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True experiences that make a huge impact on your life.
Rather you would like to erase this memory completely.
Always haunting you in the back of your mind.
Underneath all this, the pain, you slowly pick up the pieces to try to
   start your life again.
Memory slowly, slowly fades/fazes in time taking it all day by day,
   until the feelings become numbed.
Another soul and life, not ever the same.

© By HF-Whisper

Mahjong -Japanese Riichi -Meet up- evenings.
An Asian poker tile game.
Hosts are there to help you, if you're a beginner to lean all the rules of
   the game.
Join and become addicted to this challenging mind, quick rounds, yet
Open for all players-younger or older-of any age.
Need to play it regularly-trust me with this.
Give yourself time to learn it and enjoy it.

© By HF-Whisper

Tomorrow will be a new day,
A day you can start again,
Or continue as you are,
A process of improvement with yourself,

Tomorrow will always give you another opportunity:
To live
To grow
To learn
To achieve,

To smile
To experience
To give
To accept,

To feel pain
To feel hurt
To feel sadness
To be strong,

To listen
To watch
To be kind
To bring joy to others.

To smile again
To love
To feel love again
To be loved,

Tomorrow will arrive again,
For you to get one step closer;
To your goals,
To your vision/direction,
To your dreams.

Tomorrow is your future,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Tomorrow is a surprise,
Tomorrow is………….

Good night my friends,
Let’s dream of what tomorrow will bring for us.

© By HF-Whisper
#-Let’s dream of a better tomorrow.

Where are you right now?
Are you alright?
Are you happy?
Are you sad?
Are you alright?

Where are you right now?
What have you been up to?
Why are you happy?
Why are you sad?
Will you be alright?

Where are you right now?
How are you?
How is your day going?
How do you feel?
Hope you will be alright?

Where are you right now?
Is it a good day for you?
Is it a busy day for you?
Is the weather nice for you there?
Is everything going to be alright for you?

Where are you right now?
What will you do today?
Where will you go today?
Who will you see/catch up with today?
Will everything be alright for you today?

Where are you right now?
Let me know if you are alright?
So, I can smile and know,
That you are okay in your day.

© By HF-Whisper

Smile my dear friend.
May you smile
                         -and be happy
I love it when I see you smile.
Love, Life and Laugh.
Every time you smile
            -it brings someone else some happiness.

© By HF-Whisper
21/4/2020 10:59PM

Give yourself time to heal,
                                     -it takes time.
Remembering all the memories you shared together,
                     -with that loved one
                                     -locking them away somewhere special
                             -give it time.
In a state of disbelief-shock-that it has happened
                     -give this time.
Each day it slowly becomes easier numbed/faded
                     -give it time.
Various stages to this process,
                    -give it time.
Isolation and loneliness can enter
                    -give it time
                    -give it time.
Never to see that loved one again,
                    -always there with you in your heart
                            -it takes time.
Gone-but not forgotten,
                                    -Your heart will continue to heel.
                    -give this time.

© By HF-Whisper
21/4/2020 16:42PM

Doing everything else but that one thing you should.
It is easy to avoid.
Still procrastinating…
To get it done.
Remind yourself why you want to do it, in the first place.
And do it in small tasks, sections, stages.
Change is hard at times but doing this can open to new possibilities/something new.
Time for you to let go.
It isn’t easy, I know.
Out with the ‘Old’ and in with the ‘New.’
Now is better than never.

© By HF-Whisper
Spells out: Distraction
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