steady that pounding heart within, 
Once, she was enraptured by a foreign light, 
One that drew her soul from its hidden retreat, 
Now she is caught in turmoil, 
His look, his voice, 
Sets her heart fluttering, 
Leaving her mind tangled in confusion. 
She pens verses about him all day, 
Yet, in his presence, she remains utterly speechless, unable to utter a single coherent word. 
He remains unaware of the effect he has on her, 
So before each encounter, the girl whispers to herself, 
O restless heart, please find your calm.

— The End —