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You came into my world
And opened up my heart
Many tears and time for reflection
Stopped me from falling apart
My heart was cleansed of shadows
You lit up emotions that for years were hid
Made me meet hearts,that now are new friends
Yours is top of my list
How does he know my feelings
When i’ve told him nothing at all
Never said my secrets
Protected them , knows nothing about them at all.
He cannot read minds , doesn’t have a crystal ball
Yet it does make me wonder
When he smiles and looks into my eyes
Do hearts talk after all ?
All my trials Lord
soon will be

Red rover

come over

Do you wanna


It's a long song,

Day O

Trial me O Lord
With Your


Sans punishment
Sans forgiveness

Secular seculorem


Caroline Shank

I love a sunburnt country,
but now the land's ablaze.
the oxygen we breathe has turned to dust
yet our request for help is denied.
I love a sunburnt country,
but there's not much left to last.

Firefighters aren't getting paid,
Neither are their bills.
yet our leader claims we're all fine
but he can afford to jet away.

The wildlife is damaged.
Koalas are losing homes.
much like the population
as the fires rip through their walls.

I love my sunburnt country,
but this has gone on too long.
while it's nice you're in hawaii Mr. Morrison,
everyone else is left to stand alone..
When the night sky expands in front of you until the stars are out of reach,

And the weight of the darkness holds you still…

You’re trapped looking at the beauty you are aching to touch,

But Knowing you never will.
Your kindness feels illicit
Like an intimate brush of fingertips
Your smile touches my soul
Like a kiss to the corner of my mouth
Your presence heats my dreams
Like a moment stolen in the darkness
And your praise lays me bare
So there is nothing and everything between us
I etch my sorrows in broken bottles,
Remembering the name of every glass,
So that when I return here,
I know which one will get me drunkest fast.
Acceptance is sweet,
But takes time
And is hard to achieve.
It cannot be worked on like a muscle;
Quantity is not the answer,
Time is.
Acceptance comes like a timid mouse,
Rather than like a herd of elephants.
Walk the journey,
Traverse the landscape,
Feel the sensations of emotions.
Be present.
Grief is a vital ingredient.
Embrace it with both hands, and
A warm heart.
It’s time for winter to thaw, and
Spring to have its way.
Feel the joy of new life,
Harness its power;
Acceptance is a force to be reckoned with.
 Sep 11 Jimmy silker
THis one was a good one.
You should have heard it.
THe circle got me...
NOTE - yup - I'll think of it again....
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