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Aim, release, fire.
Reset, reset, reset.
Calmness & control your breathing
Heeling for your heart. As,
Each arrow hits the target.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
You can become to love this sport-and be very addicted to it.

© By HF-Whisper
20/4/2020 16:33PM
Spells out: Archery

Many Memories - of Us
I hope -that You are okay.
Smiling -when I think -of You.
Sad-that you are not here, with Me now.
Imagining-what we would do together -next time we meet again.
No one -but you- comes to mind.
Giving you all my love.

You are very special -to Me.
Only You.
Until we meet again-know that you are -very loved.

© By HF-Whisper
20/4/2020 1:45PM
Spells out: Missing You

Another beautiful soul taken,
                                 -away from us too early
Now you will no longer be suffering in pain,
                                 - RIP your precious soul.
Guarding us always,
        -from Heaven above.
Everyone will miss you,
                                - always.
Living in our minds & hearts
        -with us forever.
Stay strong,
                                -only in time
                                -things will slowly/gradually
                                -become easier
                                -for us all again.

© By HF Whisper

One minute.
Nobody can tell you just what can happen,
       in just that-
                                                One minute.
Everything can stay the same, or change…
        Just like that,
      in just that-
                                                   One minute.

Memory has been created
       in just that-
                                                One minute.
Imagining a new
  in just that-
                                                One minute.

Never give up hope,
         because you will be given
                                another -
                                                One minute

          to improve,
          or make that change
   in just that-
                                                One minute.

Until that
                One minute,
    has passed/passes,

   We don’t realize the significance of-
                   in just that-
                                                One minute.
         just like that,
                               another -
                                                One minute
        comes to us,
        as another opportunity,
        for another chance,
                    in just that-
                                                One minute.

Each minute is a crucial part of time
       in your journey in life,
       so, treasure and value,
       all these minutes,
       that comes to you.
       Some will be the same,
       and some will change you,
       giving you a new feeling,
       new opportunity,
       new direction,
       new purpose,
       new experiences,
      and new memories.

Treasure all that comes to you.
      Life is short and you only live once,
      it could be,
             in just that-
   One Minute.

              -Make that
                                 One Minute,
                                          Count as best as,
                                                                ­    you can.

© By HF-Whisper
Read letters vertically

Love you
Only you
Very much
Everyone knows

© By HF-Whisper
Read letters vertically

Stay strong.
Tougher than you think you are.
Rest more to build up your strength.
Over time these feelings will fade/pass.
Now, it will seem tough.
Give time, to heel and grow.
Every day, is a new day.
Remember, that it does get/become easier, and you won’t look back.

© By HF-Whisper
Read letters vertically

Love you
Only you
Very much
Everyone does

© HF-Whisper
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