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But I love it so much
Cause I’m into the scene
And meeting people like me
Yet they’re not because why would two people be so alike
There are those who understand though
And you think they could be
Yet by the end of the night I’m dying internally
Social anxiety
And how I only like it when I’m high.

The moon is 99.4% full
Hurricane Idalia is blowing in
I am high and it’s the beginning of sunrise
I like these moments, the in betweens
My thoughts and I can breathe
I understand me
Stoner ****.
  Feb 26 Jimmy silker
Michael John

when you purloin a gold toilet
(that  passes for art)
and break a lump off
for a night on the town-
it is the perfect crime!-
and the absolute pinnacle of
good taste..


lily says she would like
a bit of that-i do not like gold

though once i stood as a child
before the mask of tutenkhamun
and made a wish..
  Feb 26 Jimmy silker
Michael John
down under
they dig gold from the
ground and put beer in
their belly

thay don´t care about
the flies or if they are
smelly or the telly..

they have a dream!
a golden seam
as long as your arm,mate..
and no dingo

mechanical doo-daa
bureaucratic laws
will stop them..
  Feb 26 Jimmy silker
Mark Bell
Did not swim
Did not run
Didn’t dance
Had no fun.
Never knew
My father
Neither my mum,
Nor experience
The rays of the sun.
Did not know love
Did not know like
Didn’t even get
to ride a bike,
I wasn’t for this
Revolving earth
I was a new born
Died at birth.
Jimmy silker Feb 26
Just watched a ***** in which
A young lady has *** to *** relations
With several young enthusiastic gentlemen
In the back of a 1930's vintage roadster
It was called "******,****** *******."
Jimmy silker Feb 26
It's the start of pidgeon mating season
And the boys are getting cocky
Circling each other like
That big Drago and Rocky
I hear them flap and peck
In the ring of green beneath my window
They look so clean and preened
As Into battle
They go
Both stand side on
One facing north
The other south
And flick precision left wings
And eyes
And mouth
The two I'm watching now
Have near indentical
Neck plumage
I think they might be brothers
The old old story
Fraternal doomage
If these are Christian birds
To the death
They'll fight in front of me
Then follow the command
Layed down in Deuteronomy.
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