It's me.. again..
Do you recognize me?
Do you see me at all?
No, I know you don't.
I saw you again today
Not actually though
Yet you were the most you you've been in a while.
I saw you in my mind
Gosh you looked at me like..
I saw you last Friday
The real you this time,
But not you you
You haven't been you you in a while.
But that's alright
Cuz I haven't been me me in a while
Honestly, I'm really strug-
I'm sorry, I'm rambling
I'll stop, I'll be less annoying
I promise, just please don't leave..
oh wait, right.
Okay, okay, I'll wrap it up
I know I should stop this
I need to move on, I just can't.
Umm, oh right, I remember now
I just wanted to hear your voice, it's why I'm here again
Stupid, right?
Yeah, I know, stupid of me to still love you.
You're probably thinking "who is this random girl?"
It's me.. I think..
Do you recognize me?
Do you see me at all?
Because I don't anymore.
Literal rambling, apologizes
Also, to them (you know who you are) :
I literally loved you so much, ***** you.
happy yet?