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 Feb 2021 Wendy
Akta Agarwal
Whenever I need someone in my life
Whenever I longed for someone in my life
Then always I see your cute face
There is some magic I feel
With your smiling grace
Baby you stole my heart in love
You stole me for a lifetime to come
Just want to tell you that you are
the best thing ever happened in my life
You are the best that I have find
If I get another life
Then would want to spend it with you along
Your love is like that song
For which I crave for more
I love you so much my dear
Baby I love you more
I love you even more
Then you truly think I do!
Faint light filters through the curtain lace
On a dusky cold winter morn
As steamy cups of coffee sit upon the beech wood tray
We sit there in silence
Lots to talk about but nothing to say
The coffee grows cold
With polite smiles frozen on our faces
Talk about the weather
Talk about the children
Talk about Sunday mass
Talk about everything else but us...
 Feb 2021 Wendy
The greif comes and it goes,
but the slow burn remains.
It's ignited in my grandmother's tears,
when she yells out her brother's name.
How she wishes back the years,
for a time when they were young,
and life had not yet sung its final song.

— The End —